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"Ride For the Constitution is a false flag"? Anonymous poster on 4Chan connecting dots...

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posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 04:57 PM

I'd like to start by saying I live in northern Virginia and use all the major highways in and around D.C. on a regular basis. It would not take too many extra truckers on the roads around here to completely disrupt just about everything, and I'm sure others can attest to this.

If this is a false flag, which I do not believe it is, what's the purpose.

Moving/detonating nuclear weapons?

Acquisition of power by the President and his cabinet in a state of "emergency"?

I don't know, I'm bored today

Look at it from a game of strategy like Chess played using the MiniMax algorithm. Assign points to gains and losses:

1. Encouraging truckers to drive up to Washington allows the Feds to seize their vehicles and impound them.
Gain: +100,000 points for each vehicle impounded.

2. Every vehicle impounded would then deprive an anti-government family of income
Gain: +100,000 points for each family

3. Trucks can then be used by FEMA or other agencies to provide distribution of food and other items to sympathic counties and to deprive other anti-big-government counties of food and items.
Gain: +100,000 points per truck, +1000,000 points for supplying every sympathetic county, +1000,000 points for depriving an anti-big-government county

4. Obama has already tried to shut-down those states involved in agricultural production.
Gain: +10,000,000 points per state

It would be like the way dictators in Africa (like Zimbabwe and South Africa) keep control of their populations.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by evc1shop

Right because trucks don't go into and out of the capitol region every single day. Hundreds of trucks every day. No need for a false flag covert operations. They just drive in like they do every day.
Although I am certain that the trucks with the tarps really do contain the pods of the body searchers.LOL

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Yep because we're all morons here in the USA. LOL. Fortunately there are real people who live in and around DC and they would confirm or deny this. They would never be able to fool us with just a photo. Look I am about two hours away. I could be the one to confirm or deny this. But do you really believe this? Yes? Then who is really the fool here?

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Knock knock Shelton
Knock knock Shelton
Knock knock Shelton

Stop insulting the people of America

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by chiefsmom

Absolute truth. Traffic in and around DC is always a nightmare. Even late night. Best time for moving around the Capitol is very early morning. Like 3 or 4 AM.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:22 AM
I saw them this morning on my way home at 9:30 am. I got a couple of videos.
Here is one of them

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 11:39 AM

reply to post by buster2010

Knock knock Shelton
Knock knock Shelton
Knock knock Shelton

Stop insulting the people of America

Not my fault you know nothing about the American public. Look at how easy it was to convince the American public about the Iraq war. All it took was a few lies and some tinker toys.

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 12:08 PM
As with most industries in the U.S., the vast majority of trucking is controlled by a small percentage of companies that are extremely large. In this instance, it is the A.T.A. members and supporting companies. (American Trucking Association).

At a guess, WELL over 90%.

The "independents" have been dwindling in numbers for years, if not decades and have little or no influence over the industry whatsoever.

You don't see any of the major carriers represented in the D.C. protest and in all likelihood have been dispatched away from the region.

The response by individual truckers is Ad Hoc, and based on individual convictions or the lack thereof.

I suppose there was a slim hope of a sympathetic response from other industries and the wish for a spontaneous joining of the expression of disgust that so many of us feel.

That there are hackers, shills and other vested interests all over the place, it is not unreasonable that efforts against ANY protest that could potentially spark a response that could negatively affect the economy would have been planned for and in place for a very long time.

My guess is that any removals of threads, posts and the like fall into the "nothing personal" category and as the poster described, a full trucking shutdown would have a devastating effect on the U.S. is sufficient motivation to nip it at the bud.

This protest have virtually no chance of massive support from the get go as most drivers would be terminated if they joined it without corporate authorization and through the decades, every attempt at a trucker "shutdown" has met with failure.

This is America, not France, and most truckers don't support that kind of blackmail tactics to begin with, no matter how valid the arguments are to support it.

Too little and probably too late best describes the effort.
edit on 13-10-2013 by nwtrucker because: fuller explaination

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 01:01 PM

What is with this theme I keep seeing here?

Don't like your government, so you shut down only the areas that hurt the people?

Seems to me like the big agenda is to simply piss everyone off. Mhhmmm.

It's the "teamwork" effect. When one person on the team screws up, the whole team pays for it.

Just like the movie Full Metal Jacket, private Pile keeps screwing up during boot camp, so the drill sgt
punishes the whole group while Pile sits out. Eventually, the rest of the marines get fed up with Pile and dish out their own brand of vengeance.

If enough Americans get pissed off enough at the govt, eventually they will respond as one.

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