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The Firing of Eight Top Military Officers ...

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 01:25 PM

hello bruce care to tell us about your case you didn't catch that it was seems there is conspiracy here.....even the military whom have clearly earned their stripes are being ousted .....for what?....not following orders from a commander and chief whom is clearly out of control ? or should I say controlled perfectly by those whom pull the strings....


I know of a very bright rising star from the Air Force Academy . . . his parents were evidently convinced he was slated for a high ranking life in the Air Force.

I felt that before too long, he'd realize who was controlling things . . . and as an authentic Christian . . . leave or resign himself to a role as some sort of internal 'agent of God' in the machine.

He's getting out. I think his parents were shocked.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:18 PM
I was in the midst of making a thread on this yesterday but someone else made one so I added some of what I had already. I'm glad someone else made a thread focusing on the resignations, specifically.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 07:54 PM
And who replaced them?

Why are they cleaning house now???

I think we should take a page from their playbook.

Let's play follow the leader; all the way off the hill, and out of the District of Columbia.

Vote every one of them out.

edit on 14-10-2013 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Tazkven

It's so strange for those of us that lived through Watergate, that seemed so horrible but looking back it was such a trivial thing that it now seems comical!
I saw a lot of "IMPEACH BUSH" bumper stickers when he was President, why not a big push to get this worthless "leader" of the United States out of office?

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:33 PM
You people do know that many generals and admirals rertire every year right. Here is a nice list for 2007 and what they did after. 39 of them that year. And yes that is an average year.
edit on 14-10-2013 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:39 PM

You people do know that many generals and admirals rertire every year right. Here is a nice list for 2007 and what they did after. 39 of them that year. And yes that is an average year.
edit on 14-10-2013 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

I think the point here, is these Generals didn't retire.... THEY WERE RETIRED!
Big difference!

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:45 PM

Is it possible they were removed from their "official" capacities so they can be assigned to a black ops mission?

Lots of us seem to want to believe that our military would never carry out orders to fire on US citizens, but don't guys like these owe their careers to being good at following orders? Just a thought.

If that's not the case, and they were truly ousted due to unwillingness to follow orders to fire on their countrymen (as some of you have posited), then these guys would be an invaluable asset to a resistance movement, if the need ever arose, wouldn't they?

For the record, I have no experience in the military, so these are just my personal thoughts as an armchair strategist.

A good point; How valuable an asset to a resistance would a
man be if he was commanding his troops to hold fire from a
huge hardware and personnel advantage-- over a tactical
commander of a militia? I propose the prematurely ended career of a "disloyal" general officer would not change his idealogy, and the President wants his orders followed for
the sake of continuity.
This was about purging the ones that will disobey unlawful, immoral, or unconstitutional orders. And almost all of them from what I've been getting, especially Patreus enjoyed the loyalty of his men all the way to the non-coms. That army knew he was looking out for all of them... and the way things may be headed the WH wants 100% Pretorians all the way to the top.
edit on 14-10-2013 by derfreebie because: Chain of command solidified

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:52 PM

The Obama administration is clearing house of any brass that won't accept dictates from the White House -whether it's orders to fire on American citizens, institute martial law or attack Syria. They're also not fond of Christians and people who have any sense of ethical behavior.
It's truly sad to see what has happened to our top military leadership over the last 12 years. After 9/11 people like Gen Ralph Eberhardt and Gen. Richard Myers who were responsible for the failure of the NORAD air defenses were promoted while others more deserving were passed over for promotion.
Now with Obama anyone who does not follow him blindly is being sacked as we saw in the fallout over Benghazi. Surely some of these men had to be considering a coup to restore America to her Republican founding ideals so it's not surprising Obama would have them removed. They were a danger to the globalist agenda.

You have written a very broad statement, backed up by no sources at all, so for all of the uninformed, this is nothing more than one man's opinion. Yet based on all of the stars you have received, there are many that will buy anything well written. If you have proof of your claims, please provide your sources, or you are nothing more than fox news on steroids. This division needs to stop.
edit on 10/14/2013 by BubbaJoe because: I can't type

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 09:56 PM


You people do know that many generals and admirals rertire every year right. Here is a nice list for 2007 and what they did after. 39 of them that year. And yes that is an average year.
edit on 14-10-2013 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

I think the point here, is these Generals didn't retire.... THEY WERE RETIRED!
Big difference!

They are often retired. Once you hit a major command you have anywhere from year to three before your retired. I know for people not in the military this seems odd but it is SOP. How many of that 39 do you think were retired? About half.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 10:45 PM

Just like Hitler Cleared out the SA...too much of a threat to the SS.

Speaking of which, remember when Hitler was in his underground shelter and FINALLY realized the war was lost stated "Ich sollte alle meine Generäle erschossen haben wie Stalin!"
I'm rusty but translation "I should have shot all my generals like Stalin!"
Makes you think!

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:34 AM

The Obama administration is clearing house of any brass that won't accept dictates from the White House -whether it's orders to fire on American citizens, institute martial law or attack Syria. They're also not fond of Christians and people who have any sense of ethical behavior.

These guys will make great leaders for the impending doom that is headed our way...

No problem...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:39 PM
Obama is sounding more and more like the life of Adolf Hitler as time passes.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Really? Just because Obama was born in the US makes his detractors categorically wrong?

It's very hard to believe that any free thinking person would still defend Obama's arrogance and incompetence....all the scandals and drone murders, not to mention the Obamacare fiasco....But we all know folks who were paid by unions to "occupy wall street."

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 07:44 PM
Already being discussed here:

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 08:09 PM


And still we have folks on ATS who appear to literally worship the Narcissist-in-Chief; The Destroyer-in-Chief; The Pathological-Liar-In-Chief; The Teleprompter-in-Chief and somehow label all that horrific stuff as inconsequential. It boggles the mind.

I'll be honest and you have a free card to rip me apart for it ...

I have been trying to support our president, trying to focus on the good that could come from things he has done, some things of course no good will ever come from but I am not going to condemn someone for making mistakes or for making the same mistakes other Presidents have got free passes for. I am also not going to change the way I think because of someone who hates the "other" party and finds fault in everything that party does, when their "party" does the exact same thing and they do not bat an eye.

Having said that, I will say I find what I put in the OP very disturbing and can find no fault in what AskTheAnimals said, this should be a major eye opener for anyone who claims to be an American, in my opinion.

Ok, I, too will be honest and will gladly give you a free pass to rip me apart for my views.

I have also been trying to find something good about our president in the 6 years he has been in office. I try to do that with anyone who is an elected official. I like to see the good in people, and I am capable of understanding that even good people can make mistakes. I also try to refrain from making judgment calls, as I know all too well, that I make mistakes. I am a human being.

However, I am finding out that this man is a treasonous SOB, and once I made that discovery, I no longer view him as my President. That is quite a dilemma for me, as I am sure you might agree to. Now, I am not renouncing my citizenship, which is entirely different, I am announcing that the man claiming to be President of the United States is a traitor.

He is arming our enemies in a time of war. He is neglecting our Ambassadors, and failing to come to their aid when our embassy was over run. He has done his damnedest to bankrupt our economy by use of overwhelming legislation and a refusal to pass a budget. He has used executive privilege to cover up a treasonous campaign of selling guns to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to destroy our 2nd Amendment rights. He has barricaded privately funded war memorials, barring our nation's veterans from entering. He has violated every single American's 4th amendment rights with his NSA spy program.

I have NEVER seen a President who has so vastly divided Americans, and pitted them against one another.

He is a disgrace to the Office of President, and he is a disgrace to this nation. He needs to be removed from office immediately, and if he is not willing, it needs to be done by FORCE.
edit on 15-10-2013 by GeisterFahrer because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-10-2013 by GeisterFahrer because: added content

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 03:16 AM
Good thread and interesting discussion. But just a little update some missed on the Minot discussion.... 3 more airmen were found dead this September 2013. No release as of yet what the cause of death was locally or officially. Just a little info for you all to digest and think about. Very strange the deaths have not been declared suicide or accident like the others.... I have to be careful what I say because I have family and friends in the military, Law Enforcement and a few involved with the government. And to be honest... did not like how this site identifies me by my IP when I signed up. I know a few things I shouldn't know and could have found a back door if I wanted to. But I believe in truth and transparency so I didn't. It's not like the powers that be could not find me... Every time a family member was offered a contract I was subjected to a full background check. I guess I passed and feel safe because I will Never Violate OPSEC like our Commander in Chief and the media did a while back. Or maybe I just don't give a # anymore and want to protect the people who protect our Country! I have been reading what people have to say on here for a while.... There are more than a few that are 5 ways of crazy, a few that are so anti government and despise law enforcement so much I cringe when I read such Stupid... More than a few that are so Anti-military and truly believe the men and women that made an oath to protect us will turn on them. I can assure you all... the Majority of our friends and family in the military or law Enforcement will not violate their oath they swore to protect. I have had personal discussions with these friends and family members about the subject.. a few that flew under the radar in Basic training will follow orders that violated the core values they swore to protect... You will have a few that will go off the grid to avoid being forced to do something that they don't want to do.... What you have left.... will be the people that were born with a Moral Compass... They will not follow an order that goes against every thing they were sworn to protect! They do not need a religion to keep them safe or save their soul.... They just do the right thing and work hard to make sure our country is safe and secure. And if you all have any questions.... I am not a member of the "Tea Party" but I agree with them in many ways. I am a (R) on paper... only because the party has some common sense on how to make things work for everyone. I am Not on Welfare, I Do support Pro-Choice and am Agnostic. I have a moral compass....

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 06:38 AM
They can fire top brass for not supporting the President( probably criticizing him in what they thought were private conversations or emails) but them not supporting martial law or a government backed coup is possible. I always thought if push came to shove the feds would not be above hijacking nukes and aiming them at our own cities to quell an uprising of the citizenry.
You can have all the generals and admirals backing you but if the rest of the military tells you to F off and joins the side of the people it won't do you much good.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Dutchowl

You are correct.
My dearest and most loved family member... Was attending Basic during an election year. Cant say which one...or the months they were there. But if you are smart, you will be able to do simple math. It was an interesting discussion we had about this persons 1st time voting was. But this person was trained by the best and I can assure you... this person will NOT turn a weapon on the people they swore to protect.... even when this person's job is one that would be the first to be asked to enforce something they swore to protect.

I have even been told if I get a phone call from them to tell me to go to a designated safe place... not to ask questions.. just go. Because it means things got bad and they got a call.

More than a little worried about the recent link I found on a freebee site.
The weather channel was offering a bag and flashlight and what ever else was in the bag in exchange for your "emergency" plan. They were fishing for information about your neighbors, out of town contacts, Physicians, Veterinarians, Work # and Schools. There is something going on... and I know a little more than I should. I am not a fear monger or an idiot who posts nonsense on youtube.

I am Just a little drop in a big pond who was born with a moral compass. I can assure you all that the military and police some of you hate.... Will defend you in the end. Not all of them will....and I get why some are so against them after the things I have seen recently. But trust me.... the ones who made the oath because they believed the oath was their duty and mission in life will not let the people they want to protect down. The ones who just swore to it for a paycheck.... will not last long.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by livinglifeseekingtruth2

And yep! Right after I hit send... I got my helicopter flyby. Not a normal daily or training round I am used to. I know their normal routine.. First time they got up and made a point at 1:30am or anytime before I made an account on this site. Of course I walked out into my driveway with a big smile to wave. I was not shot.... but I guess I said a little too much....

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Tazkven

Waste for thread staring ability, sorry

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