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Coulter Tears Into Liberal Gun Hypocrisy: Why Can't We Publish List Of Women Who Get Abortions?

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posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by Vidpci

That's an emotional response to an emotional topic and is not based in any sort of fact.

It's an invalid opinion within the context of this conversation.

Again, you aren't a danger to society for getting an abortion, you CAN be if you buy a gun. It makes complete and utter sense to have a registry for gun owners.

People's personal decisions when it comes to pregnancy are not of my, or your concern.

ETA: I certainly do not condone late term abortions. There are reasonable limits.

edit on 1/4/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/4/2013 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

As a Forum Moderator, you should certainly understand that one could be considered a "danger to society" for just posting a certain opinion as long as a large enough number of the masses disagree with it. By your logic then, I guess you would agree that certain aspects of the First Amendment should be removed as well?

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by manna2
reply to post by kthxbai

YOU SOUND LIKE A SOUTHERN SLAVE OWNER, declaring the rights of slave owners over their legal property claiming they aren't human beings but animals not having the choice of life until they become white.

Uh, slavery used to be legal BECAUSE the law stated they had no rights as "us "humans. You seem to feel you aren't aware of the irony and hypocrisy of your volitile statements about the life of other people simply because you don't agree with them. It's because of the irrational people like yourself that makes it MANDATORY that the 2'nd amendment is never infringed as that coulter woman needs to defend herself from wackos that cannot control their emotions and can incite violence from others against her or from your own uncontrolled outbursts that lead to your actions that follow your unbridled toungue.
oooooooo the irony of it all.
And my mother had the sense and dignity to birth her children, all of them. So, to satisfy your arg I guess all we have to do is make it law and all medical records should be made public. That way we know who might have a disease that could threaten the children. We need to do this for the children.
Oh, and public safety.

Your grasping for straws and trying to find a way to produce an insult to get a reaction. Very juvenile behavior.

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by kthxbai

no, you just do not like the analogy because it points at your views as hypocritical and emotionally based.

remember, it's for the children.....and public safety

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 10:49 PM
As this thread has devolved into a litany of pathetic insults, -- is there any other kind -- it is now closed for both a staff review and chance to allow cooler heads to prevail.

This great site of ours has been built on the cornerstone of civility and decorum. As members, we are free to discuss any issue as long as it within the parameters of the Terms and Conditions you agreed to when registering with this site.

In the future, it is strongly advised to stick to the topic at hand -- whatever that happens to be -- and refrain from tossing personal attacks against your fellow ATSers.

Thread closed.

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