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George W. Bush is Smarter Than You. (A Disturbing Essay, Episode 2)

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posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:13 PM
I would distinguish between how knowledgeable an individual is, how well educated they are, and how intelligent they are. I would also distinguish between intelligence and wisdom. However, I would never assert anything with respect to someone's intelligence without proof.

It's easy to watch someone flub public speaking and make policy decisions with which we disagree, and conclude that they're a fool. But without some sort of quantifiable measurement of his intellect, I don't think we should make such assumptions one way or the other, personally. (And I don't consider his educational background or his words and deeds while in office sufficient measurements of his intellectual capacity.)

edit on 5/3/2013 by AceWombat04 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:14 PM
GWB isn't very good at communicating with others some times. He acts a little dumb but I don't think he really has to be dumb. I don't believe his college is a trustworthy source of finding out how smart he is. The college will some way or another make sure someone gets good grades if the money is right.

posted on May, 3 2013 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Dear ColoradoJens,

Thanks, I'm learning a lot. It may be hard to believe, but I'm more impressed with the comedy resume. I'm sure it could be duplicated for any politician, but there's stuff in there worth exploring. The rest, not so much.

The three "angels," Besides the question of whether people throw their money away when they think there's no chance of success, I don't know how the oil business as a whole was doing, and whether the "stagnation" was due to Bush's decisions, and if they were, whether they were "stupid." I'd hate to think that every business that needs financial help is run by stupid people. But, maybe, in this case it was Bush stupidity, I don't know.

The Harken thing? Bush was investigated and cleared. Any "lingering questions" were probably being asked by people who didn't like him. And as for using Bush's name to get business, one, that's not his doing, and two, doesn't every prominent person do it?

When it was over, Bush's oil career had merely perpetuated the nagging pattern that marked his life until past the age of 40: Once again, he had followed his father's path but failed to achieve his father's success
Sam Walton's kids will never match their dad's success, probably no one ever will. It happens.

The comment from Sodd, he was a lawyer who was suing the Rangers at the time. He's biased, isn't accusing Bush of stupidity or any kind of immoral behavior. If he's got a complaint, it's with the government that made the deal he didn't like.

So Bush the businessman did prosper. But not by his bootstraps -- with help from wealthy friends and taxpayer subsidies.
I agree, but many do and it's not an indication of intelligence or stupidity.

ColoradoJens, I really like your work. You're doing a fine job and I'm glad you're taking the time to explore this with me. As I said, you're teaching me a lot, and I'm grateful.

With respect,

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Dear ColoradoJens,

Thanks, I'm learning a lot. It may be hard to believe, but I'm more impressed with the comedy resume. I'm sure it could be duplicated for any politician, but there's stuff in there worth exploring. The rest, not so much.

The three "angels," Besides the question of whether people throw their money away when they think there's no chance of success, I don't know how the oil business as a whole was doing, and whether the "stagnation" was due to Bush's decisions, and if they were, whether they were "stupid." I'd hate to think that every business that needs financial help is run by stupid people. But, maybe, in this case it was Bush stupidity, I don't know.

The Harken thing? Bush was investigated and cleared. Any "lingering questions" were probably being asked by people who didn't like him. And as for using Bush's name to get business, one, that's not his doing, and two, doesn't every prominent person do it?

When it was over, Bush's oil career had merely perpetuated the nagging pattern that marked his life until past the age of 40: Once again, he had followed his father's path but failed to achieve his father's success
Sam Walton's kids will never match their dad's success, probably no one ever will. It happens.

The comment from Sodd, he was a lawyer who was suing the Rangers at the time. He's biased, isn't accusing Bush of stupidity or any kind of immoral behavior. If he's got a complaint, it's with the government that made the deal he didn't like.

So Bush the businessman did prosper. But not by his bootstraps -- with help from wealthy friends and taxpayer subsidies.
I agree, but many do and it's not an indication of intelligence or stupidity.

ColoradoJens, I really like your work. You're doing a fine job and I'm glad you're taking the time to explore this with me. As I said, you're teaching me a lot, and I'm grateful.

With respect,

Who cares how smart or stupid he is or was. Whatever his IQ, the damage is done. Whatever his role in causing the damage, I hope he pays in proportion to his culpability which may never be known. We can always hope he'll get his due at the great white throne reckoning..

posted on May, 4 2013 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by dubiousone

Dear dubiousone,

There is a widely accepted belief that Dubya is stupid. To some extent I shared that view. Then I found an article which forced me to rethink my position on that specific aspect. I started the thread to have a discussion on why that rumor got started, if it was true, and how did it become so widespread.

I know it is common to call politicians we disagree with, "Evil," but I was headed in another direction. You're clever enough to see that if this was a "Bush is Good - Bush is Bad" thread, while we might have fun, nobody would learn anything. I wanted to avoid that.

With respect,

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 09:13 AM
Generally, we only have the information that is freely available to the public to form our opinions. Most of us would agree the MSM is highly deceptive and most untrustworthy. At times, I almost feel that it's entirely feasible to think they are literally scripting reality (with a few bloopers here and there).

Who knows? Maybe he was actively involved and was even contributing brainpower. Or maybe he was just a useful idiot. Anyone who is in a position to know the truth would have a motive to lie.

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:55 PM
Since I am a Texan, and he was a governor for several years, I can honestly he is a really smart guy, was very much liked by all, and made great decision that have maintained Texas in less of an economic recession than many other states in the nation. Perry was his lieutenant governor and learned much from him. Lots of native Texans are tongue tide, and have a very unique manner when they speak. My husband does, and he is super smart!

posted on May, 31 2013 @ 03:34 AM
I do agree, nearly 100% with that. I don't agree that he was "making decisions" about all those things listed. The world is too precious to some people to allow its fate to fall to one man. He made the decision on what would please his peers the most, based on what advice or instructions or whatever he heard from them. I think he was brilliant in playing that part though, as the dumb cowboy. Then most of us would think "the guy is an idiot and that's why things are so messed up cause he is so stupid he doesn't have a clue what's going on", instead of thinking "he knows exactly what he's doing! He's a traitor...". It took Bush to allow 9/11 to happen. We willingly transfered his seeming stupidity as a blanket over the whole government and many of us believed that the FBI, etc really were fooled by terrorists.

People didn't criticize him in the right way because they have him a little forgiveness since he was so dumb. People figured it was other people pulling the strings, which there were, of course, but Bush was in the know just as much and played a key part.

People did hate bush quite a bit though...they just didn't BLAME him... They found a way to make him "unblameable".

Enter Obama. People wanted the exact opposite of what they perceived in Bush: a black guy. Sire he's half white but that's not important. What's important is what people see. And how he acts. Because how he acts has a direct correlation with what people see. Now, the race card is what is being used to make him "unblameable" while our nation and everything it stands for deteriorates even further. Not only can criticsbe called racist,but some people will not even dare to speak what they think for the very fear of being called a racist. So there's extra suppression going on even if it isnt clearly visible..

I wonder what they will use for the next president? I wonder how long before they recycle the dumb cowboy or the black guy? I guess the next president could be black again...but it would make more sense to bring a different personality to allow the black guy character to cool off on the back burner with the dumb cowboy... or maybe a woman or a gay Hispanic or some minority that people will not want to appear to have a prejudice against. Definitely not a hetero white guy... Everybody hates white guys, unless they are gay or something...or maybe in an inter racial relationship...maybe.

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