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6 Sneaky Ways the Christian Right Foists Its Biblical Agenda on America

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by colbe

Shame goes to you, if you believe it is correct to teach this to a baby! And shame on your parents or whoever put these vile, evil thoughts in YOUR mind!


Everyone, it is an atheist's video. Ha, ha, ....could you tell? This thread promotes the gravest evil, see # 6 as
the OP posted. The horrid grave sin of abortion.

Pro-aborts are here, their mothers were for life. Rather hypocritical don't you think?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by colbe


I have been reprimanded by ATS moderators for "excessive quoting" when only replying to a few lines of a members comments. Therefore, I have taken their advisories under consideration and only list the lines that I am actually replying to.

The lines in your comment that I didn't reply to were off topic and/or personally directed at me, so I decided to take the higher road. But if you're offended that they weren't repeated, and your personal jabs are so important and so pretty to you that you must see them in print again, here ya go...........the rest of your comment, that I ignored.......

"My God" = your personal opinion windword.

You do not believe so no need to discuss any longer.

Your mother didn't abort you, aren't you lucky.

Again, "my God's" plans are not thwarted by contraceptives.

Your concept of God, one who is pro-life and anti-contraception, can't be found in the Bible.

edit on 23-4-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by colbe

It does nothing of the sort! It never even mentions abortion.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by colbe


I have been reprimanded by ATS moderators for "excessive quoting" when only replying to a few lines of a members comments. Therefore, I have taken their advisories under consideration and only list the lines that I am actually replying to.

The lines in your comment that I didn't reply to were off topic and/or personally directed at me, so I decided to take the higher road. But if you're offended that they weren't repeated, and your personal jabs are so important and so pretty to you that you must see them in print again, here ya go...........the rest of your comment, that I ignored.......

"My God" = your personal opinion windword.

You do not believe so no need to discuss any longer.

Your mother didn't abort you, aren't you lucky.

Again, "my God's" plans are not thwarted by contraceptives.

Your concept of God, one who is pro-life and anti-contraception, can't be found in the Bible.

edit on 23-4-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)


"Excessive quoting", there is a QUOTE option WW? I think the moderators mean when you post a quote
from another source not you personally, it can't be the complete quote and you must give a link to it.

Abortion kills a human person with a body and an eternal soul. God said do NOT kill. I can't find anywhere
in the Bible that says all of God's revelation is contained in the Bible.

Contraception is an intrinsic evil too. We can know, God has revealed it. God made sex for marriage and

p.s. An OT reference, God struck Onan for his practicing contraception.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by colbe

"Excessive quoting", there is a QUOTE option WW? I think the moderators mean when you post a quote from another source not you personally, it can't be the complete quote and you must give a link to it.


I'm not confused as to the admonishment I received from a moderator for quoting a post in it's entirety, while only responding to a small portion.

Abortion kills a human person with a body and an eternal soul. God said do NOT kill. I can't find anywhere in the Bible that says all of God's revelation is contained in the Bible. Contraception is an intrinsic evil too. We can know, God has revealed it. God made sex for marriage and procreation. p.s. An OT reference, God struck Onan for his practicing contraception.

I reject your premise that a zygote, an embryo or a fetus is a person with an eternal soul. I also reject Onanism. If you take the Old Testament law as a blueprint to how we should live, the killing would never end.

Further, you OT God provides for abortion being done in the temple by priests, in Numbers 5, when there is a question of adultery. OT God also advocated the killing of pregnant women on numerous occasions, and keeping young women as sexual slaves.

Your God required human sacrifice and is immoral.

edit on 24-4-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by windword
I reject your premise that a zygote, an embryo or a fetus is a person with an eternal soul. I also reject Onanism. If you take the Old Testament law as a blueprint to how we should live, the killing would never end.

Further, you OT God provides for abortion being done in the temple by priests, in Numbers 5, when there is a question of adultery. OT God also advocated the killing of pregnant women on numerous occasions, and keeping young women as sexual slaves.

Your God required human sacrifice and is immoral.

Your personal opinion is not going to get you to Heaven windword. God is all love, share if you would what turned you against Him? I care brother.

The people who refuse to believe masturbation and contraception are grave sins against God, ignore, reject what happened to Onan.

God has revealed life begins at conception. We see in science, the secular, modern technology shows life begins at conception. And it is written in the Old Testament, you have a soul at conception. In the Catholic translation of the first Bible, the Douay-Rheims, this verse is found In Psalm 50.

Here is the verse in the KJV Bible.

Psalm 51:5
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by colbe

you are persistent.

I can only hope that at some point you calm down enough to look at this hugely important issue from a wider angle. I don't know how much personal insight you have - how well you understand the way you came to your beliefs, and why you "bought in" to the thinking you share with us -

but no amount of urging people to become Catholic is going to work on people who are becoming more and more DISILLUSIONED as to the whole picture. I, and others, are trying to help people really SEE that they are being fooled, and used to propel the worst sort of control over people

You can fight it, and you fighters are legion, indeed, but I would implore you to at least TRY to see things from outside your normal mindset. You may experience terror, grief, rage....but you will be disabused of the manipulation that you and so many millions of others have been subjected to.

Recovering From Religion is just ONE of many sites dedicated to helping people deconstruct and detach themselves from the destructive dogma of Punitive-God Religions (and other religious styles as well).

If you are one of the many people who have determined that religion no longer has a place in their life, but are still dealing with the after-effects in some way or another, Recovering From Religion (RR) may be just the right spot for you.

Many people come to a point that they no longer accept the supernatural explanations for the world around them, or they realize just how much conflict religious belief creates. It can be difficult to leave religion because family and culture put so much pressure on us to stay and pretend to believe the unbelievable. If this is you, we want to help you find your way out.

Don’t let people convince you that you just didn’t have ‘enough’ faith, or that you just haven’t found the “right” religion. RR has support groups that meet monthly all over the US, with groups starting in Canada, the UK, and Australia, and new faces are always welcomed. If you have questions or need more information, feel free to browse our site, join us on Facebook or Twitter, or contact us for more information!

The man in charge of this s Dr. Darrel Ray. He is one of the people I met over the weekend at the conference I attended. I bought his book "The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture". (click the link to go to the website for the book). I'm reading it now - and it gives a very powerful example of how Religion, as a "meme", infects people. It behaves VERY MUCH like a virus, and reading about it in terms of biology and psychology makes it all even more clear.

The organization is dedicated to the following:

What We Do
1. Establish and support local Recovering From Religion groups throughout the US, Canada and UK;

2. Provide practical resources for people recovering from the influence of religion in their lives;

3. Educate the secular communities about the tremendous need for providing this encouragement

and support to people who identify as recovering from religion.

I hope anyone reading this forum will be encouraged to look at it. Even just typing "recovering from religion" in the Google Search bar comes up with site after site dedicated to helping people SEE how they've been duped and damaged.

I wish you all the best.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by colbe

Windword has shared her story in the thread linked in my signature. So have LOTS OF OTHER members. If you want to know what makes her, or me, or many other members "tick", go there. Read it. That's why I built it.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 02:14 AM
With all due respect to WT (OP) this fear that a band of organized and powerful fundamentalist lobbyists have the incredible power to bring about a theocracy, or even basic Christian ideals, to fruition is ridiculous.

Let me give you a scoop on something. For all the religious folk who hate abortion, for over 40 years it has been offered legally in all 40 states, and even with a conservative semi-majority on the Supreme Court, there is no indication that they would ever consider a relook in our lifetimes.

Gay marriage, in less than 20 years, has become legal in about 10 states. Over the next several years, that number should increase substantially.

Drug use - People are not becoming more concerned with prohibitions. In fact, there is much more movement in the interest of legalizing pot and a few states have already done this. Conservative states like Texas have strong movements supporting legalization even.

My county last year in November even voted to overturn this county's 60+ year prohibition on alcohol sales for off-premise consumption. Up until December it was only sold in restaurants.

The Democrats have also held a majority either in the Senate or both houses since 2004. Very little Christian-wise is ever going to get passed unless that changes.

These fears are probably sensible to unbelievers, but they are not based in reality.

posted on Apr, 28 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by Witness123

These fears are probably sensible to unbelievers, but they are not based in reality.

Interesting that you say that. I admit it might be "sensationalized", but there is no question that John Hagee is pushing for war with Iran to bring on Armageddon, or that Pat Robertson has called for destruction of secularists and progressives similar to what Iwo Jima was like.

It does appear that most Christians are not all up in arms about what way the world is going - but all one has to do is listen to Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck, or Sean Hannity, or Fox News in general (which is the puppet of the Republicans, many politicians in that party take advice from Fox News' management and also tell Fox News how they'd like things to be "spun") to see that this thinking is very REAL, it is not a fiction - and it is a Clear and Present danger to progress.

I have recently learned of the New Apostolic Reformation - an under-the-radar group of manipulators who are very much trying to implement Far-Right Christian thinking like pulling evolution out of schools, for example -
They are also called The Seven-Mountain Dominionists - and they are not "fiction."

They are the Evangelical Far-Right who are trying to impose their religion onto the whole country and its laws. They admit it themselves. What are their "Seven Mountains" to "Dominate"?
Arts & Entertainment
and Religion.

These are the so-called Charismatics, and they are all over the place. They "claim" to have 400 million followers worldwide. Some of the politicians involved include Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann Sarah Palin, and arguably Sam Brownback - among others, and they work with the "Apostles" and Pastors of the mega-churches to incite this "revolution" (more like a Devolution, in my opinion) to make the USA a Theocratic Oligarchy. They're not messing around, either.

They believe they can divine what demons are in possession of individuals, institutions, geographical areas -
they call it "Spirit Mapping" - one of their "code words" - also code words like the "City Gates" - which includes, but is not limited to, the Vatican, the ACLU, and Planned Parenthood - "Spiritual Warfare," 'Warfare Prayer'. They say natural disasters are caused by these demons and/or God - they actually believe that they "prayed" Mother Theresa to death.
They do 'exorcisms' of the things 'possessed' by these demons. they believe in a demonic heirarchy and territoral spirits, and an occult level as well as a spiritual level of this 'spiritual warfare.'

A website trying to monitor them is NARWatch: New Apostolic Reformation Watch. Go have a browse of it. THIS IS NOT FICTION.

EDIT: I just started a thread about it in Conspiracies in Religion. Please have a look and state your case.

edit on 28-4-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2013 @ 12:58 AM
Patriotism is not of God. Especially in a country so sick as this one. These politicians you name are just a different sort of the same essence: Panderers, men and women who pretend to passionately advocate the views of their constituents but without any deep abiding view of anything like that. The whole political system is corrupt. All of it. If you want to single out a small arc of politicians like Palin, Perry, and Bachman, that's fine, but the truth is they are all twisted and they are all leading us over a cliff. And I'm not saying that because I envision a theocracy. I preferred a scaled back view that protects freedoms, or extends freedoms to citizens and preserves liberty, that's all I want. Theocratic, socialist, fascist, any view that any segment of politics is advocating is opposed to that.

America is Babylon and this country is damned.

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