posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 10:02 AM
There are lots of ways to achieving the goal, and to say that progress has been none existent or even slow, is to fundamentally not understand the
problem or the challenges. The final form may be a laser based drop pellet machine. There are people building those, and people doing other methods
too. It is a very vibrant field and exciting times are upon us.
One very interesting concept is shown here
A magnetically spun plasma, which is pulsed acoustically in an attempt to achieve fusion, a great idea and a project that has had a lot of support.
You look at the size of the machine and the complexity of the internals and you will see exactly how much effort all this requires, and how when
people claim they can build something in their back yard... how deluded they are.
It is like when another member here posted a comment about solar power saying "Why can't 'they' make a cheaper more efficient solar panel, they
obviously don't know what they are doing"
The statement makes absolutely no logical sense and is proof that the commenter knows little to nothing about the subject they are talking about.
There are literally millions of components that go into building these machines. Do all of you think that they are all simple off the shelf products?
I am involved in a relatively small project compared to these and I can tell you all now that the off the shelf proportion of the experiment is not a
problem, the stuff that doesn't exist and in many cases has to be invented, is the problem. There is an incredible challenge in creating an
environment that will contain the hot plasma for long periods of time, and suffer no damage or ill effect.
You know what happens to materials when they reach 2000 to 3000 degrees C? Well most things melt. Now not only are we trying to make materials that
can survive these incredible temperatures but to do things mechanically and electrically while up there, not to mention being baked and soaked with
gamma rays too. The technology required is immense and to say that scientists and engineers are waisting time, money and are making no progress for it
is patently ignorant beyond any form of comprehension
edit on 18-10-2013 by ErosA433 because: (no reason given)