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Madness i tell ya! there is no more hope for THESE kinda people

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posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:02 AM
Something so simple so small can be blown up to something so big that you just want to build a spaceship and leave this planet for good. that was what i had in mind when i just read this article...

Apparently 2 toddlers age (2.5 and 3) in Belgium had a fight where some hitting and biting took place. So a teacher stopped the fight. Well that's a everyday thing in school isn't it? Nothing that seems shocking to me right? Exactly. But not for the parents of one of the kids who DEMAND that the school tells them who the other kid was! And the school refuses to do that. The parents say the school didn't react properly when the fight happend.... The director of the school is shocked! Ofcourse! These are toddlers!! What the hell is wrong with the parents. They are acting like the kid got shot or something

And now the police is investigating the case!

Welcome to the end times... where the human race is no longer evolving but returning to being a cavemen.


posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:04 AM
If I had a toddler who was bit, I'd want to know who the other kid was as well.
It's a health thing. The biter kid could have disease or germs.
If my childs skin was broken, it would be important information to know.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:09 AM

If I had a toddler who was bit, I'd want to know who the other kid was as well.
It's a health thing. The biter kid could have disease or germs.
If my childs skin was broken, it would be important information to know.

Or you could just treat it with antiseptic lotion.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I can understand that. But still this story gives me a wtf feeling. could be just me 'cause i ain't got kids.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:30 AM

It seems the child had enough time to bite the other child 3 times and pulled out a strand of hair.
Obviously one cannot sue this child, but certainly the oversight has to be sufficient enough to prevent this.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:32 AM

Or you could just treat it with antiseptic lotion.

You do both. You treat it ... go to the doctor ... and find out if the kid had any diseases.
It's no different than getting bit by a dog or a wild animal.
A human childs mouth is a cesspool. It's smart to know who bit the child and to make
sure there aren't any health issues that have to be immediately addressed.

I have a 17 year old. When she was a toddler, this was the norm.
All parents had to be aware of bites from other children.
It's more dangerous then most people know ...

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by earthling42

Hahaha thanks for that

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Annunak1

Here is a scenario, probably imaginary, and definitely conspiratorial. The government is a system that has broken down the family, so that both parents must work outside the home to make ends meet. This scenario also makes it difficult to raise your children by your own standards, whether you wish to raise them differently than the next family or not. Most people don't even learn how to raise their children properly. Families are forced into using government subsidized childcare, their children are run through the gauntlet of education, and most pop out on the other side. But usually, along the way the government has succeeded in something, and the children are changed to fit into and support the very government that has sent them through the mill in the first place.
So maybe these parents are skeptical of the care their children receive. If you want to leave this world because a few parents show concern about their children, and are distrustful of the government, maybe things need to change, and children should actually be taken from their parents from the beginning, and raised strictly by government standards, and in government institutions, on a government diet, with government health/pharmaceutical care. That way meddling parents would not be so free to have opinions about bites and bruises that their toddler children picked up while being cared for, while they are away eking out a living, often working for the government.
I myself struggle pretty hard to make ends meet in hopes that my children can all be educated and cared for at my standard. My heart goes out to all of the men and women in these situations, whether they have been brainwashed to believe that government knows best or not.
Would I ever take it this far? I would probably be pretty upset, especially if it happened on more than one occasion. Obviously the school system is corrupt.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:08 AM
My local primary school a few years back, two of the difficult children in one of the classes started fighting with each other, quite violently. The head teacher intervened and pulled them physically off each other. In the process one of the difficult children, let's call him Little B'Stard 1, sustained a bleeding nose.

Parents screamed bloody murder to the police, the schoolboard, the local authority, the head was suspended for months while all this was investigated, and eventually he lost his job and just avoided an assault charge.

So now official school policy is if children are fighting the teachers are absolutely not to get involved to seperate them. Presumably they just have to stand there and watch.

Bloody madness.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by apydomis

Yeah like i said. Maybe i don't understand it because i don't have kids.
One things for sure and that is the schoolsystem is a f'ing joke.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Painterz

I feel you friend. School system is rotten to the core
My mom keeps saying to me when you gonna have kids??

I give her the same reply everytime: I ain't putting kids on this messed up planet untill things change.
Last week i read a report that the government wants to FORCE people to VACCINATE their newborns. FORCE!
So basically if i have a kid and i don't want the government to put poison in him they will force me or take my baby away....
Things need to change man for real
edit on 19-9-2013 by Annunak1 because: typo

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan
Yep, and my children, when they were tottlers, would have been able to tell me the name of the other kid. What's up with that?

Also a thought... seems like the bitten child's doctor, or the local Health Dept, would be a better route to obtain info on potential health risk. What are the police gonna do? Arrest his germs?


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