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Survival guide - After the prophetic Sun flash and survival guide against Nephilim - After the Sun f

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posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Ploutonas

This isn't about what i am or are not, no matter what others bring up so lets not make wild assumptions.

I was more interested in YOUR interpretation based on your belief system with regard to these demon things you were talking about because you seemed to link them. I'm not sure if you got all of your information from a book or not, a single book or multiple books and studies, but I'd be curious to know of the title of this "Guide". I don't believe you've mentioned the title have you?

thank you.

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by aptrgangr

The guide states clearly, it is not demonized creatures... I think you didnt read it at all!...

here is a small part from the second message :

What hurts - KILLS Nephilim :

The Nephilim are not demons nor immortals or demonized creatures.. But artificial armies. So the holy water and the cross do not heart them.


So I dont speak about any kind of living creature at all! They have no soul....souless..They are created only for 1 puprose and as the guide states, they seperate in many kinds, these kinds are also known in witchcraft...

Read Solomonta, that an angel gave him the ring of power to control them and he built his temples in 2-3 days. Am I correct with the story? I dont read lots from these things... They seperate in
I hope its more clear now.
edit on 14-10-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Ploutonas

the language barrier might be affecting my comprehension. For that I am sorry. I am still wondering the name of the guide book you read. I'd like to read it as well.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:18 AM
Unless they regenerate or defy the laws of known physics. They would be toast.
Besides I think aliens are thwarting the kill shot.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Ploutonas

OK - so here I am shuttering with this grim tale, folklore, legend or legion and I am blown away! For lack of better words. Stunned! It seems that ISON is the blasts that may open said gates? Not sure if it was said but I have been attempting to absorb as much as possible since American seems to be going by the way of Rome - well with a bit sci-fi panache.

China has stated to destabilize America's dominance with the dollar and with that said it seems our false democratic reps have taken a leave of absence to....spruce up their new digs in under ground shelters while we are all "fretting" about the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is more of a pinata at this point and it seems the Americans have not been offered to save the said date of this flash of dome.

I came here originally because of 2012.....needless to say there was oh so very much to learn and this thread is making me cringe! As a mother of 2, one 22 and one 4 as well as a grand baby who is 2 I am struggling to take this in and truly get past marinating my brain. I am not meaning to derail this thread so to the point I go - If I am the matriarch of 7 women essentially - riddled with health issues regarding my elders - what is the reality of our truly having the ability to survive such a catastrophe.

We all knew something would come to a head - feverishly trying to find the truth and now this it seems just too much to take in. When you live day to day - seeking survival already; my hope is doomed. Do we run straight for them as in Legend? Just force the inevitable? One gun, small rations for travel, little experience with living on the land; this thread really blows the wind out of my sails. Of course - when I see it to believe it I will then hope my primate instincts of survival of the fitest will kick in but I am afraid that we would be on the losing end.

I stopped at this post to respond because it was a bit much to take in with what is already flashing in front of our eyes. I am human and the fear of what is to come I know could very well be just as the OP said but with the guidance provided, for me it is impossible. Its like telling me I have a bunker in Dubai that could safely house us for more than year free and clear - but I have no way of getting there!

How do we know this to be true? I don't expect a thesis - general direction/speculation/researched sources would be great. I am swimming in images of the Annauki (sp?sorry) - mass geographical cataclysm - seems the movie 2012 was an idea of what could be - and fema ready to take us in to "help" with interment and then what???? I feel the easy way as I said - pick up a grenade and head straight for them....only if I had some grenades.

Apologies for the femme wanna fatale but after a couple of hours here I had to vent at this point. I am not on as often as I would love and get a bit overwhelmed because I feel deep in my soul there is more than just WW3 upon us.


posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 06:52 AM
as I said this guide is free in my country and not a book, if it's a book, I dont know what book this is. Its free in the internet and I translated it. You can find it In all websites... You are getting angry with this guide because it does not contain comforts and easy stuff?... well

Its a guide about the jewish beliefs and Niphilims and Elochims and the upcoming revelations. If you should feel bad about. If there is something you should feel bad about specific, it should be the revelations itself. Because that book tells you how you die, but I dont see you panicking with that idea. Or you believe that jesus will save you from your very comfortable couch.

The whole world is coming into war and through it, they will pass you, promote you their fake abomination leader... That means they will create such an event and suddenly, someone will come and save us, like Indiana Jones, asking us to join him and lead us... This will be an abomination,
Ive said many times in the past, that the good forces, will NEVER ask our help to kill any creatures/aliens, etc, its because, we cannot confront them. It won't be a fair battle. So those who will ask that, they send you into the slatter room and they keep the best as slaves.

The whole story about niphilims and elochims is in a doubt from us. This story relates with the alien races who invaded earth (thats true), start raping humans and humans making lots of hybrids (imigods). And then the "gods" hunt them down, killed as many as they could and some of them escaped into the space and under the earth's crust. God in ancient Hellas, means "those who travel fast" so gods, are aliens. And it is true that many escaped under the earths crust...

These 2 words originally are Hellenic and a bit disturbed in a jewish manner.. Niphilims or Nefelims = Nefeles or Nepheles (you know them as Vimanas), Ellochims = Ellogos (the whole, total). Nefelh is the cloud, smoke... That means are objects who can even ant-materialized and materialize and travel fast. Thats how we call the ancient spaceships. Part of the rebels, belonged in the good forces, in the past, so their technology and vessels are vimanas as well. So the fallens = Nefeles = Niphilims. (And the commander of these rebels is KRONOS ) u call him as saturn, this scum changes his name all the time...

What is certain for us, all the rest, are taken with a grain of salt. The master cult that controls all : illuminate, bildemberg, massons, most of the religions (that lead you into YAH), are controlled by HONG cult in China. This is the centrals. SION in the ancient years is translated as = destruction, pollution, corruption. Thats the meaning of the word, there is nothing we can do to change it..

After they sucked all gold from countries and robbed it with the fake bank system, they use white and black race in their massacres (have you seen jewish fighting? no) and they gave all production and industries to them, they will lead us in a total massacre against China at the end.. And thats the 3rd world war you speak about!. Because they believe they are chosens and they will dominate planet earth. Moggols, Jewish and Chinese / koreans, all 3 have promises from YAH (dragonian god), that they will be the chosen's... So there is a conflict between them as well. Moggols are not taken very seriously and they are used AKA look the latest coordination by the jewish government of united states. They coop with islamists to massacre whole towns / countries and now they just let them die. So the west MUST chalenge china be able to do it, we must give them a reason... Thats what they think, they will use it as an excuse and thats what they try to do... We all expected the destruction of Syria, for a reason it postponed, IRAN Livano are in the same list... They may use a different approach much faster. Because they dont have much time.

Do not forget the harvest project as well... And their try to escape

So this guide may come in handy in many ways, not only in the " nephilims " but any of these that I am referring above. The 3rd world war will be stopped by other forces and they know that. It may be the flash of the sun, who knows, we have to be prepared, even if you dont like the guide and you prefer to have a permanent shelter, the point is, that when we see some of these things happening, we have to get some supplies, we have to prepare to live even without electricity and to be more extra careful. So this guide, if we remove the "nephelim" is a very good survival guide, if you CANT follow it, surely YOU CANT follow all the other survival guides as well! Its not my fault about it! I hope it helps. (I am dyslexic and I made a huge effort to translate it, I use programs to correct spelling and some grammar).

As for my personal beliefs, I believe in Zeus (not in 12 gods, the 12 gods are fake). Because many of u asked that and I am very proud to say it.
edit on 15-10-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 06:19 AM
Here I have some new references about this guide and how it occurred, I normally don't read and care about jewish books or manipulated books... Anyway

here how it goes.

Saint Andreas wrote : When that time comes, Yahbeh will open the gates near to India, that Great Alexander shielded. Then, 72 kings will come out with their people, the so called abomination nations GOG and MAGOG (Γωγ και Μαγωγ). These will spread all over the world and they will eat humans alive and drink their blood. They will also enjoy eating flies, dogs, cats, all animals in their way. And at that point Saint Andreas says : "Oh lord, I hope at that time they will be no Christians in the world".

These days the darkness will be everywhere and screams will float in the air all over the earth. The sun will become darker like blood, the moon will vanish (or get dark), the stars will vanish... etc etc
Also the same reference is coming from the original revelations book of john at (θ-1,2,3)paragraphs
so this guide came from references through revelations and Saint Andreas... They refer to Great Alexander also, that he shielded the gates. We also know that from a myth about Great Alexander, that under the command of Zeus he shielded the gates. But they manipulated the story a bit, they tried to present Alexander as the right hand of LORD (thats not true) and they also said : he traveled in the depths of china, that is also NOT TRUE. Great Alexander moved to India - Persia (Iran) and he stopped there, he never travelled in China. Alexander was praised as a Pharaoh in Egypt, he created Alexandreia down there and after his death moggols, jews, etc.. destroyed and stole everything.

The gates are made from a very very tuff metal and because it was not enough to hold them, they also used some technology with a geomagnetic field. (like barrier).

Here is a personal comment from me, there is lots of gossip in my country, why they want Iran to be destroyed, beyond oils and rocks, there is also gates there and if we analyze what Saint Andreas said, the gates are spotted near to India (so its Iran, Persia). And according to those who believe that, Iran protects the gates because they are in their ground. So Its not my fault about this guide!!
Its up to "you" to believe it or not. Its a nice guide even how to hide and protect your self from an armagedon as well...without mythical monsters lol

And Sebiles warned us about it, thousands years ago and we have that guide for us. Sebiles wrotte about the sun and a war between humans and the rebels, abominations and the return of Zeus son - Apollonas.

ps: And I was thinking, what is all bout the portal, in ADEN gulf....? why so many warships down there.. Is it trully a stargate ? Or the gates of something else. So that may be it... Well, we live to learn, through their stories the truth pops out.
edit on 18-10-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

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