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iDoctor, Smart Phones and Depersonalized Living

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:53 PM
iDoctor - Smartphones and Medicine

The future is beginning to look more and more like Star Trek where smart phones and medicine meet and a diagnosis can be made virtually.

Meet the revolutionary idea of a new wave in medicine called iDoctor. I know that 'they' want us to think that this is and will be one step towards a revolutionary way of treating patients but the truth is this is nothing compared to the technology that is guarded from the world at large. Even still I thought this was an interesting development that I think is only the beginning of what is yet to come.

This is simply the first wave of depersonalized care ultimately leading to what has become our very depersonalized lives. Cutting edge technology, iphones, wifi, nano technology, radio waves, haarp and the technologies that seem to be making life easier is very much the reverse in the end. Technology ultimately is used to 'control' the masses and subdue us under the guise of leading us into a higher quality of life.

But is it? I'm sure it has its positive aspects but what iDoctor is issuing in by virtue of being the first of its kind is the question in this big brother world of ours - this world of the beast. Knowledge is indeed being increased with the development of technology but has it created a better world for us?

A biblical perspective about the times we live in and the purpose of our technology.
edit on 25-10-2013 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:47 AM

This is simply the first wave of depersonalized care ultimately leading to what has become our very depersonalized lives. Cutting edge technology, iphones, wifi, nano technology, radio waves, haarp and the technologies that seem to be making life easier is very much the reverse in the end. Technology ultimately is used to 'control' the masses and subdue us under the guise of leading us into a higher quality of life.
Topol is certainly trying to sell the idea as more personalized care, the opposite of depersonalized, but I could see the technology leading to less office visits, which may seem depersonalized to some but I'm really in favor of much of what he says. He mentions the 350 billion dollars a year drug industry and that 1/3 of that is waste where medications are given that are not helpful and in some cases even harmful due to side effects. I think he's right about that, so if these devices can help avoid billions of dollars a year in waste, I think it's great.

Thankfully I never need doctors or medicine in general unless I break or injure something which is pretty rare, but if I ever do need medical help I'd certainly try this technology as it looks helpful, more personalized and lower cost. If it helps keep me out of the doctors office, I have no complaints about that, and they claim it can reduce office visits.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

True insight Arbitrageur. I think it has plenty of positive aspects to it but I do believe that it may be used to launch other 'technologies' in the near future that may be used ultimately against us. Technology has a way of doing that.

There is no doubt as you say that this has plenty of advantages. We often lack insight to know what the consequences are and by that time it has given birth to a number of different forms to make us that much more dependent on a world that is anything but human.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Egyptia

I personally believe that the vast majority of minor ailments are caused by stress and various other factors. Whilst we may be increasing life expectancy and all the rest, there hasn't really been a 'stand in' for good old fashioned health advice and care.

Work places seem less and less inclined to care about their employees or believe to do so would be some invasion of privacy. There isn't enough focus on just caring about fellow people or keeping an eye out any more I think. Everyone is too worried about getting in trouble or something? That little bit of care could make all the difference too.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:29 AM
but will it decrease the prescriptions or will it be easier to get them,no need for a consultation just prescribe drugs over the phone as such

edit on 25-10-2013 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)


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