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The Dark Night of the Soul.

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 07:39 PM
The Dark Night of the Soul is where i'm at right now.

I've read several articles about the Dark Night of the Soul, and I can very much reflect myself in them.
I'll tell how I got here.

I started taking interest in the world, in what was going on, it was as if I knew there was something not right about this world. This came out of nowhere. I spend a lot time on the computer. So I started to research about conspiracy theories. I began to know more and more about conspiracy theories.

I read on several pages about a so called Awakening, and I wanted to awaken.
I'm not going to go into details about how I awakened, but I awakened and saw the world for what it really was. My mind bypassed the illusion.

Then came a time of spiritual expansion. I began to meditate, had visions, paranormal activity, lucid dreams,...
This was the happiest time of my life. My mind began expanding with this new information, and everything was guided. Every week something special happened. And looking back to that out of the Dark Night of the Soul, I see that I was filled in with all the information I needed to survive this Dark Night of the Soul. I say survive because it is not easy being in it.

This spiritual expansion happened in a few months. I read somewhere that after great spiritual expansion, there come a Dark Night of the Soul.

Then I met my twin flame face to face in a dream. I read that when you meet your twin flame, shortly there after comes a Dark Night of the Soul to prepare the soul, mind and body for the physical meeting.

This is one of the articles i read:

I'm in a double Dark Night of the Soul!!! haha

The Dark Night of the Soul is not something to be feared, even though it might be very very (very) scary if your in it, you will see that if you're in it, and your at one of your lowest points, things will become clear suddenly and you understand what you have to do.
You will be given all you need in that moment, and you will always be safe.
I feel very disconnected to God (doesnt matter how you see it/he/her). I've seen that because everything is not that 'guided' anymore. It's like God has gone out my life, and i'm left with myself and all my troubles. But my guardian angel and others i like to call brothers have made it clear that everything will be ok in the end.

I intend to make a change in this world, how small it may be!!! :-)

I wish for everyone that their Dark Night of the soul to be a safe learning journey.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Risingfall

I keep thinking that I've experienced my Dark Night of the Soul, that I've come to the lowest, found my way back to that which I call Holy, and learned to acknowledge and accept my Spiritual Twin.

Life's Journey isn't done with me yet though, I suppose. The darker my night gets, the more I'm reminded my evening still has many hours to go.

Good luck finding your way back into the light.

Perhaps one day I'll meet you on the other side of dawn.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:03 PM
I've often noticed my greatest strengths making themselves known during the periods of my life in which I was enclosed in the darkest depths. During those times in the depths I remember thinking there was no hope and eventually dropping the armor I had created to protect my secrets, projected self, ego, etc. because the darkness had defeated me and I had given up...I no longer needed my armor. When the weight of my "armor" was dropped I became lighter and found stepping stones appearing within my pit which weren't visible before( as if by magic) and without the weight of my "armor" I could gracefully follow these stepping stones to a higher level I had not realized I was capable of. When I was higher up I was able to look down and realize how important the events that made this roller coaster ride occur were in shaping who I am...

That's just my experience with the Dark Night of the Soul...nice thread...S&F

edit on 27-8-2013 by Epirus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 09:15 PM
I think all true spiritual seekers find themselves at some point facing The Dark Night of the Soul.

Even Mother Teresa faced it.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Risingfall

Then came a time of spiritual expansion. I began to meditate, had visions, paranormal activity, lucid dreams,... This was the happiest time of my life. My mind began expanding with this new information, and everything was guided. Every week something special happened.
And looking back to that out of the Dark Night of the Soul, I see that I was filled in with all the information I needed to survive this Dark Night of the Soul. I say survive because it is not easy being in it. This spiritual expansion happened in a few months. I read somewhere that after great spiritual expansion, there come a Dark Night of the Soul. Then I met my twin flame face to face in a dream. I read that when you meet your twin flame, shortly there after comes a Dark Night of the Soul to prepare the soul, mind and body for the physical meeting. This is one of the articles i read: I'm in a double Dark Night of the Soul!!! haha The Dark Night of the Soul is not something to be feared, even though it might be very very (very) scary if your in it, you will see that if you're in it, and your at one of your lowest points, things will become clear suddenly and you understand what you have to do. You will be given all you need in that moment, and you will always be safe. I feel very disconnected to God (doesnt matter how you see it/he/her). I've seen that because everything is not that 'guided' anymore. It's like God has gone out my life, and i'm left with myself and all my troubles. But my guardian angel and others i like to call brothers have made it clear that everything will be ok in the end. I intend to make a change in this world, how small it may be!!! :-) I wish for everyone that their Dark Night of the soul to be a safe learning journey.

I don't really have anything profound to say as I am not so articulate. I can only tell you where I have been and where I am.

I had a similar experience with meditation, paranormal activity but also precognitive dreams and sometimes just a 'knowing' from the physical happenings.

I had precognitive dreams that in retrospect I could see they told me I would fall. As well as a 'knowing'. And I did after I met a man. It was so profound for me that (in my belief system at the time) I would have started the process of life/reincarnation, even a new life cycle on earth just to be with him.

Once went to a counselor who, when I told my story said " and you don't understand why you can't get over this man? I also told her that I had had a very difficult childhood and long miserable marriage but you could roll my live my miserable life into a ball and it would not equate to what I had been through in the last 3-4 years.

I am at a plateau now and think it will never get better. The paranormal, precognitive, knowing, joy is gone. Many dreams told me I would be here, even my latest a month or so ago.

Maybe it is planned each life to teach and harden/prepare us for the next.

Also had many dreams where I was back in school and was missing classes, kinda hap hazard, then at some point I realized I didn't have to be here but had come back for my masters.

Hoping something of this makes sense to you OP or that you can relate and know you are not alone.

edit on 27-8-2013 by liveandlearn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:43 PM
Went through 4 years of it, after various brilliant Spiritual awakenings.

The whole point of it, is to strip you of identity, ego, personality, body, mind, attachments, ideas, thoughts....

..........leaving only naked Awareness. It is at this point that you come to investigate the only thing that's left, The observer, Awareness, The one who is experiencing the Dark Night....for he is the Portal int Enlightenment. If you do that, then there's one last bit:

Let go and Surrender fully......this will drop you into the Heart, The One, Union, Enlightenment. See my signature.

Don't fight it or it gets worse. Don't try to keep re-trying the same old things that are dead to you now. The only way out of it, is Letting go and Surrender.....

By the way, anyone who has questions about more details, feel free to ask. I'm working on a book on this exact topic
edit on 27-8-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:55 PM
Seems like I come in and out of that for many years, now, OP.....

sometimes, I wonder, is it better knowing, having that knowledge that brings the second on, that dark night that never seems to end. I watch those around me year after year, they seem to have things come to them effortlessly, and never know the difference. I'm old enough to know at least some of those carry a secret pain within, and just hide it better; I've seen that, too, here in the dark night of the soul, I think, just to show me that's the way it is, no matter how it "looks," and ask, "is it worth knowing certain things?" For that, truly, is part and parcel of what this nighttime horror is about, the aloneness and pain of it, the knowing that is what is real, and we are helpless to change it, to some degree: We came here alone, lived alone no matter what we thought along the way, and face it one day, alone...... We may know the love of someone, only to find it so temporary; we may find "God," "jesus," a belief is some other reality, bliss in our dreams when we most need it at certain times, but at the end of that road, what awaits us, is this dark, cold night you speak of, that many of us endure, for a very long time.

I wish I had something erudite, hopeful to say.....but I wrote my own thread recently trying to find a way out of just what you speak of, only to find after that week, it was only worse: darker, more alone, surrounded by more foreign emotions, isolating features of life, and not knowing where to turn,challenging where I drew my line. Perhaps, sometimes, I think, this is what it is about......judging the value of what it is to truly know, to experience and know the true feelings of those around you behind their masks, no matter how subtle or clever their lies are, when they lie to you; to know we may come to nothing but dust and then relive the same again, and wonder all over if it is worth the knowing.......or better to be perky, happy and distracted, and easily amused.....

You are not alone, OP. If that helps any. And my line is still where my line was twenty years ago, no matter how many dark nights I lived through. If nothing else, this is what I hold onto. That character, that part of you, that you cherished when no one else saw it, loved it, appreciated it, perhaps even hated you for having it when they did not, and so even did things to you when you didn't know, weren't cognizant......but someone, somewhere sees even that, even if they cannot speak of it, or save us from our isolation or aloneness.

As the poster above me said, I have nothing to say to save you from this, but you must know there are many of us in that night with you, sleepless, alone, grasping, wondering, searching.......

All my respect and hope for you,

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

I am at a plateau now and think it will never get better. The paranormal, precognitive, knowing, joy is gone. Many dreams told me I would be here, even my latest a month or so ago.

It gets better. The paragraphs you wrote before the above were all too familiar. Except for me, it was over 12 years ago.
The last 10 or so years, I've had noticeable "guiding" from something.

It was weird reading your post. I could have wrote that.
That's how I know the guidance will come back for you too.

I even had reacurring dreams about being lost in a large school. They went away when I went back to college.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:04 AM
Hello I would like to talk to you via private message in regards to the dark knight of the soul and also about your experience identifying your twin soul. Im pretty sure if it's Rihanna you likely feel out of place among the others and some think you have an infatuation but I believe you. And encourage you to read my story. I know how it is especially when nobody around you can relate to you especially if your married. It's rare very rare to actually meet a twin soul in person. Normally one is above as you are below holding the rod to recieve vibration. Oh also I needed to let you know the whole thing with selling your soul is a lie and an insult to not only you but to God. Read my story and if you get back with me I'll explain why you can't sell your soul even if you sign in blood. Do not repost anything I show you.

I don't expect anyone to believe me but you are not alone my friend. This happen to me starting in 2014. Everything up until then was just bread crumbs leading to a giant wedding cake.

There maybe only 144,000 of us or twice that number and the rest are not real.

Read the whole thing
Browse Susan's page for more info.
Educate yourself on Jesus and Horus becuase essentially that's who he is and it's being covered up by the church.

a reply to: Risingfall

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