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Deny Ignorance. The Message. AJ v. PM...fresh take on a dead horse. please read.

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:45 PM
I have watched this and watched this and read this comment and that comment. ..what this reminded me of was a long overdue and passion built up school yard beat down of an arrogant condescending prick.. I am not a huge fan of AJs methods. (I remember the Wall Street lady Greater Good vaccine doc replied she had a different method of informing people rather than beating them over the head ie. AJ style). I bet Jesse Ventura helped prepare AJ for PM for the debate and said AJ go in there guns a blazin' cowboy style. The Brits hate the US's combat style. It is well documented. PM consistently makes critical thinkers look criticaly stupid. AJ knew this.
However, I might liken this to Sid Viscous and Johnny Rotten lifestyle and method aside they brought us punk in an age of hippi beads. He brings light to a lot of things. Like the lifestyles of actors, artists, and musicians or not we admire the message of the work.
I have no proof he works for Stratfor. All is circumstantial. I seen him disrupting a peaceful demonstration in Austin. I see him rant and rave. Having said that... 
My Uncle is a high ranking retired police officer whose view of current situations is you bring down the US from the inside. He shared an interesting story about McCain, Newsweek, qnd the FOP endorsement that I will never share out of respect for hm. But his view is our threat is domestic. The reason I bring him up is he used to tell me all the time the hardest part of policing is trying to make every day unique and every situation unique and after awhile it really builds on you and you have to really fight to not take the dirt bag who beat his wife or kids a lot or bullying thug on a long trip to jail. I think AJ took this bully on the long trip. Not saying he was Mohammad Ali but more like a bull in the china shop. Are we gonna leave him on the battlefield wounded? Hamburger Hill style? His message was SPOT ON!!!!! He had a chance that many of us dream about and say we'd do this or that and he had it and he he seized it and he vollied across the bow in broad daylight. 
Another way we can lose and be handled by the masters is internal strife over AJ while forgetting the message . Ever heard of divide and conquer? How about "deny ignorance"?
In the commonwealth we have a saying important enough for a motto. It came out of 1792. It is not only visible on our flag but in our communities. United We Stand, Divided We Fall. The answer to 1776 is 1792.
edit on 8-1-2013 by sirjunlegun because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-1-2013 by sirjunlegun because: (no reason given)


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