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The Tretise between the heart and mind

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posted on Sep, 22 2013 @ 10:53 PM
Last night I poured my soul in to box
Wrapped it neatly and tied with a bow
You kept the paper wouldn't you know
threw out the rest just like an old pair of sox

Oh that last line made me laugh, you say
writing with your... and all your word play!
You try hard to be deep yet without a reason
I have the feeling that those words are more like treason

How about you, that so called poem you wrote
"The inbox of my Head is empty"
An ocean of cheese served with crackers
I kept thinking I'm gonna need a bigger boat!

Rather silly in all and I think you lack heart
What do you know, You think to much!" I blunder
I feel if you don't start using your brain you silly tart!
Never know someday you'll end up six feet under

Well If I had a heart I would want you in it
oh please you're such a drama king!
Maybe if you could actually give a S ____!
Tragedies fools got nothin on your feeling

Ha! You're lying again and turning blue
My hearts gone all cold my brain all a skew
Scream at me again you wish I were dead!
Go ahead and believe it's all in your head

This drawn out battle I no longer think right
Let call a truce after thinking about the venom we spew!
I feel now you're correct so how can we end it tonight?
How would you feel if we just had a good Screw?

On this the 22 of September the autumn equinox means a chill will soon be in the air! So find someone warm even if they are as crazy as you are but maybe they are pretty...

edit on 22-9-2013 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by abeverage

Hmmm....this one is quite interesting my friend.
I enjoyed it actually *snapping my fingers again*


posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 10:27 AM

reply to post by abeverage

Hmmm....this one is quite interesting my friend.
I enjoyed it actually *snapping my fingers again*


Meh it didn't come out quite as I hoped. Was a nice exercise in writing though.

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