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Police demonstrate again how not to arrest someone.

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posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:51 AM
Not sure where in these actions the law, make that police opinion, states that a person is in custody but at that point it is there duty to protect the person. Letting the dog go at him should be over the line.

I would argue that being held by two officers is in custody so that any others hitting on the person is illegal.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:25 PM
I timed the amount of time it appears the dog is allowed to maul on the victim and it appears to be a minimum of 30 seconds before he gets the dog to even begin to release. Though we can't see the full view we can see the dogs tail wagging continuously and around the 30 second mark can see his feet sliding as he struggles against his handler to get at the victim.
You'd be amazed at how much damage a dog that size and power can do in 30 seconds. I find the 200 stitches remark wholly believable. Any officer that allows their dog to maul someone already under control for that long shouldn't be handling dogs. He obviously lacks the character necessary for handling such a large and powerful animal.
The idea that if you kill a police dog you will be charged with murder of an officer of the law is insanity. It is still just a dog, though an expensive and supposedly well-trained one. When officers like this abuse their animal by allowing them to maul a helpless individual they are also teaching that it's alright to attack someone who is not resisting. Who's next?: a sleeping homeless person, someone passed out from hypoglycemia, a sunbather on the beach?
That K9 officer stands a good chance of turning away a great deal of potential tourism for his acts. Doesn't the city realize this story has gone viral already?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:30 PM


reply to post by PsykoOps

This big ol' boy acts drunk, is yelling at the cops, giving them the finger, and actually runs towards the cops at one point. I'm not faulting the cops on this one.

You do realize that there is no law against any of that? It's in fact perfectly legal to give the middle finger to a cop. Anything untill up to the point of actually threatening them is lawfull.

Sorry but raising your voice can be defined as assault and you can be arrested for it in the right context. This man, just by his body language, was threatening, it was sealed the second he stormed towards the officers.

There is plenty that the police do that goes overboard but this one seems to be legit.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:44 PM
From the video it appears he should have quit while he was ahead, as it appeared he was talking out his ass for quite some time before he went back at them in an aggressive manner, still running his pie-hole. Then he wants to fight with them when they get tired of taking whatever nonsense he was spewing?.

I wish we would have had audio to hear how bad his abuse was getting. It didn't really appear the nimrod possessed a whole lot of common sense from his body language....

No, this video doesn't make me want to go and raise mayhem, it just leaves me wondering exactly what he was saying to those police while he was being allowed to leave, until the dumbass went back at them...

The only part approaching over the top was letting the dog at him, but I couldn't see what he was doing behind the vehicle for most of that segment.

Why didn't they just tazer him, cuff him, and put a plastic bag on the car seat.

Why didn't he just shut up and be gone while they gave him a chance for about a whole 3 minutes, was he on meth or what?.

Dumb, everybody...
edit on 30-9-2013 by MyHappyDogShiner because: bko

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 02:30 PM
Um...why hasn't this gone Viral?

Always makes me wonder...

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by Tinkerpeach

HAHAHAHAHA!!! no, not it's not, and no you can't. outside voices are not considered "assault". grow up. get mad. the life you save may be your own.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 07:11 PM

What really amazes me is that you haven't seen the emergence of a sort of reverse Dexter, a serial killer that kills cops (and their supervisors) who've been rubber stamped by IA and the police unions. It would be a target rich environment, and he'd have the support of a huge percentage of the citizenry.

Imagine the reaction if after something like this, you lost one or two of the on-scene cops, the supervisor who says 'It was within policy', one of the IA staff that rubberstamped it, someone off the prosecutor's team that declined to investigate and maybe a FOP official.

At that point, it would become a bit more 'real' to the management. Hm...if I rubberstamp this arsehole and put him back on the street, I might end up with an arrow in my neck...maybe we ought to actually investigate. It could happen.
edit on 29-9-2013 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

It's only a matter of time before what you stated begins.

Unfortunately for all parties, I think this is being instigated.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:38 PM

reply to post by PsykoOps

This big ol' boy acts drunk, is yelling at the cops, giving them the finger, and actually runs towards the cops at one point. I'm not faulting the cops on this one.

So the boy's actions gives the cops the right to beat him the faq down?
Cops did what they were supposed to do by arresting the kid in the end, but all that brutality before the arrest was made, was it necessary? Ok, i'm going to beat you the faq down before i arrest you because we have badges and we're about to arrest you.

One day or another, accumulation of these events will eventually lead to civil standoff, and this is where the real fun begins. Lure a few of these badge-holding thugs into an alley and BAM BAM BAM, it all starts.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:49 PM
Sorry but raising your voice can be defined as assault and you can be arrested for it in the right context. This man, just by his body language, was threatening, it was sealed the second he stormed towards the officers.

There is plenty that the police do that goes overboard but this one seems to be legit.

how can you say that in good conscience.....your telling me mouthing off deserves a beating like that and 200 stitches inflicted by the dog biting him around the neck area....that's pretty hard core and quite sub_human of you...
edit on 3-10-2013 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:11 PM
Is it so hard for police to understand that it is almost impossible
for some people to lay still whiel their instincts believe they are
under attack.

Civilians are not trained to give up control upon request. Officers
are the ones that get paid to be trained so why is the responsibility
not on them to be more effective at submissions?

Watch a UFC fight. These guys are basically equally trained and
they can still manage to force their opponent to submit in many
cases and that is 1 on 1. Most citizens are not trained in hand to
hand or any combat so the advantage should be heavily in favor
of the officer. Those that are trained and fought back should have
more control and know better thus deserve a beating.

And let me tell you. If that guy getting beat had any
proper pankration training those amateur hour cops would all be laid out.

Cops need better training. bottom line. They really have to
kick the lazy doughnut eating reputation. Nobody wants to lose
to lazy over weight cop. they are just asking for a fight.

Cops should be our bravest and most self controlled

what do you see in that video. Bravery? No. I see fear and lack
of self confidence. neither of which are admirable.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by VoidHawk

It is been bad here for a VERY, VERY long time.

I'm 27, and I've been the victim of police brutality. I was a teenager when it happened, and it wasn't just abuse, it was sexual as well (I won't go into details).

Normally I wouldn't even mention my own personal experiences, because hey, I'm just one person...BUT it needs to KNOWN that police brutality is a very , very real thing here in the states....and getting worse each passing year.

My experience with police brutality isn't rare, isn't even uncommon, but instead I'm one of hundreds of thousands of victims of police brutality in the states.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

I do not like police, really..

BUT this guy is clearly provoking police. From body language you see that he is doing this on purpose, like drunk or on drugs. Guy had more than enough opportunities to just leave. There was literally several minutes of him just provoking police. Well i do not like police as i said, but i always like when bad guys gets beaten, like in this video.

You can only guess that this guy wont ever provoke police again.

Police overreacted? Yes. Anyway, he offended them all, he is clearly provoking them all. As I said, I like bad guys gets beaten.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 06:49 PM

reply to post by VoidHawk

It is been bad here for a VERY, VERY long time.

I'm 27, and I've been the victim of police brutality. I was a teenager when it happened, and it wasn't just abuse, it was sexual as well (I won't go into details).

Normally I wouldn't even mention my own personal experiences, because hey, I'm just one person...BUT it needs to KNOWN that police brutality is a very , very real thing here in the states....and getting worse each passing year.

My experience with police brutality isn't rare, isn't even uncommon, but instead I'm one of hundreds of thousands of victims of police brutality in the states.

A star for speaking up dude!
If more people would do that things might change.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 02:19 AM

BUT this guy is clearly provoking police. From body language you see that he is doing this on purpose, like drunk or on drugs. Guy had more than enough opportunities to just leave. There was literally several minutes of him just provoking police. Well i do not like police as i said, but i always like when bad guys gets beaten, like in this video.

Police are supposed to be better than us. Their word is worth more than yours in court for that reason. If a cop is going to beat you down for some words other than actions, they don't deserve that authority. Period.

Every single one of those cops deserves life in prison or the death penalty. Attacking someone for no reason from a position of authority cannot be tolerated in a free society.

Maybe some "street justice" will happen. I would consider anyone involved in that a hero.
edit on 5-10-2013 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:38 AM
This is so bad, I thought it was staged.

But, this really happened.

Although it seems that CNN needs a better law enforcement analyst.

When CNN Law Enforcement Analyst Lou Palumbo reviewed the entire surveillance video, however, he said he believed the amount of force used by officers was appropriate.

Palumbo, a former law enforcement officer, said Castellani seemed to have precipitated the confrontation with police by verbally taunting them, even after they initially were willing to let him walk away.

"This is the problem you have. If the police order you and want to place you under arrest ... you ought to comply," Palumbo said. "All they wanted to do was get this kid under control and handcuff him."

Palumbo acknowledged that the release of the dog was "a gray area," noting that "perceptively it's terrible," but pointing out that Castellani was still not handcuffed at the time and that "dogs are used for compliance."

Seriously, I didn't see any retaliation by this kid. Sure he mouthed off, but that doesn't justify 200 stitches. You can clearly see the police wailing on this kid as the other brutes hold his arms.

How is sicking a dog on someone being held down a gray area. Attempted murder should be the charge.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:57 PM


Palumbo, a former law enforcement officer, said Castellani seemed to have precipitated the confrontation with police by verbally taunting them, even after they initially were willing to let him walk away.

Don't we teach pretty much everyone in society that verbal taunts are just that? It's even flat out illegal to attack someone in response to a verbal taunt. What the cops did here was flat out wrong.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:31 PM
I just want to point out

The penalty for underage gambling on Average is a fine of 500$

NOT arrest.

Where did this happen ?

by the look of things he was calling the police in the beginning because of people dressed as police.
He then approaches them with his hands in the air.

I HAVE NO DOUBT when he turns and says something back before being attacked
The police where just trouble making he surrendered at the beginning of the footage
they probably let him off with a warning then start screaming jeers and insults towards him

Probably about how they are going to rape his mother or something to that effect to get him the slightest bit offended and walk away


Meh I know for certain some police especially higher ranking ones have double digit kills and are probably proud of it like you and I are proud of killing invading insects and Rats ect.

They consider you Vermin get on your knees put your hands on your head close your eyes and open your mouth.

The Shotgun of Justice is going in.

Theres no such thing as Good Police as Good People could never work with Corrupt ones.

The Militias are your real protectors.. the ones the Government has been trying to stamp out because of the CIA incident in Oklahoma.

All it takes is about 30 minutes of research depending on your capacity for new ideas and you get your Answers.

Otherwise go back to watching Wrestling I know for certain the Majority of Americans still believe it is real.
edit on 6-10-2013 by Gestas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 06:06 PM
I read somewhere that the reason the guy doesn't leave and is "taunting" the cops as some would phrase it is because the casino still had his credit card. Don't quote me on that thought. I cannot remember the source.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 03:15 AM
Sickening! What's amazing is that the kid says he still has faith in the police. After being beaten to a pulp and having a police dog chew out the back of his neck he still has faith in the police.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by cripmeister

don't believe everything you read....just a hunch...but I would bet this kid is so scared of the law enforcement types he is willing to say anything that saves another beating

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