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Police bang on door 8pm cause you grow too many (organic) veggies & in front yard?

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posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:20 AM

Very sad story, of John Kohler beginning to be harassed for his growing activities. Hopefully its the first time and last. But usually.. theres a jelousy-spiteful complex in lots of neighborhoods, goodcop-badcop, goodneighbor-badneighbor kinda thing.

Of course, angry neighbor exaggerated the claims into growing too much, including weed. This is a guy who empoyers the public with the basics for eating healthy & growing organically (as opposed to jumping on the Monsanto/GMO bandwagon)

Anyway what do cops except to get from banging on your door at nite, and telling you neighbors complain you're growing weed or growing too many plants? Say I'll turn it down??

If it was me I'd probably respond with neighbors intentionally filed a false report - isn't that what's illegal?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:33 AM
Unless a law is being broken, I would call it criminal harassment.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:41 AM
Meanwhile across town, old Mrs Higgins is knocked to the ground and her bag stolen while out for an evening walk to help with her bowel trouble which had been knocking her for six lately. Unfortunately her mugger got away because the officers which should have been stationed near her area were called away to harass some guy growing his own food in his garden.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by tropic

Disgraceful, If we have the full picture....could it be someone is jealous of his success ?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 03:46 AM
Poor Mrs Higgins let alone all the Mary Jane & John Does who stand out because they're actually doing the right thing which is no longer mainstream America(n).

Too add, in US, one of my neighbors was reported for dealing drugs and the SWAT team busted into the house, sent his mothers BP up so high ambulance had to come take her to hosp under stroke watch meanwhile SWAT ramsacked the whole house then BILLED them for the search instead of apologizing since nothing was found not even a codeine or motrin.

Sad, sad... POLICE STATE.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:01 AM
And what crime did he commit exactly?

Looks like the police have nothing better to do

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by sarahlm
And what crime did he commit exactly?

Looks like the police have nothing better to do

Actually the police are doing their job perfectly well.
They got a report that a person at a certain location was growing weed, so they went to investigate.
Thats exactly what is supposed to happen.

Blame the stupid neighbour.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:56 AM
Police usually have to follow up complaints. If I said you were growing weed, they probably check it out.

There is no story here other than one from the usual conspiracy and anti government crap people.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 04:57 AM
Welcome to the new age, to the new age?

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by tropic

In the land of the stupid, home of the slave, youre guilty until proven peasant.

Growing vegetables = marijuana dealer.

The State is NUTS.

And to think there are people who say that THEYRE the only ones who should have the guns...

edit on 18-4-2013 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 05:59 AM
If he had been hassled for a possible gun, this thread would be irate with angry citizens demanding their rights not be trampled.

but coz it's a gardener, who may have been doing something that harms no one, he's right for the picking.

Not to say the members posting here do not see the hypocricy but why do we not hear the cops say things like "We will not enforce these unworkable laws." when it comes to things they know very well they cannot ever hope to stop.

They basically keep it in check, people in prison, and coffers full of fines.

And there is no outrage.. maybe a little peep about what they could have been doing..

This is why I go off so much at people who scream blue murder over 'perceived' injustice, yet let real injustice happily go on.. It's not them..


posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:17 AM
What bothers me most is the axiom of innocent until proven guilty is undergoing
subversive change. The new paradigm emerging is assumed guilty until proven innocent.

And it is widely accepted; widely touted. Anytime you hear some naive person say "You shouldn't
worry if you do nothing wrong," it is one more human nail driven into the idea of freedom.

To be truly free, you have live with the idea that those around you are free as well. And thier
freedom poses a danger to you at all times. Freedom requires personal responsibility..

...and personal responsibility has been killed off by legislation and civil lawsuits

People are afraid of freedom...and that we be their doom...history repeats again and again

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:52 AM
I have a job that deals with the public and I know how it feels to be misused and sent on a fools errand.

How must it feel for a cop? They sign up to "protect and serve" (presumably) so I imagine a cop responding to something like this must or at least should feel like a complete clown.

So why respond to such an asinine call at all?

Hell, 911? Yeah, my pizza is late. It should have been here like 5 minutes ago!!

Cops cry and whine when the public views them in a bad light. Try practicing some discretion. Try not letting yourself be the pawn in some retards petty quarrel. Try seeing stupid for what stupid is and not playing along with stupid.

Maybe if you showed the public you werent clowns once in a while the public would stop treating you like clowns. Angry, trigger happy, dog killing clowns.

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 06:58 AM
amazing that so many people expect the police to just ignore reports of suspected criminal activity

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Is it?

"Police? Yeah, I think my neighbor might be growing weed."

Okay, take it from here. Cops show up and knock on the door. I dont answer. They knock again. I dont answer.

They, lacking a warrant or anything more substantial than a phone call, leave.

So why bother wasting their time at all?

An "I think my neighbor is growing weed" call is worlds away from "I'm hearing screams and fighting next door."

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by winofiend
If he had been hassled for a possible gun, this thread would be irate with angry citizens demanding their rights not be trampled.

but coz it's a gardener, who may have been doing something that harms no one, he's right for the picking.

Not to say the members posting here do not see the hypocricy but why do we not hear the cops say things like "We will not enforce these unworkable laws." when it comes to things they know very well they cannot ever hope to stop.

They basically keep it in check, people in prison, and coffers full of fines.

And there is no outrage.. maybe a little peep about what they could have been doing..

This is why I go off so much at people who scream blue murder over 'perceived' injustice, yet let real injustice happily go on.. It's not them..


AGREED! The "media" has just a right knock-up Job in re-arranging the mindset of the populace to ONLY get an emotional response IF the MEDIA warrants it.. smh..The "programing" of the general populace is damn near complete..It up to the miscreants to do the job ..Awaken their neighbors to the TRUE reality of what kind of world we REALLY live in..This man in the video is a really GOOD gardener and his neighbors know that..He never hid the fact of what he was doing from them.It seems to me to be targeting this man . He is pretty popular on YouTube and how better to make example to the population that is not yet touched by the programming of the Cable networks..and it seems He responded as they would hope by making a video in Outrage @ what transpired that evening now millions can also be subjected to the same idea that Gardening is somehow "Hippie" or Drug related..why oh why would you want to know how to take care of your self there dear little Bobby..?Don't worry ur Good ol' Uncle Sam has got your back...COUGH(monsanto)CouGh...Just an observation..

posted on Apr, 18 2013 @ 09:36 AM
its not right that someone can merely claim that there neighbour is growing weed & that the police can actually take that as a verified tip and come and search your home. how ridiculous, anyone can claim that about anyone else with 0 evidence.

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