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Immigrants are smarter than UK citizens.

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posted on May, 9 2013 @ 04:27 AM

In 2011, nearly one in two recent migrants, defined as those born abroad who have spent fewer than 5 years in the UK, were in the highest educational category compared to one in four among the UK-born population

Whilst it is true, that employment (note: not unemployment) rates are higher amongst migrants than people born in the UK, this is a misleading measure, considering that today in the UK male unemployment is almost identical amongst migrants and those born in the UK,

However, on the other hand far less female migrants work than women born in the UK. This may be because they continue to uphold a more traditional family structure (i.e. the once popular nuclear family), or because education for females was more difficult to attain in their home countries.

However, more migrants (1 in 2) are able to attain higher levels of education than of those born in the UK (1 in 4). This dispels the notions that many here have of migrants being uneducated and unwelcome.

Yes they are taking your jobs, the jobs you lazy and dumb people are unqualified to do and the jobs you lazy and demanding people don't want to do. In fact, the figures show that male migrants are being employed in the lowest paid jobs (elementary occupations) and the highest paid jobs (managerial positions etc.) whereas women occupied associate professions (nurses etc.)

I hope these statistics may dispel some of the prevailing notions of migration. After all, if your economy is to be successful, you need the highly skilled, smarter and more educated migrant workers to continue coming to the UK, otherwise you will fall behind.

Pax Britania.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

They are also highly adept at scamming the system, claiming everything they possibly can from our government, take cash jobs and stay together in micro communities that soley support each other and funnel a considerable amount of money outside of the economy, contributing very little to our society.

But you know, its never quite so simple as that eh.

Also could we clarify is these are legal migrants?, as it states migrants within the labour market suggesting it is not concerning illegal immigration.

Also I think it should also realy take into account the labour deals in place the UK actualy had at the time concerning the influx of what was cheap migrant labour from Eastern Europe. That would go some way to artificialy skew any data as they were automaticaly given priority over any jobs taken within respective industries.

edit on 9-5-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-5-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Tuttle

Perhaps you could provide some data which would support you contention, which at this point is absolute BS until it is supported by anything other than your beliefs.

Yes, this refers to legal migration, which is the channel through which the majority of migrants enter the UK.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Tuttle
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

They are also highly adept at scamming the system, claiming everything they possibly can from our government, take cash jobs and stay together in micro communities that soley support each other and funnel a considerable amount of money outside of the economy, contributing very little to our society.

Congratulations for the 1st bull# post of the day.

Misdirected hate, that's what your suffering from. Go cry to your Government mate, that chatting of utter bull# isn't doing anything any good.

Thanks for sharing this OP, I'v been saying for years that many immigrants come here to pursue a better life - Its the Government and EU that allow them to have extra benefits which in turn make small minded people start hating immigrants for something that is out of their control.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant


Some random numbers without any real context for you to look at! y

Stats are a wonderful thing eh, without giving any proper context to them though, they dont really make sense, such as your qoute about UK workers being lazy. LOL Source please?

Originally posted by n00bUK

Originally posted by Tuttle
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

They are also highly adept at scamming the system, claiming everything they possibly can from our government, take cash jobs and stay together in micro communities that soley support each other and funnel a considerable amount of money outside of the economy, contributing very little to our society.

Congratulations for the 1st bull# post of the day.

Misdirected hate, that's what your suffering from. Go cry to your Government mate, that chatting of utter bull# isn't doing anything any good.

Thanks for sharing this OP, I'v been saying for years that many immigrants come here to pursue a better life - Its the Government and EU that allow them to have extra benefits which in turn make small minded people start hating immigrants for something that is out of their control.

If you can tell me what I says does not happen, alrighty then ill retract the statement. UK citizens do it enough, im pretty sure legal/illegal migrants will also do it. Immigration has its benefits, has its negatives such as the disproportionate amount of Eastern Europeans in our prisons.

I should also point out now, despite you jumping to wild conclusion, I am not actualy against immigration at all.
edit on 9-5-2013 by Tuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

When I was 16 it was easy for me to get a job in my town, whether it was factory work, telesales, or supermarket staff. Now most of those jobs in my town are being done by Eastern Europeans. I was lazy at 16 but I still wanted a job. The difference now is that 16 year olds are competing against a whole new workforce from Eastern Europe who have the added motivation of finding a job or they will have to return home. It's a whole new ball game.

It's not fair to say people are lazy. Most people want to earn a decent living, but when wages are driven down, by a surplus of labour it becomes increasingly more difficult.

The jobs I mentioned are the stepping stone jobs, the jobs that introduce young people to the work place, now these jobs are gone and you blame it on lazy Brits?.

This country definitely needs immigrants to support us, but to claim Brits are lazy, is a lazy assumption you have come too.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by Tuttle

The first source says ESTIMATES 155,000 illegal immigrants likely claim benefits, which is such a dismal amount compared to the UK population. Essentially, your own source contradicts your assertion, especially since it even states that illegal immigrants in the UK also happen to pay taxes (granted not all of them), therefore contributing to the economy in a way other than providing the unskilled labor no UK citizen wants to.

Congratulations, your entire argument is unsubstantiated. Referring to UK born persons as lazy isn't my argument, it was simply a provoking choice of words.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

This is interesting data and thanks for sharing. I have to say though when i was teaching (secondary education) my experience was completely different in that non British residents were seriously in the majority for those struggling with literacy levels. I would add though that the majority of those were from one distinct ethnic background (which i do not feel the need to share as i don't want to start a separate argument on this thread!).

Despite the above, i should add that i am wholly in favour of sustainable immigration levels. I can't stand the hypocrisy on the West regarding immigration and refugees. The simple fact is that the poorest countries in the world take in by far the largest numbers of migrants. Countries like Mozambique (consistently in the bottom 5 poorest countries) take in millions of migrants. It just goes to prove the old adage that those with nothing don't mind sharing and those with everything do.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:50 AM
Not sure if any of you guys have been to a jobcentre, but the one I've been in, every single person in there claiming benefits was white, so your racist rubbish about immigrants claiming benefits is crap. I would say the average IQ in there was about 50 and that's being generous.

The university I go to markets itself as an "international university", so there are a lot of immigrants study there, especially in engineering where I am... They are by far the smartest people in the class, especially the Chinese, and I reckon it's because they have a different work ethic to British people. British people now aren't taught in schools to be curious and read around the subject, in GCSEs and A-Levels we're taught to learn what we need to to pass the exam, to the extent that what we were taught in GCSE Chemistry was wrong and we had to re-learn the right thing for A-Level.

I think the basic reason for this is the education system and the fact that peoples parents aren't pushing them hard enough to exceed.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:54 AM
the system is great . On the way home the other day there was a lineup on the corner and a sign that said free cell phones. I pulled around the corner and got in line. Being the only white looking guy I made everyone nervous. When I got to the table I grabbed a form filled it out and signed at the bottom that everything I said was true. The guy looked at the form and asked for ID and I told him I didn't have any. He initiald the form and handed me a phone and everyone started getting roudy. I laughed and went to my car. used my cousins name and my SS number in reverse. No problem 500 minutes and a new Obama phone. My wife couldn't believe it

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by SpeachM1litant

Yes they are taking your jobs, the jobs you lazy and dumb people are unqualified to do and the jobs you lazy and demanding people don't want to do. In fact, the figures show that male migrants are being employed in the lowest paid jobs (elementary occupations) and the highest paid jobs (managerial positions etc.) whereas women occupied associate professions (nurses etc.)

Pax Britania.

If a so many immigrants are taking low / high paid jobs in the UK that apparantly everyone is too lazy to do, then why is Camaron planing this - EU nationals may be banned from benefits in UK under new proposals.

He's planning it because he know's that there are literally thousands of immigrants in the UK, screwing the system and bleeding the UK dry.

As of january 2012 the DWP said that 371,000 people claiming work age benefits were non UK national's, and of that 371,000 a total of 258,000 were non Europeans.

Thats not to mention the child benefit scam..all part and package of welcome to "soft touch Britain".

Why are we sending 50 million a year to Poland in child benefits..

Thats why Britains economy is up sh*t creek without a paddle..the 50, 000,000 million that we send freely to Poland every year should bolster the UK economy.

And then theres this gem, a man who really knows how to show his gratitude to the UK for giving him a chance to better himself, even if illegaly - Illegal migrant in 3.8 Billion pound fraud.

YES, we need more qualified workers in the UK if there is need.

That immigrants work for less wage and more hours is a world phenomenom, not just in the UK, so they're nothing special.

However, the cost of having a few thousand qualified migrant doctors, nurses etc in the UK is being ruined by the fact that the benfit frauds commited by thousands of immigrants, be they fraudulant claims, or by simply sending home child benfits to Poland, are ruining the economy of the United Kingdom.
edit on 9-5-2013 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 06:03 AM
What this tells me is smart people in poor countries migrate,..........or is the average Brit dumber than the average Asian or any other nationality that make up the migrants of our country.

And for those who continually jump on the pc wagon, I think you need a simple economics lesson:

If you are say a builder taking home say £500 per week, and have a mortgage based on that amount. Then you have immigrants come over and undercut your prices by a third.......What do you think will happen to your workload ?

The mass immigration we have been experiencing will have only one drive down wages and standards of living.......and anyone who cannot see that is either an idiot or an employer benefiting from it.

Rant over.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

Originally posted by SpeachM1litant
reply to post by Tuttle

The first source says ESTIMATES 155,000 illegal immigrants likely claim benefits, which is such a dismal amount compared to the UK population. Essentially, your own source contradicts your assertion, especially since it even states that illegal immigrants in the UK also happen to pay taxes (granted not all of them), therefore contributing to the economy in a way other than providing the unskilled labor no UK citizen wants to.

Congratulations, your entire argument is unsubstantiated. Referring to UK born persons as lazy isn't my argument, it was simply a provoking choice of words.

Sorry but you were the one who decided to take what I said out of context, I never at any point alleged ALL migrants legal or otherwise came to this country solely to scam benefits. All I said was, it does happen, which it does, regardless of how much it happens, it happens, thats a fact.

The reason for this, I believe is the fact a UK Pound is worth far more than the migrants country of origins currency. Therefor, it would make perfect sense for them to send money, which they receiver for free from our state, which they do as proven by the statistics I provided, and convert that money into there own local currencies, more than likely to help their families back home.

Now as for us lazy UK workers I remember sometime around 2008 maybe 2009 I was working in power stations throughout England during which time a number of large scale strikes halted all work on these sites organized by the likes of Unite for a very specific reason, the clients on those sites were drafting in cheap polish labour. Because Britain at the time relaxed the eligibility to work for this nation to allow an influx of skilled/unskilled labour to our country, the problem was the clients on these sites were paying said polish workers the equivalent of a monthly pay they would receive back home for the same job we were doing. UK workers made that in under a week, subsequently not many local UK workers on these sites could get jobs, hence the strikes. It is now at a point where several large energy providers/civil contractors have a blanket ban on foreign labour.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 07:21 AM
Immigrants are heterogenous, there are highly skilled ones as well as those who import their home poverty into the UK. I think UK needs to filter them more, thats what it boils down to and I doubt anyone would disagree.

And the absolute magnitude of immigration should be reduced, because the levels since 90s are unprecedented and unsustainable in the long term.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by SpeachM1litant

Yes they are taking your jobs, the jobs you lazy and dumb people are unqualified to do and the jobs you lazy and demanding people don't want to do.

Wow, offensive much? Those "Lazy and dumb" people you refer to are probably those who grew up in families that had no work to go to, therefore they may have followed their parents footsteps and never entered into the world of work. Also, I was let go after christmas but was surprised they kept a girl on who barely spoke a word of english (I was working on some checkouts) I am a victim of positive discrimination - But it must be my fault, yes?

In fact, the figures show that male migrants are being employed in the lowest paid jobs (elementary occupations) and the highest paid jobs (managerial positions etc.) whereas women occupied associate professions (nurses etc.)

This system is so wonderful that instead of training "Lazy and dumb" british people for associate professions (which takes money btw) We just pluck people from other countries who already have the skills we need. This might benefit business, But it negatively effects both the country we are luring them from (By stealing their skilled workers) and also the host country because we now have a backlog of people still in need of proper paid work/jobs. But im not sure you're interested in those facts.

I hope these statistics may dispel some of the prevailing notions of migration.

You obviously lack any sort of comprehension of how mass migration over the past 10 years has obliterated any chance the poor native working classes had to improve their lot in life. Neither do you seem to understand the effect that their migration had on their countries of origin.

After all, if your economy is to be successful, you need the highly skilled, smarter and more educated migrant workers to continue coming to the UK, otherwise you will fall behind.

They're definitely going to need a consistent influx considering their pricing people out of higher education. Also, many successful economies are based on wage labour - Paying the absolute minimum for the maximum amount of work. When you measure pay based only on what skills that person possesses, the majority of people begin to get robbed despite the fact that the work they do is important and hard.
Many migrants also shack up together so their living costs go way down and therefore they can afford to work for nothing. Native people dont really have that option, they MUST make a certain amount of money or working essentially becomes pointless. Take away their opportunities to learn skills/get educated then you end up with yet another generation not bothering to go out to work because there is no profit in doing so.

posted on May, 9 2013 @ 01:06 PM
So SpeachM1litent you say that (legal i.e. selected) immigrants are smarter than us Brits because they tend to be have been better educated abroad?
Would it be fair to say us Whites are smarter because we invent more stuff, have far superior incomes, levels of productivity, and (despite not being the strongest of people) have been better at war than any other group in the history of humanity?

No because that would be racist. But it’s fine to go white-native citizen bashing because legal-selected immigrants are better educated?

I just hope you see the nastiness of your “logic”.

As for the other offensive comments about Brits being lazy. Well… It’s true that there are a lot of Britons who won’t work be there a recession or not, and that these people are therefore lazy.
However since the recession there has been a surplus of (most) types of Labour, not least because the government is bound by the membership conditions of the EU regime to allow uncontrolled immigration from Europe (despite there being a recession).

Basically: If you’re amongst the millions looking for more work, it’s never been harder. And that’s not because immigration is a bad thing, it’s because uncontrolled immigration is.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Liberal1984

I'm white, so if you're trying to offend me, I don't see how you are.

posted on May, 10 2013 @ 03:34 AM
As Maslo said above, the point is selection.

The UK should be able to cherry pick those immigrants it needs from the applicants. This is sensible, its what other nations do.

The problem isn't 'immigration is bad' the problem is a bit more complicated than that, a few related points:

-Uncontrolled non selective immigration. Through a combination of being stuck in the EU meaning we have to take anybody from the EU area and a disgracefully lax border control policy we've effectively had an open door for about 15 years.

-Generous UK social net. The generous social safety network in the UK is open for abuse. People from poverty stricken nations can get a better standard of living and healthcare doing nothing in the UK then they can working elsewhere. Of course they are going to come.

Whats needed is to wind back the benefits system and close our borders except for those individuals we need. For at least 10 years the only people coming in should be those sponsored by a company, after the company demonstrates they have skills that cannot be found in the UK labour market.

Its not about racism or small mindedness, its about having the same control of who comes in as nations like Canada and Australia.


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