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I don't know how much more I can take....

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posted on May, 17 2013 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by CuriousAchilles
reply to post by Helious

... Some day, you will die....


Until then all we can do is do what we do. Yep, things are a mess, but hey, how boring would things be if it was all good and, yawn. It is exciting !!!

So WTF do we do...

At the monent I would give ATS about a 10% stake in the geopolitical game. Some gets through, but not much dollars at this end if the game. Bitcoin needs to run if true capitalism is to be on the end game, let it and help it go. All you need to do is to satisfy the international community to let it and all its siblings express supply and demand.

As for me, I am using my skills looking for a better way. We all know democracy is dead. Either we find a new way to express and define the common sense or we have Totalitarianism, the logic for any alternative means is retarded. I like hope but prefer reason.

I am using my skills to help define the scientific council. When I fell down the hole I looked to my scientific elders for help. For their own reasons it was beyond their capability. I do know and can see some of the capabilities of social media, I am helping with the next standard.

At the end of the day and in that flash, I want to leave more of a positive than a negative affect, it will help me rest in peace.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Helious

Yes, you see too much. You also assume too much 'power' to change the things 'outside' you and thus are in a perpetual state of frustration, since those things you don't like don't change.

What I'm doing is cleaning up my own house. That's the first and most important thing any of us can do. Study natural law. Study consciousness. Take some time to decide what is REALLY important to you. If you're lucky, you can discover something you really enjoy doing, and do it.

Don't worry about the fact (yes I agree it's a fact) that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Worry solves nothing and makes you miserable. Enjoy what you can for the short time you've got left. Don't worry about what comes after this world. Surely it can only get better!

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Berzerked

I'm sick of it. I'm tired. I think I will buy a plane ticket down to DC on July 4th
reply to post by Helious

I think, at this point. Youre better off buying a ticket to somewhere our of the country. The stage has been set, DHS is America's Stasi. Warrant less searches and a 1 million dollar reward for Dorner because he killed some cops?
Same thing with the Boston bombing suspects, going house to house, forcing citizens out at gun point..
That, along with APC's in the streets, they are gradually getting the people used seeing heavily armed military in the streets, to "make us safe"
Seriously, leave when youre able.

This comment gave me the chills.

Back in the 90's, when I was just a rookie, the chief of police at the department I worked for gave me this:

I asked him what it was, and he said, "Just a little something I picked up while I was in Germany." I tossed it aside and it sat collecting dust, until (somewhat) recently when I came across it again and figured out exactly what it was.

Harmless souvenir? Out of all the other officers, why did he give it to me? It was the only one he had - no one else got one.

Now I keep it on my desk as a constant reminder to what once was and could so easily be again.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Hopechest

Love your replies. I do wonder though, how do you deal with the headaches you get from beating your head against that post?

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by KyrieEleison

At some point, probably one not that far down the road, there will be martyrs. There will be those who have decided that the best and most efficient way to fight back against tyranny and open eyes is by saying no and paying the ultimate price for it.

One life tossed against the machine in hostile action is easily forgotten. One life taken in violation of our natural rights of freedom by those that seek to enslave us is worth 1000x more. They can not get away with it and they know it and that is why we have the massive amount of propaganda we do in the U.S. They are betting on stopping civil disobedience and the idea of it before it starts, not winning once it has begun.

posted on May, 17 2013 @ 10:49 PM
All the protesting, rallying, and guns in the world aren't ever going to help anyone, the only way out is to plant your own food, and get free from the entire system. If you have to buy a motor home and attach a greenhouse on a utility trailer and live like that for a while, do whatever it is you have to do to no longer be dependant on them for ANYTHING... that is all I can see working for anyone...

I am growing every nut tree I can for protein so I don't need to kill animals, growing things specifically to go to seed only until I need things for sprouting or growing, my money all goes towards independance until money becomes useless, then I have faith in my God and my preparations from then on..... I am in canada, but I think the whole planet needs to take the same approach, because when the states fall it will hit the entire globe I think.

posted on May, 21 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Helious

At some point, probably one not that far down the road, there will be martyrs. There will be those who have decided that the best and most efficient way to fight back against tyranny and open eyes is by saying no and paying the ultimate price for it.

Julian Assange is one who has put it on the line. If he gets a senate position at the next Australian election later this year he has a way out. American law has dictated that its democratic processes and public forum trumps international law. The international jury us still out, but it would establish a very uncomfortable and dictator relationship to arrest a public will as the US to step in on our democratic process. It would not be the first time. Sweden law can not provide any guarantees of US extradition, but knows it is a very complex situation.

As for Bradley, he is getting it a tougher than most martyrs.

As for us, do we embrace facebook? Any studies in just how much common sense is in the common voice?

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