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What's wrong with wanting to be rich?

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posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 01:23 AM

Rich; wealth or abundance, great possessions

You, or it, can be rich in anything. Rich in love, rich in treasures, or rich in chocolate.

But for most people familiar with the word, it means Rich with money.

The problem I find personally is that to be rich in this world, in all ways, it is at the expense of another person.

As you climb, someone is destined to fall.
and likewise as you fall to the bottom, someone rises.

it's Survival of the fittest but an artificial creation of our own doing that doesn't need to exist.
As you climb, you could pull people up with you,
but the nature of the process intoxicates your ability to help, leaving us all on the fringe.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

Sorry for the brief reply but it's bed time here.

The problem I find personally is that to be rich in this world, in all ways, it is at the expense of another person.
I disagree that it is necessary to hurt someone in order to benefit yourself. Either in love, happiness, or money.

One question I would ask is why that person wants to be rich.

See you tomorrow.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 03:52 AM
What does being rich mean? Able to spend a lot, must mean able to survive in this world too. Able to accomplish a lot. Able to reward people for their deeds in the material sense. To own things of the world. I suppose being rich only has advantages. Is it also a form of protection? Wealth is a part of life. It means being good at life.

Is it symbolic for great spirituality? I know I'm opening a can of worms with this one.

Being good at life. Being rich is being good at life. To have insight.

The problem with wanting to be rich is (if it's a problem) is that one is not rich at all.
edit on 13-4-2013 by Angle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 04:54 AM
Speaking from financial perspective, wanting to become rich is nothing bad, as long as one wants to get rich honestly and on his own work.

Although many people want to become rich without choosing means. When lieing , stealing others work, using others, manipulating, tricking people, sabotageing your rivals (etc) without having have any mercy or social responsibilities has become normal - when money has become a value over every other value, so that anything can be justified with financial benefits then it is wrong.

I can bring an example from sports.

Wanting to win is good as long as it comes from hard work, dedicated training and lifestyle.

Although when one starts to take doping, sabotageing their opponents psychologically and physically, then it is wrong.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 05:13 AM
We live in a world of finite resources. Real simple biology: A population is supported by their use of local resources. If those resources are over exploited, the population as a whole suffers. It's not just humans who follow this biological principle, but all of nature: Once vital resources are tapped, kaput, no more, the only thing that follows is death. We all come into this world equals, and we all leave this world equals. You can't take anything with you, and if you look at it from a certain perspective, accumulating inanimate objects to hold onto, to focus all of our energies upon is completely irrelevant - your stuff will become some others stuff once you pass, ad infinitum.

Resource exploitation is a necessity to survive, but that exploitation can become wholly detrimental to a population when taken to extremes, and at some point, in my humble opinion, it will lead to the fall of man-kind, as it has for countless species before us, and it will continue to happen to countless species after our passing.

And who is really "rich"? One who accumulates physical goods through-out their life? Or one who strives to experience the multitudes of what we refer to as reality.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 05:34 AM
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be financially rich and enjoying all which that brings - but for me it's a question of what one does with that wealth once one has gained it.

Personally I'd like to think I used such wealth to benefit the local community and help other's less fortunate in various different ways and to re-invest it in the society that had enabled me to be in such a fortunate position.

Unfortunately it seems far too many seem content, or even obsessed, with accumulating even more wealth, generally at other people's expense, and doing nothing more than sitting on it and watching it grow whilst moralising and gloating to other's.

Being 'spiritually' rich is another thing altogether and is very much an individual thing.

Alas most achieve neither.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Cabin
Wanting to win is good as long as it comes from hard work, dedicated training and lifestyle.

Wanting to win is wanting others to lose.
To be really rich one must find a way to make everyone a winner.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain

Originally posted by Cabin
Wanting to win is good as long as it comes from hard work, dedicated training and lifestyle.

Wanting to win is wanting others to lose.
To be really rich one must find a way to make everyone a winner.

Well, they win loss, do you see?

Gaining therefore doesn't mean loss for someone else, exactly. For there are still things in abundance. Unless you want exactly the same soil your neighbour wants. Life does is eternal.
edit on 13-4-2013 by Angle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:08 AM
Personally as long as I keep working, know my wife and son is safe, have a decent car, food on the table and pantry, bills paid and my home (paid for thank the stars) looking nice. Some money left over for a road trip now and again I feel myself lucky and "rich".

I don't need a million bucks or more. I don't feel the need to keep up with the Jones.

I just think when a person feels being rich is all about the money and then using the money to acquire power is an obscene thing to me. Especially at the detriment of others.

Simple life is a great life and within is where the real riches lie...

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Terminal1

Yes, being rich, having everything you deserve.

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