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Benghazi: Names of "Whistleblowers" Revealed: Gregory Hicks,Mark Thompson,Eric Nordstrom

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posted on May, 4 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by links234

Can't you bother to read the OP?!!
Oh a Socialist, now I understand...we'll spell it out then;
Ambassodor Stevens quote above...soon to be heard in Congress...then the world.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:06 PM
If Hillary couldn't provide adequate security the people should have been pulled out.
Either protect them or evacuate.
if the Media Establshment doesn't hammer Obama/Hillary for this, I suppose they never will.

can you imagine the firestorm if a Republican had done something like this???

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by works4dhs

Have you read the letter from the guy to the oversight committee?

I’m confident that the committee will conclude that Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service, and Mission Libya officers conducted themselves professionally and with careful attention to managing people and budgets in a way that reflects the gravity of their task. I’m proud of the work that our team accomplished in Libya under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. The protection of our nation’s diplomats, our embassies and consulates, and the work produced there is deserving of the time and treasure invested. The work of our fellow Americans abroad is essential to advance the goals of our nation. I am glad to further discuss my experience, and hope that it proves beneficial for this committee, the State Department, and my fellow DS agents protecting and advancing U.S. interests abroad.
May God bless our nation and our efforts to bring peace to a contentious world.
Thank you Mr. Chairman, and Members of the Committee, for the opportunity to appear before you today. I stand ready to answer any questions you might have.

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 09:45 PM
How many of these whistle blowers are going to disappear/die/change their testimony. History repeats itself with this administration's enemies.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by searching411
How many of these whistle blowers are going to disappear/die/change their testimony. History repeats itself with this administration's enemies.

This was the first thing that came to my mind. I hope they blow the doors wide open with their testimony if they survive.

I hope they don't end up like many Seal Team 6 members.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 12:42 AM
Look at the Iranian hostage crisis.. when an embassy being over-run is in the government's best interest for public support against a government or country they deem an enemy and want the American public to view with animosity.. they don't prevent such things.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Granite
If dems had "Hilliary Hopes" for 2016 election, the next six months will squash a campaign effort forever. Why else was she totally silent except one "appearance" to say she takes full responsibility?
So much for transparancy during a Presidential election...
I agree, someone has to take the fall and Obama will come out clean.

I thought the ticket was to read Hillary/ Michelle but it would seem Michelle wants it all for her the way can Michelle pick Berry to be her VP, I mean he can become who ever he wants in order to make it possible, people don't seem to care who or what he is.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by TauCetixeta
This is going to get good, now we are going to see how the Socialist treat each other when its time to through someone under the bus.

As corrupt as Obama and the Clinton's are, and the material the Clintons must have on Obama Hillary will not lay in front of that bus without a fight.Sadly this will never see the light of day, now is when something will happen that puts this away and forgotten.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 04:17 PM
Hillary? Even Hillary Clinton takes her orders from someone. And at the top of that ladder just so happens to be a person who was trying to win an election which this news, may have hurt. Hmmm. Now correct me if I'm way off base here, but just maybe, all the president's lackeys put some pressure on. And maybe, just maybe, after it was all over...Hillary was pissed and resigned. You know...the way LOGIC would presume it must have happened.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 05:14 PM
So I just visited all the major news sites on the net. And guess what...while looking (and searching) for information on the Behghazi whistle-blowers telling their side of the story next week: - Mentions Benghazi in the headline - Benghazi appears in the secondary headline area - Benghazi appears as a third level sub-headline - Benghazi appears 2/3 down the page with "FBI Seeks 3 Linked to Benghazi Attack" - The word Benghazi doen't appear on the page (used "Find")

This was compiled minutes before this post. maybe you know who in the media you can trust when the Obama administration and it's paid liars turn their heads as Americans die. No different than the "Let everyone in" mentality that helped allow Americans the Boston Marathon Americans die.

I can't wait for next week when these "Great Americans", despite threats and lies, stand up and tell the truth that this administration values nothing more than their power. Not America nor American lives. And when they try to blame Hillary, know that she takes orders from above and resigned after this mess. This lie came from the top.

posted on May, 5 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

Benghazi was shared with the CIA and he was kicked out of the CIA after what happened. The media says it was something else unrelated. But the woman he was sleeping with had ties to other countries and the NSA. The woman he was sleeping with argued with a woman who had ties to South Korea. Oh wait what just happened in South Korea? The shut down the intelligence agency and are investigating them for interfering with the election in South Korea.

Intelligentsia, News, Rigging April 30, 2013
S. Korean spy agency raided over presidential election scandal: Report

Could that be the same thing that went on in the US? Petraeus was running around with Mitt and his circle. And now you have another attack in Boston which is questionable about the links to CIA and Uncle Ruslan. And then you have Afghanistan smuggling money drugs and guns to Chechnya. Hell you have Donald Trumps favorite boxer of many years Tyson going to the same towns in 2006 as the bomber when he went over seas. Gregory Hicks wife works in Boston at Jon Snow Inc and deals with Russia. Eric Allan Nordstrom tied to Ethiopia and if you go back in history you will find the terrorist connection there. Arab Liberation Front for Eritrea. Eritrea was controlled by the Britain for many years then they gave it to Ethiopia. Israel even got caught up in that with hijackings of air craft over wanting Eritrea to be its own country. Then you had the Palistinians follow behind them with wanting to be there own country and followed what the Eritrea were doing but one step bigger. They hijacked multiple plans on Dec 6 1970 "hijack sunday" and tried to fly them all to Jordan.

Originally posted by JBA2848
Strange thing I just noticed. Eric Allan Nordstrom also served at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Boston Bombers friend named Robel Phillipos is a Ethiopian. Is there a connection? His mother works with refugees from Ethiopia. I wonder if that is a state department job? The bombers uncle worked with the CIA and State Department creating front companies in Russia to send money to Chechnya to do anti Russian attacks. The older bomber was trying for the Olympics which is connected to the State Department.

Also have a strange connection with Gregory N. Hicks. His wife works for USAID also through John Snow,Inc. located in Boston which also has projects on Russia.

It seems strange that you connect these names to Libya, Ethiopia,Russia and Boston all through the USAID and State Department. What is the chance so many things happening to places directly connected to these guys who's job is in Terrorism?

edit on 4-5-2013 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

Hi jackings and terrorism.

Info on Ethiopia and Erithea.

There seems to be a lot more going on then any one wants to say. And it has to do with thinking terrorist are your friends if your enemy is the same. But when the enemy is gone what happens? Osama Bin Laden!

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by ausername
They watched it all, live and in real time, they had assets in the region and could have ended it quickly. They did NOTHING! They had advanced warning and requests for more security, and at the highest levels those repeated requests were denied.

Fact is you have an administration and top officials that by their inaction are guilty of murder, not only that they are all more worried about offending Muslims, and the new leadership in Libya that they were already preconditioned for inaction.

The policies of tolerance, apologies and appeasement when dealing with Muslims, particularly in that region of the world have proven to be a failure. Weakness invites Muslims to attack.

There are no shocking revelations to be made here, there is no reason to assume that anyone will be held responsible for their inaction and complicity. Maybe if they try really hard with a new plan and better "talking points" they can still blame it all on that youtube video.

Still no reason to assume... The house of cards has been temporarily reinforced.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
Hillary? Even Hillary Clinton takes her orders from someone. And at the top of that ladder just so happens to be a person who was trying to win an election which this news, may have hurt. Hmmm. Now correct me if I'm way off base here, but just maybe, all the president's lackeys put some pressure on. And maybe, just maybe, after it was all over...Hillary was pissed and resigned. You know...the way LOGIC would presume it must have happened.

Obama was on his way to a fundraiser and told his staff, quote, 'you handle it'. He has been too busy speechifying and campaigning to spend much time and energy on foreign stuff. Hillary? She supposedly removed Marine guards as they might intimidate the natives. None of these peope have a clue dealing with these real-world real-time incidents. They create plausible deniability and blame Bush.

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