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Do people like Alex Jones actually help the truth movement?

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posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:43 PM
Has it occurred to anyone else that maybe Alex Jones and the Sandy Hook Deniers (sounds like a terrible name for a music group, doesn't it?) may have actually done the rest of us a favor?

Stay with me on this. These people come across as unstable, angry and paranoid. So when we question the offical story on things, we sound the same-guilty by association. That's the fear, anyway.


When people can see that we are rational, calm people with facts to back up what we say, people will stop and go, "Wait a minute. I thought conspiracy theorists were nuts, but here's Bill, he's got a great job, he's married and is the picture of mental health. And he believes those things, too. Maybe there is something to it all. I want to look into this more."

Our sanity gives them a refuge. "I can be like Bill, not like Alex Jones." Part of the reason people don't accept alternative interpretations of things is because homeless crazy people and guys who live in the basement do too, and people are afraid of insanity, like it's a communicable disease. They need a positive role model with whom they can identify.

AJ and the rest force us to recalibrate our approach. It keeps us fresh. We now have to assume a hostile audience and repackage our brand. It gives us a great talking point, because we can ridicule misinformation as part of our technique. And this can be to our advantage. For example, now that Sandy Hook denial and assault weapons are being tied to 9/11 skeptics (which is what I prefer to call "truthers"), it reopens the discussion on 9/11 long after the general public has stopped caring. So when the guy at work quotes Piers Morgan and says, "You think the government actually pulled off 9/11?" You can snort and say, "Of course not. The Postmaster General wasn't in on it. The mayor of Topeka wasn't in on it. It was..." You can turn the strawman back on them. Let them make the assertion and then assure them that what you believe isn't nuts by (gently) making fun of the more ridiculous theories.

I think Alex knew what he was doing. When you watch the movie Braveheart, the character of the Mad Irishman makes William Wallace look normal. (And spare me the comments about Mel Gibson's personal behavior; this is the film I'm talking about.) Alex is playing the part of the Mad Irishman, taking it on the chin for all of us, to make us look sane.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:53 PM
How many people have you convinced about whats going on in the world?

Those that I've spoken to go into an automatic hypnosis induced short circuit of the brain if I tell them something they dont want to hear.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 08:56 PM
Yeah, Alex makes me feel sane.

"Magnetic......light energy" (2:05) ????? The guy is just making sh*t up!

edit on 17-1-2013 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:03 PM
Although I think he is an awesome conspiracy theorist, his demeanor is
. He just yells and screams about the most fringe stuff, and attacks people. I would not pick him as a poster child that's for sure. He probably does more harm than good. Then again maybe we should have an agressive dude like that. Idk.

edit on 17-1-2013 by T4NG0 because: had more to say

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Snsoc

Why do you link Sandy Hook 'deniers' to a nut like Alex Jones?

And just because you dont believe every detail you hear does not make you a "conspiracy theorist"...

I am actually disturbed by anyone that would describe themselves as a ":conspiracy theorist" and just because you dont believe every detail does not make you part of some "conspiracy community". What the heck is that anyway? The only people that are like that are Jones and Icke fans and these people are just children or extremley childish and naive.

Even on ATS the people that use terms like "sheeple", "awake", "blue/red pill".... are minority. Just because someone questions things they should not be likened to Jones and Icke fans.

Plenty of regular people ( whatever that is ) found the reporting of the Sandy Hook incident to be terrible and plenty of people are not satisfied with all the loose details. This is just the same as the incident in Libya. Fox News never shuts up about that. Is Fox news part of the 'conspiracy community'?

Fox News should be likened to Alex Jones and David Icke fans.

Fox News wears tiinfoil hats.

Fox News is disgusting for not respecting the families of those that died in the Benghazi attack.

Fox News is the leader of the conspiracy community.

Fox News is the conspiracy communities leader and authority.

edit on 17-1-2013 by HenryNorris because: cant spell

edit- Fox is the biggest name in cable news entertainment. Thats alot of crazy conspiracy people out these. The 'conspiracy community' seems to be the majority.

edit on 17-1-2013 by HenryNorris because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:25 PM
What truth movement?

What is the truth?

That we're being railroaded and literally corralled?

That we've allowed ourselves to become fully reliant on a system based on a farce from the very beginning?

Well I think humans are awesome animals... We're really good at a lot of things. But our biggest problem, is that only when met with extermination do we Act.

Blame the syndrome of Apathy -- not yourselves. Overcome apathy. Take the next step, apply what you've learned. And not like Alex Jones... There is no need for preaching.... This is not a religion or belief, these are facts opposed by the uneducated.

Or whatever, I don't know what I'm talking about, do I.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 09:32 PM
To answer your question I don't know. ATS itself is a hive of misinformation - mainly fear porn, with people making up stories out of sheer paranoid delusions. He is not unusual.

The problem is that these people, Alex Jones and the like, always bury the real issues. It's like they get a sniff of the truth and pick out anything that induces fight-or-flight and try to sell it as if they own the copyright.

There are just too many people with ego issues who need to feel vindicated by getting people to follow their ideas.

I don't know if it is a good thing. I disagree that they bring attention to important issues as 90% of the time they bury the issues for a very long time. We've had 1000's of years of thought control and nowadays the people who call others "sheeple" because they have "woken up" are the worst offenders in attempted mind control.

I don't know if it's a bad thing because as the fear-porn industry grows it becomes more sophisticated and while the ideas that drive it are wholly made-up the trends are becoming increasingly easy to subvert into pressure groups and I can't see if that's a good or bad thing.

If we examine the outcomes, Alex et al are making a laughing stock of many things which should be taken seriously and in a way pulverize people into believers and non-believers. He attracts low IQ's and barely interests intelligent creative people. A lot of sheeple will follow him because he works on people's emotions and creates trends.

In sum, I'd say he's mostly irrelevant and not bad. What he does is morally wrong because it's deceptive and it takes advantage of weak minded people, but the outcome is not so bad. In the end, I'd say he was just a tool that likes being played and can't see it anyhow. He is useful for the wrong people because he creates a diversion (that leads nowhere), but he seems to bring comfort to a lot of people, so...

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:11 PM
So I'm talking to someone today about John Wilkes Booth probably not being the man shot in the farm house, and that Huey Long may have been accidentally shot by his bodyguards, instead of Weiss. This person said to me, "Oh, you must like Alex Jones". Yuk! Alex Jones is an embarrassing hump we have to ride over whenever we bring up the endless conspiracies in history. But on the other hand, he does get younger people to start thinking about political issues. That seems to be his best use.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Snsoc
Has it occurred to anyone else that maybe Alex Jones and the Sandy Hook Deniers (sounds like a terrible name for a music group, doesn't it?) may have actually done the rest of us a favor?

Stay with me on this. These people come across as unstable, angry and paranoid. So when we question the offical story on things, we sound the same-guilty by association. That's the fear, anyway.


When people can see that we are rational, calm people with facts to back up what we say, people will stop and go, "Wait a minute. I thought conspiracy theorists were nuts, but here's Bill, he's got a great job, he's married and is the picture of mental health. And he believes those things, too. Maybe there is something to it all. I want to look into this more."

Our sanity gives them a refuge. "I can be like Bill, not like Alex Jones." Part of the reason people don't accept alternative interpretations of things is because homeless crazy people and guys who live in the basement do too, and people are afraid of insanity, like it's a communicable disease. They need a positive role model with whom they can identify.

AJ and the rest force us to recalibrate our approach. It keeps us fresh. We now have to assume a hostile audience and repackage our brand. It gives us a great talking point, because we can ridicule misinformation as part of our technique. And this can be to our advantage. For example, now that Sandy Hook denial and assault weapons are being tied to 9/11 skeptics (which is what I prefer to call "truthers"), it reopens the discussion on 9/11 long after the general public has stopped caring. So when the guy at work quotes Piers Morgan and says, "You think the government actually pulled off 9/11?" You can snort and say, "Of course not. The Postmaster General wasn't in on it. The mayor of Topeka wasn't in on it. It was..." You can turn the strawman back on them. Let them make the assertion and then assure them that what you believe isn't nuts by (gently) making fun of the more ridiculous theories.

I think Alex knew what he was doing. When you watch the movie Braveheart, the character of the Mad Irishman makes William Wallace look normal. (And spare me the comments about Mel Gibson's personal behavior; this is the film I'm talking about.) Alex is playing the part of the Mad Irishman, taking it on the chin for all of us, to make us look sane.

I will say that Alex has done a good job at bringing the discussion to the table and introducing subjects but, he has a tendency to make a complete mess of it at the same time. I put it like this, whats better for the message and will get more people thinking, A calm discussion and an exchange of ideas & theories like George Noory or Alex's former understudy Jack Blood does? or Alex out there screaming like hell-fire and brimstone? I said before that Alex has done a good job bringing the discussion to the table but, sadly, he has also driven many away from the discussion because of his over the top theatrics.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:30 PM

whats better for the message and will get more people thinking, A calm discussion and an exchange of ideas & theories like George Noory or Alex's former understudy Jack Blood does? or Alex out there screaming like hell-fire and brimstone?

This is interesting to me... what message?

The problem is with people feeding you their opinions and indoctrinating you into their way of thinking. This is the same thought control that got us into this mess. It's best to liberate yourself from it and to allow people to make their own opinions without messing around with facts.

I used to go to a church which used a passage that said you can do anything to win converts. America is like this. Everything is all or nothing - one extreme or another - one set of propaganda versus the other. Haven't we learned from the "extremist" Arabs in Iraq that the ends don't justify the means?

I know that nobody who likes Alex Jones will pay attention to straight-up news. His fear porn distorts reality by making life seem Hollywood when it never has been and never will. Take it away and simple people (who are simple because they follow), will be left with a hole in place of extreme indignation (against gov't / CIA etc) and stimuli.

Now that we have people messing with the facts and creating hype to make up for their own lack of faith, the issues will never be dealt with, ever. Here's an example = 9/11.. very few credible people take the conspiracy theories seriously yet there are some serious questions that should be raised. They most certainly would have been raised without the nutters making up stories to demonize America.

Best end my rant here. We simply don't see who is pulling the strings because more and more half-wits are pointing fingers and behaving indignantly, when half of the issues are fear-porn just trends with no basis. Alex Jones et all are riding the waves of the trends they start, yet under it all are the real threats, but for this generation at least there's no way we will catch anyone doing anything. It's your own faults hahahahahaha

See what I just did there?

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by HenryNorris

When I say "Sandy Hook Deniers," I'm talking about the "no deaths at all, all those people are actors crowd." I do believe something we're not being told went down there, but the people saying it's all an illusion are the ones getting the attention and posioning the well. Just as it is percieved that Alex Jones is poisoning the well. I thought that both sentiments were the majority here at ATS, and that the linkage is obvious.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:42 PM
People like Alex Jones help the movement at first. Then they become the straw man and all else is void. We need a non straw man cheer leader, like art bell or something.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Snsoc

Alex Jones is CIA. It's easy to see now that he's trying to throw "conspiracy theorists" under the bus as "crazy".

Please, people, Look and research the PROTOCOLS OF ZION by the Jesuits.

You will see who the enemies are, and how they are doing it.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 12:27 AM
Is there anyone Else besides Alex out there Fighting ?

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by jaytay

Alex is at the bottom of the barrel as far as fighting for what is right is concerned. If you look, you will find.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by Snsoc

Alex Jones is CIA. It's easy to see now that he's trying to throw "conspiracy theorists" under the bus as "crazy".

Please, people, Look and research the PROTOCOLS OF ZION by the Jesuits.

You will see who the enemies are, and how they are doing it.

Ah, of course. The Jesuits wrote POZ. Tell me, why is it wrong to suggest that Jews wrote them, but perfectly acceptable to say it was the Catholics?

The Jesuits were a major player in world intrigue...about 600 years ago.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

jesuits - black pope - JFK assasination - current events continuing - look to see.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 04:38 AM
He is one reason not many people take conspiracy theorist serious. He is so full of $#it. He absolutely hurts any cause besides his cause which is money.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:43 PM
Yes, Alex helps the truth movement, because he's always talking about it. Plus he takes heat from the enemies.

Trouble is, the truth movement is never defined. Cannot be, because it is a grass roots phenomenon.

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