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Two girls, 11 and 16, sexually assaulted off Brighton beach - UK

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posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by luciddream

oh definitely. but in this particular case, the culture is actually condoning it. it's part of islamification, that the women of the host country either change their behavior or face the consequences. particularly if its from a radical sect. i'm assuming there's a particularly virulent sect coming in from pakistan?

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by poet1b

oh i definitely see the difference.
and i know it would've been wise for her to have handled that differently. there were a few more details. i don't think she got in the car with a rapist but rather a psychopath. and she reacted to save her life. she was totally freaked out. but part of the scene involved an attempted molestation.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by SuicideBankers

The world already is going to hell in a hand basket,

most people just refuse to see it.

I agree we are spiraling downward very quickly. Call me an idealist but I'm going to try and help turn it around with all that I am. The other option of doing nothing I cant abide by.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

So the tenants of political correctness preach.

Pacifism has some noble concepts, but I would rather fight to defend my liberty and my way of life against those who would take it away, because without people willing to fight for their liberty, then we would have none.

It is very important to recognize a danger when it is present.

Catholicism was stopped back in its day, and its power taken away for good reason. Islam in all ways is demonstrating itself to be even worse.

There will always be those who want to claim that fighting to defend oneself is wrong, that anyone who fights is wrong, for many reasons, and often times the ones who speak out against someone fighting to defend themselves are the very ones aiming to do the repressing, the opportunists waiting for the moment to take advantage.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:32 AM
so is the labour party of britain like the democratic party of the usa? sure sounds like it. i wonder if we could do a cursory study of european nations and which of their political parties came up with the brilliant idea of encouraging mass immigration of cultures that are so diametrically different from each other that there was sure to be a negative outcome.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by undo

Sounds like there were a lot more details to the story.

I do agree, the comment by the cop was completely off, but the huge difference remains.

I wouldn't recommend any woman asking a strange man for a ride home from a bar, unless she was looking for more than a ride home. If in a desperate situation, find a couple.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by SuicideBankers

Good to hear.

I think multiculturalism can be a good thing, but too much is too much, and that is what I see happening, and it is all being pushed by a very dark agenda IMO.

I see political correctness as being used to strip us of our liberty.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by SuicideBankers

So the tenants of political correctness preach.

Pacifism has some noble concepts, but I would rather fight to defend my liberty and my way of life against those who would take it away, because without people willing to fight for their liberty, then we would have none.

It is very important to recognize a danger when it is present.

Catholicism was stopped back in its day, and its power taken away for good reason. Islam in all ways is demonstrating itself to be even worse.

There will always be those who want to claim that fighting to defend oneself is wrong, that anyone who fights is wrong, for many reasons, and often times the ones who speak out against someone fighting to defend themselves are the very ones aiming to do the repressing, the opportunists waiting for the moment to take advantage.

I never said i wouldn't defend myself or those I love but that doesn't mean I have to like doing it nor does it mean I should start looking for trouble. I wouldn't call myself a pacifist. I have a violent past. Lots of fights. I have weapons to protect myself and those I love. Everyone has the right to defend themselves but i think whats tripping us up here is what exactly are we defending ourselves from and what extremes we should go to in the name of said defense. Got to go for a while. I have really enjoyed this morning debates with guys and i look forward to more!

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by stumason

Look we can not say what we think here but this is our country and these are our children, those whom perpetrated these attack's are obviously not our own and were they come from this is seen as acceptable and the woman or girls are held responsible, when in Rome do as the Romans but when in Britain? you know exactly what I mean, we may have opposing political view point's but on this I believe we can agree.

There are hundreds of thousand's of illegal immigrants of Muslim belief whom believe under there law it is there duty to take possession of what they believe Allah has given them, If I go into there tent they are bound by the law of hospitality but if I invade it then they can kill me so why are we being a push over.

These are young strong and fit enough to have roughed it to get here, they are not bringing there woman and in there culture there is a paucity of unmarried woman anyway so who are they going to manipulate and marry here.
An army is an army weather it has guns or not, and a government that will not stop itself being invaded is a weak and defeatist government.
Until 20 years ago we still called ourselves a Christian nation but the secularist movement promoted multiculturalism and it took the higher IQ of the swedes to admit it does not work after there recent riots in which many parts of Stockholm have been burned down and they have only been there for about 20 years now so what can we say.

We are damned if we speak and damned if we don't so lets shout the truth as god knows it's about time we did.

My ancestors fought and died for this country through the Hallworth and Tattershall back as long ago as 550ad and they also married British Romano Celtic women so I can truly claim that if I bend down and grab a clump of soil in this ground it is not just soil, it is the sweat, blood, tears and suffering of my ancestors, it is there very ashes and dust and this country is part of my very being.

Lets put blame were blame lies, it was Lord Mountbatten the Last Viceroy of India during the Partition whom said to the Indians and Pakistanis, "Why don't you come and live with us", while the Indian community has represented itself well and has one of the lowest crime rates of any ethnicity the Pakistani community is quite a different prospect and though there are members whom any of us would not mind the community as a whole remained entrenched in it's tribal origins and imported there own way of life with them forming a hard core Madrassa inspired Muslim community in Britain, they had one of the highest crime rates for any ethnicity and have created a welcoming place for illegal Muslim immigrant's to settle, recent story's include such as a deaf child whom was imported from Pakistan by an elderly couple whom then kept her in the basement were she was sexually abused and used as a slave.

You know when you make a nice stew well the right ingredients are essential to a good stew and Britain currently has a lot of the wrong ingredients.
edit on 9-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:20 AM
But according to the Bible as long as you marry them after you rape them this is okay.

But the Bee Tea can get you killed.

Make sense to you. Shrug.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by LABTECH767
reply to post by stumason

those whom perpetrated these attack's are obviously not our own and were they come from this is seen as acceptable and the woman or girls are held responsible

And yet according to the Old Testament what they did was perfectly legal as long as you marry the girls afterwards.

England is a Christian nation for the most part, is it not?

How can the Queen and the Prince attend a religious organization that condones this behavior and the guys who perpetrated the crime not be one of England's own devout followers?

Also, the Bible requires you to obey the law of the land as one of the tenets of the Christian faith.

How can you commit a felony crime like rape or statutory rape which the Bible permits and also fulfill the commandment to obey the law of the land in which you live?

You can't do both. One or the other, and that is what the Bible should indicate. You either follow the law as part of the faith, or you disregard the law and rape people as Old Testament law allows.

edit on 9-7-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-7-2013 by Miracula because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by LordDerpingtonSmythe

You are correct they do and are, have had some security experience dealing with them of late and they are to use a northern phrase hard faced people, we have never done the Roma any harm but in eastern Europe they were persecuted for generation's but not here as those of Roma descent here tend to have small holding's etc. and there main line is in horse trading.
Interestingly the Roma may have originated in India as the Raj Phut an army sent out to fight islam whom when they turned around found india had been taken from behind by the very tribes they were fighting, it is theorised that they then became wanderers whom had to eek out an existence as pedlars and nomads before finally reaching Europe were they were thought wrongly to be Egyptians and hence the title Gypsy. Though Gypsy in general are not the problem I won't even start were Irish travellers are concerned as I have had to move them on as well on occasion though they are no were near as bad to have to deal with and I have no bias against them other than there attitude to others.
edit on 9-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Miracula

Look will you stop using the old testament in reference to Christianity, it is the old testament and though we respect it we follow the NEW testament, you know love your neighbour, who is my neighbour well I suggest you look up the parable of the good Samaritan and what jesus had to say there..

All I can say if for me to do anything like that would go against all Christian tradition and morality, rape is coveting what is not yours and stealing as well as a form of personal violation that god once destroyed the city's of Sodom and Gomorrah for just threatening to do to his servants, the old testament jews were every bit as brutal as the people they fought against, a girl was raped and her father took her and cut here into pieces ( it does not say she was dead but I hope so ) and sent the pieces around to the city's of Israel, the tribes were outraged and gathering the then totally destroyed the city were this had been done.
edit on 9-7-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Miracula

Old testament is Judaism, Christianity is New testament. The New testament is against violence, it is almost the opposite of the NT.

posted on Jul, 9 2013 @ 12:22 PM
Closed for review

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 01:13 PM
Thread re-opened.

Please bear in mind the only stated fact in the BBC news article is that the attacks occurred.

Any subsequent supposition leading to hate speech will not be tolerated.

posted on Jul, 10 2013 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by neformore
Thread re-opened.

Please bear in mind the only stated fact in the BBC news article is that the attacks occurred.

Any subsequent supposition leading to hate speech will not be tolerated.

That's awesome.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by stumason

More protests from the EDL are on the Horizon.

Seriously.... this is not going to go down well with the 'Right Wing' groups!

posted on Jul, 18 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by CJCrawley

Originally posted by alldaylong
reply to post by stumason

When the "people" who are carrying out this sick crime are finally bought to justice and get sent down, you can be sure they are not given an easy time in prison by other inmates.
That gives me some satisfaction at least.

I wouldn't be too confident about that.

There are an awful lot of Muslim prisoners now; so many in fact that some of our home-grown crims are converting to Islam in stir.

I can't see them treating their own kind too harshly - especially when the victims are white Brits.

Did you see this? :-

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