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6 Months Ago Today... I Quit

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posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 06:20 PM
Aside from vaping, what do you guys do to fall asleep? I end up staying up for hours, waiting. I have found that "drifting off" is easier while listening to music or even watching TV, which I would not recommend any other time.

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 09:48 PM
inspiring story Op. i identify with you as i sit here vaping a beautiful australian cherry cigar juice on my provari.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I started with the SmokTech Mini that I got from Mt Baker Vapor, which I don't see on their site anymore. A coworker has the Innokin setup and it hits pretty nice. I just like my mini because it's small enough to go in my front pants pocket without aggravating me. They also have an ungodly amount of flavors to choose from. You just have to be careful when ordering juice as several of them will crack plastic E-juice tanks. The site is pretty good about putting warnings on the ones known to crack tanks. Good luck to you if you give it a shot. I smoked for 26 years and haven't had a real cigarette in almost a year. Jan.1st 2014 will be one year cig free! The amount of money you save is astounding! I spend an average of $20 a month on juice and atomizers, instead of almost $150 a month on cigs.

Also, when ordering your tips or tanks you want to look for atomizers instead of cartomizers. I found I go through more juice with the cartomizers for some reason.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 12:15 AM


STAY AWAY FROM GAS STATION E-CIGS, THEY ALL SUCK AND MOST ARE OWNED BY BIG TOBACCO. Notably BLU brand, which deserves its own thread IMO. Look it up.

You're not kidding there! Not just BLU.. 21st Century absolutely sucks! Batteries burn out in days and half the cartridges dont work or are flat out dry. FIN isn't bad..batteries are ok but they have the same cartridge issue as 21st.

Mount Baker Vapor is like the best online vendor for vaping... Their liquid/juice is the cheapest price you will find, and its very tasty, and hundreds, yes HUNDREDS of flavors to pick from... and they make it custom to your liking... I have tried over 75 flavors from there.

I know this sounds like an ad for them, but they are just that awesome!

Awwwww...You beat me to it. I Love MT Baker Vapor. Only place I get my juice.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 12:51 AM
I have to pop back in for another "I love Mt. Baker" too. Just in case those looking to quit don't know where to go. Mt. Baker has the best prices. They are cheap enough that you don't feel like you are going broke trying to find your favorite "ADV" right after giving up cigarettes. It might take a while and a few tries to find one you love, and at the prices they offer... you can do it easier.

I have tried juice from various other vendors. Some have been better, some have been worse but Mt. Baker is my go to vendor.

I guess I am on the bandwagon too.

My every day vape is their Lemonade. I keep Blood Orange, Raspberry Lemonade, Tangerine, Razzle Dazzle, Green Apple, and Light Speed on hand at all times as well.

And as another poster above said... these all seem to be tank crackers. The citrus eats the plastic in a matter of minutes to hours. I recently tried the mini Davide glassomizer and am very pleased with it. I can put anything in it and not have to worry about it cracking.
edit on 11/18/2013 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:51 AM
Very well done! I quit myself 3 months ago this very week!

Was a smoker for 24 years and didn't think I could do it.. Best thing I've ever done

Bought a cheap E-cig and then upgraded to a Vivi Nova Tank with a long silver voltage adjustable battery.. Haven't had a cigarette since (I used to roll my own) It's superb.. Lots of my friends have also given up too.

The difference is unbelieavble.. My sense of smell and taste have returned and vaping doesn't do me any harm (as yet!).

I'm sure the government is trying to warn people of the effects as they're surely losing money on tax

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

I didn't smoke for about 3 years and was running 200kms a month OMG !! but then my best friend died and the week that she died, I started smoking again.

weird but true.

I think I might have been angry..cos she was only 35 when she died and I then was really angry and felt [I]what's the bloody point[/I] to anything?

Then 2 years after that, a friend of mine was taken out on his motorbike. He died of a broken neck and his g/f survived but was really injured and he never smoked.
I dunno, think it may be the whole grief thing... some People die and they never smoked.

oh gee, perhaps this is off topic?

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 12:28 PM
Congrats on your triumphs all of you!!!

I tried vaping back in 08-09 when the kits came outta china and it took months to get here due to customs confiscating them. It was such a huge hassle to use those first kits that i went back to smoking, it was easier. Im now at 510 days of smoke free health due to vaping after smoking for 28yrs. 2yrs ago i looked back into it thinking, technology has gotten to have upgraded since then. And OMG has it. I also got my mom into vaping who had smoked for 50+yrs.

I started with the ego twists batteries and vivi nova tanks. They flooded, leaked, gurgled but i refused to give up. I moved onto Protanks, which was a godsend, then upgraded the battery system to the Vamo. What a freakin difference!!! Fasttech, a chinese company, sells all kinds of the kits cheap. Do your research and find your happy place. Look for a local brick and mortar store to try out juices and see the kits(Vape shops are popping up everywhere!!) . Then save yourself some money and shop online. Yes you may have to fiddle with your stuff every now and then but hey, its better than carting an oxygen tank around or dealing with chemo, right?

With vaping, as in cars and anything else where there is a bevy of choices, find what works for you. Everyone will have their preference and will think its the end all be all of vaping.

There have been some great suggestions on here for sites to visit. The one thing ill suggest is have backups for your backups!!!

Not sure if this is allowed but check out E-Cigarette-Forum Its a wealth of information.

Heres a pic of my setup. Welcome to the vaping world.

edit on 18-11-2013 by S1LV3R4D0 because: Replaced pic of old kit with new kit

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:51 PM

reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

I didn't smoke for about 3 years and was running 200kms a month OMG !! but then my best friend died and the week that she died, I started smoking again.

weird but true.

I think I might have been angry..cos she was only 35 when she died and I then was really angry and felt [I]what's the bloody point[/I] to anything?

Then 2 years after that, a friend of mine was taken out on his motorbike. He died of a broken neck and his g/f survived but was really injured and he never smoked.
I dunno, think it may be the whole grief thing... some People die and they never smoked.

oh gee, perhaps this is off topic?

Not too off topic and I can understand it completely. I am sorry for your losses.

Not long after I quit (about 2 weeks in) my dad had a stroke. About a month later he had another heart attack where they had to life flight him to another hospital. That drive was the longest and I wanted a cigarette so bad I can't even tell you. Stress is one of the major things that gets all non smokers to start back. Every time I feel a little stress coming on my body automatically screams for a cigarette. I am assuming that it will always be that way since that is the way I always relieved a lot of it.

The only thing that made me stick to it, is that he is a life long smoker as well and he was/is proud of me. I didn't want him to think he caused me to go back to it even if it was something he couldn't help.

It is true that we all die of something. I just want mine to be as painless as possible (lung cancer). At the rate my lungs were deteriorating I would not have been in good shape at 45. That is too soon for me.

Very well done! I quit myself 3 months ago this very week!

Was a smoker for 24 years and didn't think I could do it.. Best thing I've ever done

Bought a cheap E-cig and then upgraded to a Vivi Nova Tank with a long silver voltage adjustable battery.. Haven't had a cigarette since (I used to roll my own) It's superb.. Lots of my friends have also given up too.

The difference is unbelieavble.. My sense of smell and taste have returned and vaping doesn't do me any harm (as yet!).

I'm sure the government is trying to warn people of the effects as they're surely losing money on tax

Congrats to you too! The differences are unreal. I can smell everything! Sometimes it's not that good...
And I think you are correct. About the taxes that is. Vaping is growing at such an extraordinary rate that I think they want to get their foot in the door like they seem to do with everything else.

Can't let a good opportunity go to waste!
edit on 11/18/2013 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Good for you, & for everyone else who has quit, or is currently fighting the "good fight"! Quitting smoking is one of those rare decisions in this life where it's hard to see how it could be a wrong one.

I quit smoking after 42 years of puffing away, during which time my habit expanded to 2 packs per day when I wasn't paying attention. Now for the best part: I quit back in the 1st week of October of 2006, & I haven't had anything to do with the nasty things since then. My way was to use the patch, without which I probably wouldn't have made it, judging by the horrendous withdrawal I went through when attempting cold turkey.

Your resolve-bolstering tactic of telling people here about your quitting brought a smile to my face; I did something similar at work, telling anyone who would listen that I was quitting, & was going to make it stick. There were a lot of people in my department, & the ribbing I would get if I started smoking again would have been embarrassing to the max.

Also, like you, I had a health issue come up that was aggravated by my smoking. The circulation to my feet was becoming so poor that my ankles would swell, my skin became discolored, & my feet would tingle & "burn" for much of the day. As the condition began to clear up & go away within a week of my previous failed attempt to quit, I knew that it was directly related to me continuing to smoke.

This gave me my best motivational "tool", & I'd like to offer it to you, hoping you'll take it in the spirit in which I offer it: I knew that if I continued to smoke at that point, I would be proving to myself that I was a complete idiot, who might well end up being too stupid to continue living. Public opinion aside, I wasn't about to allow that to happen! That one thought seems to have made the crucial difference for me, & it got me through one of the hardest, if not the hardest, things I've ever done.

In the following years, the only issue remaining with my feet is that if I sit for too long at the PC, I need to get up & walk around a bit to relieve a slight tingling, as though my feet are about to "fall asleep". As this has never worsened, & as all the other problems went away soon after I quit, it looks like I've been spared the possibility of having to have a gangrenous foot or 2 amputated.

You're doing a good thing for yourself, please stay with it. It will get easier in time; the accomplishment, & the pride you'll gain from it, is something that no one will ever be able to take away from you. Well, no one, that is, except for yourself... and you really don't want to do that now, do you?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by S1LV3R4D0

I also order some of my stuff from fast tech... I hate the idea of buying china made stuff, but to be honest, almost all of the vaping equipment is made in china, regardless whether you buy it directly from them, or from a local/online retailer who upcharges 3x more.

I love the iclear 16 tanks, 2.65 a piece from china!! or 9 bucks a piece at my local store, who gets them from fast tech anyways... and the replacement heads are real cheap, ive gotten them for evods and the iclear 16...

I have only ordered tanks/replacement heads from fast tech, and usually takes about 2 week shipping time, but where else can you get 10 dual coil tanks for 27 bucks? 10 is probably more than most people need for a year... but I love my flavors! lol

I make a habit of rinsing all of my tanks/replacement heads with hot water, then dry burning the wicks to test them out, and burn the water out... have found a few which the coils had hot spots, or didnt work etc... always good to test your stuff before you put your juice in it. I also have found some that would not fire at all, but it was just weak connections, which I was able to fix by pulling the connection posts out.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

ive been cig free for two months now because of vaping, except for two or three days after a battery exploded in my pocket... that was scary plus i was driving.
but i picked up a new battery so im back to it. i figure a small burn on my thigh is nothing compaired to years of burning my fingers, and almost starting fires in my car from droping a smoke under the seat

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by morder1

Im such a creature of habit i only carry 2 tanks and one is a backup. Ive tried about 30 different flavors and only like 2. One of them was discontinued so one it is. lol.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by tinyDAWK

Please take care when carrying around batteries of any type but especially lithium ion batteries. They can and will do major damage to you and your surroundings if they are shorted like carrying them in your pocket and change/keys make a short across both poles. You got off lucky tiny. Others have been seriously hurt being nonchalant in their tranporting of batteries and one of them shorted and went into runaway voltage mode.

Just do an image search for ecig batteries caught fire, you will see what i mean.

A plastic battery carry case is $1.25. Your life is worth way more than that.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by S1LV3R4D0

i keep them in a case now that i learned my lesson... it didnt even feel like it was getting hot, then pop goes the weasel. i think i got lucky because it was a dead battery.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by tinyDAWK

Good call and ur very lucky. The fact that it was dead could very well have saved you serious injury!!

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