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Operation Thunderdome: How The US Will Unravel. And Soon. (Important)

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posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Fair enough and I agree the economy is in rough shape but look at this quote from the OP and see how false it is.

For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry and out in the streets.

Obviously the Great Depression saw horrible economic situations and many people out in the streets and hungry. That is considered recent history but this insider glosses over the fact that the things being described have happened before and we came through it just fine.

I do not wish to debate what is or is not considered "recent history", but you do have to consider that the people that went through the Great Depression were completely different than people today.

Food, clothes and other basic needs were not shipped to their local super-store during the GD. They grew their own food (for the most part), made clothes and were much more self-sufficient then we are today.

Will we survive? Yes. But it is not beyond belief to think that a collapse at this point in time will not have some very serious consequences that put the GD to shame.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by EllaMarina

Originally posted by kaylaluv
The whole point of this thread is that someone is working behind the scene to make this economic collapse happen on purpose, in order to take over the world. You either agree with the whole point of this thread or you do not. Have we been having economic problems? Absolutely. Has it been done on purpose to take us all over? Absolutely not.

Absurd, really... the idea that if the government had a plan to control the population, it would have been done back when the stock market crashed. For... simplicity's sake, I guess?

I doubt if the government wanted population control that they would put everyone on alert first. They'd simply bunker up and release a virus or set of a few nukes in major cities. Why deal with a populace that's basically rioting in order to accomplish what they want.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

Originally posted by Hopechest
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Fair enough and I agree the economy is in rough shape but look at this quote from the OP and see how false it is.

For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry and out in the streets.

Obviously the Great Depression saw horrible economic situations and many people out in the streets and hungry. That is considered recent history but this insider glosses over the fact that the things being described have happened before and we came through it just fine.

I do not wish to debate what is or is not considered "recent history", but you do have to consider that the people that went through the Great Depression were completely different than people today.

Food, clothes and other basic needs were not shipped to their local super-store during the GD. They grew their own food (for the most part), made clothes and were much more self-sufficient then we are today.

Will we survive? Yes. But it is not beyond belief to think that a collapse at this point in time will not have some very serious consequences that put the GD to shame.

No offense but those who sustained themselves on their farms were actually quite rare. Its quite a testament to our government that with 25% unemployment and massive food shortages that only about 6 people died from starvation.

This happened because a majority of people fled to cities where the government could get them food. Very interesting reading and if you'd like the names of some books on this exact problem and how they fixed it I'd be happy to send you a list.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by pravdaseeker

Ah, thanks for writing.

You've got a great story there.

It just amazes me how blind people seem to be. Every single day, there is more and more reason to believe that the United States is being undermined, and yet, people turn a blind eye. I can tell that they REALLY DON'T SEE IT and it's confusing to me.

What about the NDAA? The Drones? The lack of respect for our Constituion? The purposeful undermining of our economy during the real estate bust? The fact that Clinton removed the Glass-Stegall Act, etc. It seems so obvious to me...

I do have to say that over the years that I have been studying this, many, many people have changed their stance and have finally realized that something is going on. Including my husband, who had his doubts.

My family is fairly well placed in certain circles, and I hear mumblings all of the time. It's not just people here at ATS that are taking this stance, but people all over the world. People are waking up.

But you're right.

Leave the sheeple to their bah-ing, and get the message to those who are ready to receive it.

God bless us all.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by Hopechest

I do not care what direction a thread is going. I comment on what I feel is important and what is relevant to the OP.

Obama, cyber warriors and this entire DHS thing does seem a bit off-the-wall to me and I do not wish to comment on that, but I did agree with their comments in regards to the potential future of the economy.

That's all.

The whole point of this thread is that someone is working behind the scene to make this economic collapse happen on purpose, in order to take over the world. You either agree with the whole point of this thread or you do not. Have we been having economic problems? Absolutely. Has it been done on purpose to take us all over? Absolutely not.

Why do I have to agree with the whole point of the thread? Am I not able to dismiss what I find insulting to my intelligence and discuss that which I agree with?

In the end, we actually agree on the topic overall. But to tell me "You either agree with the whole point of this thread or you do not" is a load of crap.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Hopechest

The point is that people today are much different than the Americans of the GD. Do you not think there would be people in the streets looking for food if the economy collapses and the food trucks stop running?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:47 AM
alright, so lemme state that i don't necessarily subscribe entirely to the contents of the OP...but to everyone here saying "this is nonsense, it's not possible, it can never happen here", you really gotta sit down, and ponder the question "can it?"

The U.S. Federal government thinks it has the right to maintain bases all over the world, launch pre-emptive attacks on sovereign countries, invade and occupy sovereign countries, meddle in the affairs of countless countries all over the world...and they do this because they believe they somehow know better than everyone, and that someone, somewhere (be it god, or whatever) has given them this right to rape, loot, kill, pillage, and destroy locations all over the world...

given their propensity for wrongdoing on a global scale, is it really so unbelievable that "it" COULD, in fact, happen here? What makes us immune?

the point of this post is not to argue for or against either side of the issue, it is simply to remind people to remain open to ALL possibilities, and to deny ignorance by not simply dismissing ideas out of hand, because they sound a bit too outlandish...

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by MRuss
reply to post by kaylaluv

I'd like to gently ask you how much you have studied your stance.

Because I truly believe, that after years of studying the history, the economics, the events, the people and the actions of this country in the past 20 years (and much, much farther back if you'd like to get technical), and exclaim to you--as many, many intelligent people have-- that there is certainly something askance.

It has much more to do with than just the economy.

But I'd have to gently ask you to put THREE good years of study, of reading, of thinking, of talking to others, of going to the library, of putting on a serious thinking cap..

before you discount something you seem to know so little about.

Well, all I can say to that is that this shadow group is taking an AWFULLY long time of taking over the world. Especially when you consider that America (and all 1st world nations) have had periods of time in the last 100 years with great prosperity for all its citizens, along with periods of bad economic downturns. Sneaky little so-and-so's, aren't they. Fooling us all by making the economy go up and down.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

Why do I have to agree with the whole point of the thread? Am I not able to dismiss what I find insulting to my intelligence and discuss that which I agree with?

In the end, we actually agree on the topic overall. But to tell me "You either agree with the whole point of this thread or you do not" is a load of crap.

But that's like saying, "little green men are causing the sun to shine", and you saying that you agree that the sun is shining. That misses the entire point of the statement.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by MRuss
reply to post by kaylaluv

I'd like to gently ask you how much you have studied your stance.

Because I truly believe, that after years of studying the history, the economics, the events, the people and the actions of this country in the past 20 years (and much, much farther back if you'd like to get technical), and exclaim to you--as many, many intelligent people have-- that there is certainly something askance.

It has much more to do with than just the economy.

But I'd have to gently ask you to put THREE good years of study, of reading, of thinking, of talking to others, of going to the library, of putting on a serious thinking cap..

before you discount something you seem to know so little about.

Well, all I can say to that is that this shadow group is taking an AWFULLY long time of taking over the world. Especially when you consider that America (and all 1st world nations) have had periods of time in the last 100 years with great prosperity for all its citizens, along with periods of bad economic downturns. Sneaky little so-and-so's, aren't they. Fooling us all by making the economy go up and down.

And don't forget the extreme violations of our Constitution. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus and arrested somewhere around 14,000 civilians in the North because he considered them threats.

Now how come that wasn't part of the NWO but this is? I could literally go through item after item of events in American history that are similar to today and yet they passed without a lasting permanent effect.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by sheepslayer247

Why do I have to agree with the whole point of the thread? Am I not able to dismiss what I find insulting to my intelligence and discuss that which I agree with?

In the end, we actually agree on the topic overall. But to tell me "You either agree with the whole point of this thread or you do not" is a load of crap.

But that's like saying, "little green men are causing the sun to shine", and you saying that you agree that the sun is shining. That misses the entire point of the statement.

I agree that there are some potential economic consequences we are about to deal with, but I do not necessarily think there is a DHS/Obama plot behind it.

If that falls into your categorization of "little green men" be it.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by Daedalus

Thank you for bringing some rationality into the post.

You made a lot of sense.

And what you say is true:

We have to remain open to the possibilities, and accept that there are many intelligent people out there who agree with some (or all) of my OP.

We can't dismiss anything out of hand.

Hey, I don't really LIKE this sort of thing. I'm not wrapped up into its drama and I don't get my thrills from believing in this eventuality.

But my studies, my resourcefulness, my contacts, and my open mind tell me that something is amiss.

And this, I believe, as stated in my OP, is what is happening.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:11 AM
I realize that this is interesting to debate, and I appreciate the interest.

But I do want to ask the folks who have a grasp on what's going on a few questions:

Has anyone else researched the infiltration of the web by this Obama group? I wrote the name of the organization in my OP. Is it worth looking into?

Has anyone seen any other references to March and April on any other sites?

Has anyone died lately (in the past few months) under suspicious circumstances?

Some of these points in my OP could reveal themselves if they were fleshed out.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by MRuss
I realize that this is interesting to debate, and I appreciate the interest.

But I do want to ask the folks who have a grasp on what's going on a few questions:

Has anyone else researched the infiltration of the web by this Obama group? I wrote the name of the organization in my OP. Is it worth looking into?

Has anyone seen any other references to March and April on any other sites?

Has anyone died lately (in the past few months) under suspicious circumstances?

Some of these points in my OP could reveal themselves if they were fleshed out.

Yes and this group is actually in serious trouble. They are losing democratic funds, in fact there is a fundraiser tonight that many top donors are simply skipping because of accusations that they are crooked.

Rather than a group pushing the NWO agenda it appears they are simply trying to stay afloat. Read about them here if you want.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:26 AM
They have to completely disarm us of "assault" weapons first or we hand them their collective butts should they try this.
Laws are ignored already,new ones will be as well.They can confiscate but if we are still armed we'll win in about a month. The un will be as welcome as a federal agent who is looking for moonshine,but because it's illegal for them to be on American soil and armed we'll take their stuff.As I said on another post I hope they send the French I want a VBL.
If I am wrong I will be shot and I will die,but how many others are there like me,many far better?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:48 AM
It almost seems that we, as a nation, are being lulled to sleep. Before you know it, something can happen. Hopefully the sleeping giant will wake up and realize what is going on in due time.

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:52 AM
The USA is has given evil too much power, and has gone too far from its founding principles. It is a growing government, driven by the greedy elite, and run by special interests and lobbyists...

It has become too powerful, projecting too much influence and force globally, it is an empire that will fall at some point... Why delay the inevitable?

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
reply to post by MRuss

Umm, Not sure where you were during the Election.

But the Anti-Obama Threads outnumbered any Pro-Obama threads by at least 25 to 1 on this Site.

Still daily, there are the usual 5 or 6 Anti-Obama Threads.


But yet he won the elections...

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by sylent6
And I believe everything what the OP is saying. People are so in a deep sleep right now they will do anything not to lose their comfortable lifestyles even though they're are struggling to keep it.

I've seen this coming a mile away and it's going to hit us so hard that blood will be spilled. Grab your families and stick together because when it hits us there will be no one to trust.

You get my s+f for you op!
George carlin was spot on when he said:

"It is called the american dream for a reason, it is because you have to be asleep to believe it"

posted on Mar, 13 2013 @ 11:56 AM
I do feel that this is the eventual fate of the United States of America, however, the current economic situation in the USA doesn't appear to be close to total collapse. In fact, the most recent data shows the economy is improving. Retail sales are up. The dollar has gained more strength over the last two years. So please explain to me how the dollar is worth more, people are spending more, yet we're about to collapse?? Also, the debt limit would have to be raised 10 more times to put this country in serious financial default. So how are you backing up your data besides you heard this from a guy who's on the inside "totally credible" yet never mention who it is and never give an ounce of hard evidence to support your theory. The only thing that exists that sort of supports your theory is the fact the government is arming itself to the teeth for what looks like some kind of battle against the citizenry, That part may be true but the economics don't seem as doom and gloom on paper. If they are then please explain with facts not heresy.
edit on 13-3-2013 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

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