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Sandy hook shooter died day before shooting.....wait what? straight from the MSM themselves.

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posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by spyder550

Originally posted by magma
I remember reading something somewhere about a passport that was found at ground zero.

Is this a similar thing?

No this is the same thing as the picture of the guy on top of the building just before the plane hit.

This was a genealogy site, if this is the standard of accuracy that is accepted then facts are whatever one believes them to be. Fools
Hey babe, I haven't heard about the guy on the roof, what is that about?

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by spyder550

Originally posted by magma
I remember reading something somewhere about a passport that was found at ground zero.

Is this a similar thing?

No this is the same thing as the picture of the guy on top of the building just before the plane hit.

This was a genealogy site, if this is the standard of accuracy that is accepted then facts are whatever one believes them to be. Fools

To quote your Sig.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ---Aristotle

In light of that you may wish to refrain from calling people fools.. In fact it is a wonderful quote to live by. go for it.
edit on 1/25/2013 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by digital01anarchy

Originally posted by Dustytoad

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Hmmm... Which is more likely. (moves paws up and down like a beam scale) Time and Space warped to see the body at the school actually die the day before? ...or a reporting source screwed the pooch so bad on a report the poor little thing just up and croaked this time?

OR Adam Lanza was never there... Remember how "he" had "his brothers" ID.? It was planted like that. I imagine some patsy died in the school, but I have not seen any proof on who.. The I.D. was a botched attempt to tie a lanza to the scene.. As is "his mom's" work record tieing her to the scene so good she originally died there, until she died again at the house..

I think this whole thing has nothing to do with the Lanza family except to smear the name as punishment for something.. Maybe the dad got in deep doo doo, and this was his warning?

I'm of the opinion there were multiple shooters.
edit on 1/25/2013 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

Deep doo doo is right his dad had something to do with the libor scandal hes a link

not only his dad but the Colorado shooter as well lol
edit on 25-1-2013 by digital01anarchy because: (no reason given)

I have had a theory that due to the libor scandal, and a few other things that husband and wife were involved in, I think that whole family was targeted for assassination. Apparently the husband had a last minute meeting the day of the shooting, and they didn't get him. They didn't get the older brother either, because he got on social media too much that day and was called in to work. They got the mother to shut up the husband.

I'm JUST SAYING it's a theory and no I have no sources. (before someone goes nuts on me) Just my own thoughts. I don't have time but I think if someone investigated the husband and wife, they'd get pretty far down the rabbit hole of what those two were involved in. She kept a lot of guns around too..... maybe she was not necessarily a prepper.... but was worried something might happen to her and her family.

edit on 25-1-2013 by Thunder heart woman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by nighthawk1954 this newspaper gets to print what the police are saying even before the police release the info on their website. Hey Vance......HOW do you explain an officer on the radio saying to look for a shotgun if it was never used? Yea and feel free to explain how the Superintendent just told Congress he entered the school with only 2 guns?

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:31 AM


posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by neobludragon

Yes that very strange because if it was someone acting like him why would they start the YouTube Account on the 13th? They would start it on the 14th for maximum impact.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 08:40 AM


posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder

Originally posted by neobludragon
and here is where it is listed again


That blows my mind. They were born only 34 days apart (or 816 hours). That's way more amazing to me than having a slightly faulty date on a death certificate.

if its your job to diffuse any possible "correct" comment in this sensitive issue...tut tut

ATS provides a service
where we process BS and work on it untill it shines like a diamond

even the MSM come here to see how and where our convos lead.....

do your thing,,,,but saying "a slightly faulty date on a birth certificate"..trying to water downthe issue

i read some of your obama comments on his birth certificate....would of been nice to hear that comment in that context...but no

peace dude
thats if you want it

edit on 25-1-2013 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Dustytoad

Be careful how you frame ideas it's a form of mind control.

I'm kinda curious what you mean by suggesting folks be careful? You said this to me too....and I must admit the terms are ...oddly chosen and leave me a bit confused as to your meaning? The wild, baseless, fantasy speculation still turns my stomach and makes me sick. It's obscene and vile with absolutely nothing to go on or work from.

The 'Sandy Hookers' know that by now...yet still insist on saying it's about censorship and oppression ...not simple common decency. If anyone here has professional training in criminal justice and crime scene investigation to second guess the virtual army of investigators working this unthinkable nightmare, then by all means, make that a point to share. I've yet to hear anyone does though. So we wait until there at least *IS* an official version to call wrong, IMO.

(kinda important to at least HAVE one of those before saying it's all corrupted and incorrect, isn't it?)
edit on 25-1-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by winofiend

Funny you should mention how it was planned......I agree ......there is a plethora of evidence confirming this. However, what most people don't realize is that they always have plan B,C,D, etc. They are scrambling trying to hang on to the single shooter only AR-15 agenda and they will run with it as long as possible. IF their story gets blown, the next version was already leaked the other day. If you think I am joking Google Sandy Hook was done by terrorists and you will see the backup plan is already in place.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:26 AM
Here is so more info. This Link shows Adam Lanza death on Dec. 13th in New Hampshire. Records also show that prior to linving it CT, Nancy Lanza and his mother resided in New Hampshire at one point.

"SSDI’s “state of issue” refers to the state that originally issued the Social Security no. to the individual, not the state in which the death had occurred, although of course it can be the same state for some people.

According to this article in the Wall St. Journal, referring to Nancy’s marriage to Peter Lana: “The troubles began shortly after Peter and Nancy Lanza moved in 1998 with their young sons to Newtown, Conn., from the New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts countryside where they both grew up.”

That suggests New Hampshire was the state that had issued Social Security numbers to both Nancy and her son, Adam, which would explain NH being the “state of issue” for their respective SSDI notices."

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:26 AM
The American nuts on this forum need to seek help. A lunatic took some guns and shot up some children. That's what happens when guns are easily accessed.

There's no great conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

Originally posted by Dustytoad

Be careful how you frame ideas it's a form of mind control.

I'm kinda curious what you mean by suggesting folks be careful? You said this to me too....and I must admit the terms are ...oddly chosen and leave me a bit confused as to your meaning? The wild, baseless, fantasy speculation still turns my stomach and makes me sick. It's obscene and vile with absolutely nothing to go on or work from.


Be careful framing questions and questioners in such a negative light.. You are making good people who want to know the truth outcasts. You are drawing lines you can't take back.

I agree the wild baseless claims of the MEDIA need to be verified.. By WHO??


You didn't listen in that day did you? I respect you as a person man, so be honest.

Oh and don't call me having questions vile.. This is emotional response to an un emotional post I made.. You are acting in a way that hides truth. Liars are always the ones who want talking to stop, not truthers... Pick your side, and I am not calling you out personally.. Please understand I respect your opinion.. I only want you to be careful in disenfranchising whole populations by thinking you know better.. and that it is bad to ask questions...

Don't go there.. Or give up your account and never talk again.. Until then don't encourage people to stop talking.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:47 AM
Bull Shizzle if ya ask me

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by GrandStrategy
The American nuts on this forum need to seek help. A lunatic took some guns and shot up some children. That's what happens when guns are easily accessed.

There's no great conspiracy.

At the very least, there is a conspiracy to withhold nearly every salient fact in this case. In this case, this definition of conspiracy may fit: "A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design".

Not to mention the many conflicting reports coming from all sources, including "authorities".

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by priceless34

I would love to see the official autopsy report. I know that official documents can be made into anything they feel like but still would like to see the report. I am also curious......was his body cremated?

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:52 AM
I'm not sure there was a conspiracy. I'm not sure there wasn't. Honestly, I personally have moved past the speculation and accusation for two reasons, one, it makes my soul hurt. And two, I honestly believe that right now it's far more important to focus on what the politicians are doing as a response to this tragedy. If we all focus on the what-ifs about what happened and not what is being done now in the name of safety and prevention, we still won't know what happened and we'll have lost some liberty in the interim.

What I do know is that the media reporting on this tragedy should all be fired for all the inaccurate and conflicting data about the incident they provided. I have never seen more mistakes made in the reporting of a story. And not one single apology or explanation from the MSM. They'll gladly label us all as whackos and crazy conspiracy people, but accept no responsibility for feeding us the false and conflicting "facts" that spur most of the more logical conspiracy theories expressed about the tragedy.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 11:59 AM
I really wish we could see a better shot of the guys in chem suits taking (what looks like to me) 2 long guns out of the trunk of the car. Others are not so sure one of these guys is carrying a gun; some have suggested it looks more like an umbrella.
Another thing needing clearing up is about the first responder, according to the police scanner, finding "multiple weapons, including rifle and shotgun". Did he find these guns on Adam? Did he find these guns in the trunk? Or is he saying to be on the lookout for these guns due to seeing bulletts or shells? This is still such a mystery.

One last thing is the evidence of bullett holes in Rousseau's car. Can anyone identify what type of bullet this could be to make these holes?

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by stickywicket

This is the response I got yesterday by email concerning the HD footage of the 2 guns in the trunk.
From NBC video archives:

Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately we are unable to fulfill your request as we license footage strictly on a commercial basis. Please try the Vanderbilt Archives (

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Don't go there.. Or give up your account and never talk again.. Until then don't encourage people to stop talking.

Hmmm.... Well, I'll say this on that general sentiment. I will depart the thread at this point as I have had my say and said my piece while presenting it in what I believe is a logical way. It would be true that beyond this, on this thread, it would be belaboring the point and turning a legitimate disagreement into a running fight ...which benefits no one and no one ever comes out the winner from.

Everyone here has the right to voice their opinion though and that includes opinions of occasional strong disagreement on principle or values, depending on the topic. In that sense, I am who I am and that won't change. Agreeing to disagree is, in my view, the best place to leave this at the moment though.

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