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2nd New Trailer For "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug"

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posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 09:23 AM
I can't wait for this movie! I have read the book so many times I lost count. So far Jackson has been doing a great job recreating the world and the SFX are spectacular. The moment tickets go on sale, I'm buying them :p


posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 02:58 PM
Trailer looks good, although the first part was really disappointing for me, I felt Jackson has lost the magic a bit. Not entirely his fault. What with all the filler and characters that don't even appear in the book.
I know they have to make their bucks, but making a trilogy of 3-hour films out of a 300 page book is really stretching it,
compared to the LOTR which was just perfectly made into a film each.
I was really looking forward to Guillermo del Toro's take on it before he pulled out, and when the idea was to make just one, max two films. His story telling and visual imagination would have been perfect I think.
Oh well, at least good old Gollum is better than ever, my fav character!
edit on 7/10/13 by athousandlives because: last sentence

posted on Oct, 9 2013 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by BmwSauber

Yes, I found the first one to be very faithful to the book, more than I expected...

Do you think Jackson or someone else will put The Silmarillion in movie? That would be cool!!

posted on Oct, 10 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by starheart

So if the Battle of Five Armies is in this one, what is in the third one?? half hour of Bilbo returning home? I had thought this one would be more parts of the Silmarillion.

posted on Oct, 11 2013 @ 08:02 AM

reply to post by starheart

So if the Battle of Five Armies is in this one, what is in the third one?? half hour of Bilbo returning home? I had thought this one would be more parts of the Silmarillion.

As I said, I am not sure.

I believe that the third wants to focus on the transition between The Hobbit and LOTR; perhaps Gandalf's search of Gollum, the latter's capture and jailed in Thranduil's castle, his escape (which was an important part discussed in the first book of LOTR. I have no idea.

Then again, I recently found another site, who, this one claimed that only the dragon's fight was covered in the second, and the Battle of Five Armies and Bilbo's return is only in the third. For now, both possibilities have 50/50 chance.

So... well, I don't really exactly know. Jackson said the Battle was in the second, while another source says it's not.

Beside, the Silmarillion was way before The Hobbit, so they can't incorporate it to The Hobbit...

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by starheart

Did you think that peter Jackson is spotlighting Gandalf to much?

posted on Oct, 13 2013 @ 06:09 AM

reply to post by starheart

Did you think that peter Jackson is spotlighting Gandalf to much?

Considering that he inserted the White Council (a very important but un-told part of the "mythology") and that the first movie only covered Bilbo's recruit to the eagles saving them from goblins and wolves, no, I wouldn't say that. In the book, for that part, Gandalf was very present; he was the one doing all the negotiations between Bilbo and the dwarves, then between the dwarves and the elves, then while Bilbo was buying time, saved them from trolls and goblins. No, I would say that, as it concerns the first, everyone was well represented.

Though, have you noticed how Thorin Okenshield seems to play the part of Aragorn? I didn't noticed that in the book, but I noticed it much more in the movie. That is what bothers me a bit. I'm afraid that they over-shadow Bilbo with Thorin, especially with the two next films concentrating mainly on both of them...

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by starheart

what do you mean by playing the part of Aragon as being a hero type or being level headed? well you can;t mean that because he wasn't level headed. But to me about there being to much Gandalf of him killing the goblin king. That didn't happen right? And I didn't get the sense of Bilbo being the hero the 1st half of the story should give the intention that bilbo is winning the dwarves over by saving their butts from the trolls,the goblins, by the end of the movie it still felt like the dwarves were still question Bilbo.

posted on Oct, 15 2013 @ 12:46 PM
I thought it would be December and can't wait.

posted on Oct, 16 2013 @ 10:29 AM

reply to post by starheart

what do you mean by playing the part of Aragon as being a hero type or being level headed? well you can;t mean that because he wasn't level headed. But to me about there being to much Gandalf of him killing the goblin king. That didn't happen right? And I didn't get the sense of Bilbo being the hero the 1st half of the story should give the intention that bilbo is winning the dwarves over by saving their butts from the trolls,the goblins, by the end of the movie it still felt like the dwarves were still question Bilbo.

Yeah, I know it seems like that, but everything that happened in the movie, truly happened in the book, even the dwarves (or rather Thorin) still questioning Bilbo after everything. Thorin really wanted the mission to succeed, so he was still doubtful of Bilbo's capacity vs a dragon, like Gandalf promised. As for Gandalf chopping the goblin's head, yep, that too happened.

That's why I was really surprised. Almost nothing had been changed!

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by starheart

wait wait nothing had been changed? What about the Orcs that were supposedly chasing them? And them being the ones and not the goblins who chase them up the trees?? (hence the chapter out of the frying pan into the fire right?) The goblins chased them out of the mountain and up the tress right? and they were the ones who set fire to the tress not Gandalf right? were there even orcs in the Hobbit. I mean was this not why sauruman was creating orcs in LOTR? (at least in the movie version) because they were no where to be found I mean they were up north hanging out in Mordor.

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

No, all along, it was goblins that chased the Company. I know, they looked awfully like Orcs.
And Orcs were created by Melkor (Sauron when he was still a respected Elf). Saruman created the Uruk-Hai, an hybrid between orcs and goblins, if I remember right the mix.

In the book, Gandalf started throwing fire at the Wargs/wolves, but when the goblins arrived, they expanded the fire so that it burns the trees. Almost what happened in the movie, though the fire created by Gandalf is slightly bigger than in the book.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by starheart

okay I guess your right. But why did those Goblins that were on the worgs look bigger thne the goblins that were in the mountains??

well anyhow I guess that is just how they made them i DONT KNOW i GOT THE IMPRESSION THAT THEY WERE ORCS.

Okay now I dont have a problem with this move but I will just mention it bevcause I like talking to you about this.

But what about near the start of the hobbit were the company goes to stay at the inn/tavern if I am right and they meet the bear/shapeshifter wizard guy. now I know this same guy was made to look to be kind of foolish in the movie. but wasnt that kind of altered??

posted on Oct, 20 2013 @ 06:05 AM


But what about near the start of the hobbit were the company goes to stay at the inn/tavern if I am right and they meet the bear/shapeshifter wizard guy. now I know this same guy was made to look to be kind of foolish in the movie. but wasnt that kind of altered??

Radagast (he's the foolish wizard, yes, not a bear/shapeshifter; the bear-shifter is Beorn, and he arrives only in the second Hobbit) wasn't in the book, no. But he was very often mentioned by Gandalf (and despised by Saruman) and yes, he was slightly crazy, living with all those animals. And, he's the one that found out that The Necromencer was still alive, thus creating the White Council, and thus creating Gandalf/Galadriel's destroying The Necromencer's tower in an attempt to kill him.

So I guess Jackson felt that Radagast should have a part in the Hobbit.
I did like though, even if it was silly, the chase between the Wargs and the Mirkwood rabbits. And the porcupines were so cute!!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:32 PM
I thought it was just too funny for not to post it:

edit on 25-10-2013 by starheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:02 PM
I'm one of those annoying anally retentive Tolkien fanbois!!

The trailer looks dreadful, I'd rather pull my own teeth out that watch this Hollywood .. erm.. rubbish

Truely dissapointed.

posted on Nov, 10 2013 @ 02:37 PM
Another trailer, this one focusing on Thorin and what is going to come out from his quest:

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by starheart

Looks really good, I still havent seen the first one yet..

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:13 PM

reply to post by starheart

Looks really good, I still havent seen the first one yet..

Well, I highly recommend the first one (in my opinion).
Some people complained about the CGI, but frankly, I saw no problems with it.

I must warn you though to not expect a Lord of the Rings-type feeling. The Hobbit was intended to be comic and very light-hearted, not at all deadly serious. So, just don't expect the same style.
But I liked it!

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