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Considering all the theories regarding 2012 why is it that nothing happened?

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posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:09 PM
I use to read about the varied eschatological beliefs regarding 2012 with interest to the point where I thought something actually might occur on the 21st December 2012. Nothing happened of course I didn't feel any 'changes in my consciousness' or 'cosmic energies' as I was led to believe I might.

Can anyone who has a broader knowledge than myself regarding 2012 explain why nothing seemingly happened?

Is it a case that the Mayan Calendar was misinterpreted and that the date was incorrect I certainly hope not because this might lead to another revised date which inevitably will come to nothing and I couldn't go through all that again.

I didn't fully subscribe to any of the Doomsday theories such as the 'Nibiru cataclysm' (even though Nibiru fascinates me) however I did wonder if somehow the Mayan calendar could have been connected with solar flare emissions from the Sun and certainly a photograph I saw of a huge unusual triangular sunspot purportedly observed on the surface of the Sun did give me cause to wonder.

The area which interested me most though was the whole deal about 'ascension' and the end of the Mayan calendar marking a new epoch or the Earth entering the Photon Belt and at last the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Is it just me or does it feel like we've been on the verge of entering the Age of Aquarius for what seems like forever?

So I'm disappointed that none of the esoteric beliefs about 2012 came to pass - I didn't ascend, the Earth didn't pass through the Galactic Plane, the Earth didn't stop spinning on its rotational axis leading to the much repeated 'three days of darkness', no pole shift or geomagnetic reversal, no alien invasion or Project Blue Beam, no Timewave Zero leading to novel possibilities happening simultaneously and yet again Nibiru did a no show.

So where does this leave all these new age beliefs as for a long time they built up the end of the Mayan calendar as being some profound event. I'd be interested to see how these beliefs are going to develop in the next few years and how they will adapt to the non event that 2012 seemingly was.

Or did something happen or begin in 2012 which we won't fully feel the effects off for years yet?

I remember reading about something called 'the Christos realignment mission' which claimed that between 2012-2017 Human DNA is going to be reconfigured so we can access higher dimensions and be reconnected back to the 'source' or 'higher consciousness'. It made interesting reading. Also some of the time travellers from the Montauk project supposedly couldn't move forward in time past a certain point somewhere between 2012 and 2016 perhaps suggesting the Earth doesn't exist in this dimension any longer? I hope this is true and 2012 was the beginning of something rather than the event itself.

Anyway I hope there was some truth in at least some of the wide ranging 2012 beliefs because when I first read about the whole 2012 thing part of me really did expect something momentous to happen. I just hope that the people who write about 2012 don't set yet another date but rather try to explain what did happen or why nothing seemingly happened in 2012.

edit on 12-5-2013 by fadedface because: spelling

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:13 PM

Considering all the theories regarding 2012 why is it that nothing happened?

Because they were all wrong.

It really is that simple, a whole bunch of people got way over excited about a acient myth and blew everying out of proportion mixed in some paranoida and a whole sack of ignorance and came up with all these “thories” aobut how we were all going to die.

Thankfully theyw were all wrong and nothing happened.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by fadedface

Hmmm... Well, maybe something did happen. Maybe, we did accent to a higher plane or something. The thing might be that this higher plane is so similar to the old one, that we just didn't notice the difference.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by fadedface

I think plenty happened...there were earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes; and brutal murders.

I'm just saying.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by fadedface
I use to read about the varied eschatological beliefs regarding 2012 with interest...
So where does this leave all these new age ethological beliefs

Doesn't it leave them discredited?
In any case, the beliefs were so varied that the fulfilment of any one of them would have discredited all the others, as was obvious in advance.
The moral is; take all theories on the internet with a pinch of salt, even "alternative" ones.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by fadedface

Considering all the theories about Jesus returning to rule the world, why is it that nothing has happened?

Why are we even bringing this up? It's old news. I guess some people can't let sleeping dogs lie. They gotta keep rubbing salt in while the rest of us struggle to recover from the continued crapfest that is Planet Earth. We had hoped that the rumored Mayan whatever would give us a reason to set 2012 as starting date for making the world better.

We really should have known better. No one wants the world to heal, they just want it to die in a more convenient fashion. I could just spit.

edit on 12-5-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by caladonea

I think plenty happened...there were earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes; and brutal murders.

Yep! The same old, same old... My prediction is that all of the above will continue! LOL

I liked your old avatar better. Just sayin...

See ya,

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:32 PM
The reason that all the 2012 predictions failed is because they were based on a false premise. The Long Count didn't end on and the Maya had no prophecy associated with this date. Despite what New Agers attempted to claim all 2012 theories stemmed from the belief that the Maya prophecized the end of the world on December 21, 2012. The simple fact however is that this was a lie perpetuated by charlatans to sell books.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by StarsInDust
Hmmm... Well, maybe something did happen. Maybe, we did accent to a higher plane or something. The thing might be that this higher plane is so similar to the old one, that we just didn't notice the difference.

Ascension is definitely overrated then if this is the case.

To be honest I didn't truly believe I would ascend but I did think for a second some entity might come before me and give me the option if I wanted to ascend or not which I happily would have.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

We really should have known better.

I DID know better!

No one wants the world to heal, they just want it to die in a more convenient fashion.

I reckon that I'm THE exception!

See ya,

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Xcalibur254
The reason that all the 2012 predictions failed is because they were based on a false premise. The Long Count didn't end on and the Maya had no prophecy associated with this date. Despite what New Agers attempted to claim all 2012 theories stemmed from the belief that the Maya prophecized the end of the world on December 21, 2012. The simple fact however is that this was a lie perpetuated by charlatans to sell books.

Maybe the New Agers might still be proved right though if 2012 was not the foretold 'end of the world' but rather as some quarters insisted the beginning of a new epoch of spiritual enlightenment leading to a new form of human consciousness which will eventually ascend to a higher plane of existence.

Okay looking around at the world I live in this seems doubtful but who can say if 2012 wasn't the end but rather set something in motion which we won't be able to clearly see for a long while yet.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by fadedface

Considering all the theories about Jesus returning to rule the world, why is it that nothing has happened?

Why are we even bringing this up? It's old news. I guess some people can't let sleeping dogs lie. They gotta keep rubbing salt in while the rest of us struggle to recover from the continued crapfest that is Planet Earth. We had hoped that the rumored Mayan whatever would give us a reason to set 2012 as starting date for making the world better.

We really should have known better. No one wants the world to heal, they just want it to die in a more convenient fashion. I could just spit.

edit on 12-5-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

The reason I brought it up is because I actually invested some belief in the slew off theories which where connected to 2012 and the Mayan calendar and I thought that at the very least one of the many theories might actually be real. From where I am now looks like all of them where false although I'm still not entirely sure.

I don't enjoy the way planet earth is either and I've always said the next revolution needs to be one of human nature and consciousness because that is really the only way the world can ever change. I think the problem I had with 2012 I was waiting for some alien or entity to do it for us to open up the door to a better world rather than actually make one ourselves.

Perhaps that's why I didn't ascend all the people who seemed to be really certain about the ascension seemed to be really involved in meditation etc. whereas I've never meditated in my life unfortunately so perhaps the people who put the effort into getting ready to ascend caught the wave and actually did ascend where as a person like myself who just sat around waiting for the door of ascension to open for me got nowhere. Seems a shame because I always thought I was an open minded person and that might be enough to grant me ascension without having to go into all the meditation and spiritual discipline stuff to deeply which requires a patience I don't have sadly.

Did anyone on here who was very involved in the concept of ascension actually ascend?

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin

Considering all the theories regarding 2012 why is it that nothing happened?

Because they were all wrong.

It really is that simple, a whole bunch of people got way over excited about a acient myth and blew everying out of proportion mixed in some paranoida and a whole sack of ignorance and came up with all these “thories” aobut how we were all going to die.

Thankfully theyw were all wrong and nothing happened.

Nearly every single new age text and even conspiracy theories I've read made some remark even if it was in passing about 2012. It turns out it was all some big con surely this will be damaging for the whole new age community?

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:51 PM
Hey, I managed to get completely prepared for at least a three month disaster in 2012. I consider it a good thing to be prepared. It gives me a lot of confidence in myself to get something important done. I never thought of 2012 as anything other than a goal post, a time in which I wanted to be to a certain point of preparedness, a point equal to what I grew up with in the sixties. Most people in the sixties around here had at least three months worth of food stored and a couple ways to heat their house.

Most of society today are a bunch of pansies, thinking others should take care of them if things go bad. What happened to the strong people in society nowadays, people who are independant of the government in an emergency. It seems that in 2012 the two sides got farther apart and people started to say preppers are terrorist like. These same people will use "For the good of the people" to steal the food from those who are prepared. That is why the prepared need to own guns. Our country is getting more and more divided between the conservatives(prepared) and liberals(Risk takers). I think laws should be made to protect the people who are conservative about things, the people who actually pay the most taxes in this country.
edit on 12-5-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 03:55 PM

2012 was just a marker.

Things were changing before and will after.

The point is that things are changing. 2012 was a horrible year for storms and freaky weather.

I only made one 2012 thread myself, and I still stand by it.

No matter what anyone thinks.

2012- A guide Message, Take a deep Breath and Relax.

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 05:18 PM
The whole thing has been blown out of proportion and corrupted by many fields.
If you want a more scientific base on what is going to happen, watch a documentary called "solar revolution"
It is very accurate and is one of the best Doco's i've seen.

If you want some more controversial info, do some research on the messages from contactees.

One thing that you need to understand is time, It is a human construct. Meaning we created it, and is nothing more than a marker point for convenience. In turn, it is near impossible to predict when certain events are to occur.

It is a transition into a new way of life. This doesn't mean the world will blow up and we will all magically transcend into utopia. There are a lot of signs and messages everywhere you look that this change is on the way, you just gotta know what to look out for how to see the them. Eventually there will be some kind of pin point, where the transition is made, but a time reference to this would be nothing more than pure speculation.

It is going to be more on the metaphysical side rather than physical. Eventually science will catch up, but not before the current restraints a long destroyed. The first thing you will notice will be the changes within your self, your mind, your senses. These are subtle, and will increase in time. Clarity & purpose will come. Then you will notice the separation. The split of two types of people, the new and old. Things only get more interesting from there on.

I will give you a message 'a friend' gave to me, i do not usually share this. But you seem open enough to consider it. It may seam quite negative, but this is not the case.

"A simple human, i may just be.
But such a human, is rare to see,
With connection to spirit, what human to be.
Disconnected, most do not see.
A time is near, and a hour shall come.
Soon enough, a cleansing begun.
But not before, the skies shall steer.
Human hearts, shall burn or clear.
The world will turn, And much will burn.
Man will face, its greatest concern.
Flooded by water, blood, and slaughter.
The earth shall be cleaned, and man will be freen.
Those with the eyes to see, and those with the ears to hear.
Will soon understand, that this time is near.
A new world, is soon to appear. "

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by fadedface

Bumped on pure subject matter.. a wonderful theory thread.
This kind of letdown is typical of a declining culture seeking hands-off,
no mess salvation. Great scenario if we got it though.. just the same I'm
not standing around for too long in the queue in my knotless robe, waiting
for the scamjet powered unicorn to fart me a Samsonite two-suiter of 50's.
no typo ^ LOL.

My Grandsponsor always said "The human brain is a second-rate organ."
In my case, I regularly retorted (sometimes in company);
"You might have overestimated me by a notch or two, Ron."

Backside of the ugly truth: nobody ever solved the problem I HAD into
nonexistence for free. That butthead in my mirror 15 years later this
Thursday can be trusted with a razor in the morning now.
But I'm watching him like a hawk hen... he's a quite incomplete work in progress.

Moral: tomorrow I'm going to go push for that job so my anniversary present
isn't an eviction notice taking hold squirting me and my work tools out onto
the dumpster. Thanks for the thread, and may we all force the positive results.

PS EDIT : Maybe properly getting ready for the change WAS the change we need
edit on 12-5-2013 by derfreebie because: ps for final postulation

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 05:47 PM
its may 12th and 2 degree's up here in ontario, thats not normal lol

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by hoonsince89

Thank you for the reply and for sharing that insightful poem with me. The Solar Revolution documentary looks fascinating from the trailer I just watched. I read somewhere before that the CME sunspot cycle could be linked to changes in human behaviour and it doesn't surprise me that the Sun could transform human consciousness as I believe there is a connectedness between consciousness and matter and that at some fundamental level outside of our perception they are the same. The real evolution of humanity is the evolution and changing of consciousness in my view and I hope we are poised for some great upheaval of consciousness which might finally cleanse the planet and ourselves.

edit on 12-5-2013 by fadedface because: spelling

posted on May, 12 2013 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by derfreebie

thank you for the entertaining contribution.

With 2012 like everything else in life I was waiting for something to happen rather than making something happen. The question is how do I make something happen? Perhaps if I wait long enough I'll find out?

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