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Why are People Obsessed With Saying Obama is a Socialist When It is Clear He is NOT?!!!

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posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:15 PM
My thinking is that the best place for this post is in the rant section because I have seem so many people claim that Obama is a Socialist that it takes a lot in me not to tear into them and prove just how much they, not only don`t know about Capitalism, but also of Socialism. So...I need to vent.

Let`s go ahead and state what is painfully clear: OBAMA IS NOT A SOCIALIST!

I am sorry but the people who go on and on about Obama being a socialist clearly no nothing about a socialist system.

Here is a short list of things which I see people using to claim Obama is a socialist

1) He wants to increase taxes
2) He wants to force people into `Socialist` healthcare system
3) He is a secret Muslim and hates the `American way of life`
4) He is black and hates the `white man`
5) He is not a US citizen
6) He wants to take American`s guns away

I know some of these reasons sound crazy but I have actually seen people use these so-called reason as proof that he is a socialist.

Before we go any further let me make is very clear, of which I have no fear to admitting, that I am a socialist and have studied socialist/communist ideas very deeply. So, if you feel the need to debate me on what is socialism you should be aware of who you will be debating with.

Let`s debunk all the so-called proof that Obama is a socialist

1) He wants to increase taxes

And when was the last time a US president actually tried to not increase taxes? You would have to go a while back to find one. You want to cite Reagan as one who did not? Well, ending tax deductions is the same thing as a tax increase. And people who love all those roads and other vital social services which government handles, guess how that is paid guessed it taxes. Taxes increases happen all the time. It just depends on who is paying more taxes as to who will complain about it. In a socialist system taxes are not even part of the conversation. In socialism you are still paid a wage just like in capitalism. The difference being that the `extra labor value` does not go to a capital investor. Instead it goes to the government and used to pay for things which society needs. There are no capital investors in socialism. So, increasing taxes in a capitalist system does not make Obama a socialist.

2) He wants to force people into `Socialist` healthcare system

This one is straight up funny! If anyone has actually taken a deep look at the ends and outs of the health care reforms Obama has put into place, one will clearly understand that it is the base for a social healthcare system; not a socialist one. Social health care systems are nothing new. It has been around for a very long time. The idea of social health care was for capitalist based nations to give the figure to the socialist nations and say `See! We care about the workers too.` A social health care system taxes private businesses based on the number of workers they have and the number of hours each employee works. The only major difference in the Obama version is that he has attempted to democratize the process by allowing the workers to collectively choose how much they put into the system and having the state government decide how the money is used for health care services. There is nothing socialist about `Obamacare.` In a socialist system there is no need for workers to collectively decide how much money they put into the system because all `extra value of labor` is already being used to provide healthcare for the entire nation.

3) He is a secret Muslim and hates the `American way of life`

Secret Muslim...Bahahahaha! He has always went to Christian churches his entire life and was raised by a Christian family. While living in Chicago he attended a church with a rather radical religious man serving as preacher. He said a few radical things a few times and suddenly Obama `Hates America` but there was never any proof offered that Obama was even attending Church when some of the more radical statements were made. Secret Muslim...I have no idea where that one came from at all; mostly is comes from the next so-called proof that Obama is a socialist. In a socialist system it does not matter what you feelings are about religion because religion is 100% separated from government. Any leader in a socialist system talking about being `close to god` their time spend in politics will be short lived because everyone will distrust them and consider them a little crazy and dangerous.

4) He is black and hates the `white man`
You see America, this is what we in the rest of world call racism. You know about racism America; right? I would hope that most Americans know racism when they see it considering the deep history of racism in the United States of America. Real capitalist are also historically hardcore racist. Google a few highly rich and powerful capitalist elite from history and you will see what I am talking about. Obama does not hate white men. Heck, so far he has made white capitalist men from Wall Street blind stinking rich! He loves white men!

5) He is not a US citizen
Okay here we go...A foreign born man is secretly raised in America and groomed to be president in order to bring about a socialist revolution. Really now....You don`t say? When it gets to the point in which a very rich white guy(The Donald), with a history of treating women, companies he been the head chief and workers like toilet paper calls out Obama and says he is not a US citizen, you know we are dealing with angry capitalist who have enjoyed white privilege a bit too long. For the record, I believe that John McCain was not born in the United he cannot become president; right? You know the whole `must be born on US soil thing.` There really is no hard evidence to back up Obama not being as US citizen as far as US records on citizenship are concerned. Although, I am sure there is a mountain of so-called `classified` docs people can offer to say other wise.

6) He wants to take American`s guns away

When did Obama, as president of the United States present a bill to Congress asking for `gun control?` Please someone show me that bill. In a socialist system it is everyone`s benefit that almost everyone know how to use a firearm. *Don`t cite China on this one because China stopped being socialist or attempting to achieve communism a long time ago.

So there is my rant on this whole `Obama is a socialist` thing. Can we finally put this one to rest?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by freedomwv

elections over i thought we were done with these threads

wishful thinking i guess

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:55 PM
He's a fascist. He wants everyone under the umbrella of government. He wants to redistribute wealth.

He wants to fundamentally transform America.

He's overseen the largest amount of people on food stamps.

He's been president when the US credit rating was downgraded.

He's never submitted a budget.

He wants to constantly raise the debt ceiling.

He has advanced NDAA, DHS, DHHS, TSA.

He has thrown a government umbrella over student loans.

He is a divider. He plays on class warfare.

But you're quite correct.

He is no socialist.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

All of the things you mentioned he had little to do with or he was powerless to really stop. Remember, Obama is controlled by the same capitalist which have controlled many many presidents before him. You cannot control capitalism; capitalism controls you!

One point to add. Redistribution of wealth is not an exclusive socialist idea. Governments have been doing that long before Marxism.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by freedomwv
reply to post by beezzer

All of the things you mentioned he had little to do with or he was powerless to really stop. Remember, Obama is controlled by the same capitalist which have controlled many many presidents before him. You cannot control capitalism; capitalism controls you!

Not buying it. I hear this a lot, mostly from the same people that blamed Bush for EVERYTHING!

One point to add. Redistribution of wealth is not an exclusive socialist idea. Governments have been doing that long before Marxism.

True. Before Marxism, it was just called despotism or theft.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Socialism is for the people, not the socialist.

Understand that.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:11 PM
You are correct! Mr. Obama is a NARCISSIST, not a Socialist! His only policy is: "My way, or the highway!" He can do no wrong! If you don't believe me, ask him.

See ya,

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:15 PM
Obama has very strong and clear Socialist policy leanings....That's probably the best way I'd put it. I once called him a Socialist too but you're right. He's not. I don't think we'll agree on the logic leading to that conclusion but the end result is accurate, I'd agree.

His socialist tendencies come in things like Obamacare ..and not what is there, but the quotes at the time from people around Obama and Pelosi that it was but the first step and every long journey must start...yaddah yaddah. Obama care isn't socialism...but the goal it's a step toward sure is.

Then we have nationalizing things like the Auto Industry. In the end, that is a so/so thing, since some bought their freedom, some (Like Ford) never allowed themselves to be bought in the first place..but others like GM? Well, Government Motors is fitting after the flip from debt to preferred stock for Uncle's holdings. It changes the balance sheet from bail-out debt to partnership of shorts. Not FULL nationalization, but then, thats the WHOLE problem with trying to categorize Obama.

NOTHING he does is pure to any ideology I know. It's a bit of Fascism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism in the true sense and Obamaism, as it may come to be known some day. To coin a term that fits, it's "Heinz-57ism" Just a bit of everything mixed together and called a package.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I was not a supporter of Bush nor have I never been a supporter of Obama. Both man controlled by the same capitalist class. Different face, smoother delivery but with the same handlers. It is just that Obama has been left holding a bag of problems which has been festering for a long time. He will not be able to fix anything. The people will have to change society to really fix many of the problems modern America is facing.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by freedomwv
reply to post by beezzer

The people will have to change society to really fix many of the problems modern America is facing.


posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Obama is a mixed bag for sure. He goes in many different directions depending on the situation. There was a term I ran across once, I believe it was something similar to `ultratarian.` It is an idea that one should look at all available ideologies and one, or an element of one, which would best serve your needs in any situation. Yet, one does not stick to just one single ideology. I think that Obama may be similar to this thought.

He does, however, seem to use a lot of liberal ideas and sometimes a few social(not socialist) elements. At the same time he practices overall , along with most people in D.C., neo-liberal economic theory due to the very capitalist in nature American system.

From everything I have studied, trying to carry any truly socialist policies within a capitalist system will end in total failure; which is one of the reasons I refer to `obamacare` as a social program and not a socialist one. The only way to really carry out full on socialist policies is to spark a revolution; which is clearly part of Obama`s agenda. He has way too many capitalist pulling his strings for him to ever attempt that.

Overall, Obama is a capitalist in my mind. He seeks to increase profit for the owners of the means of production, while at the same time, promoting just enough social programs to keep the common people from storming the palace.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 02:39 PM
To tell you the truth I've always thought he was more of a fascist .

People forget that fascism is just a socialist like political system that attempts to address some of the flaws in pure socialism . Nazism is a form of fascism but it is no more fascist than the ku klux klan is christian .

Just because that strange little Austrian guy scared the hell out everybody quite a while ago is no reason to ignore what could be reality .

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by freedomwv

Well, this will probably get me in trouble but, I will answer your question: People are stupid. Socialist isn't being used in the context of what it actually is, it's just being used as a political slur. Just don't pay attention to people who use the word in this manner and you will feel better.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by antonia

I know what you mean totally. Socialism/Communism is so misunderstood, to an extreme extent in America, that it can like screaming at a brick sometimes. Heck, a lot of people in the states cannot clearly define the difference between liberty and freedom much less define socialism. It is as if a lot of people in the states fell hook line and sinker for McCarthy and `Red Scare` propaganda as if it was the gospel truth. During the 1950`s, while Europe was enlightening itself and learning about evolving society, America was beating up `socialist` in the street and talking about `Better Dead Than Red.`

The fact still remains that Obama is not a socialist. As much as some people would love for Obama to be a `Red` he is not and never will be.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:54 AM
Haters gonna hate

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by OpenEars123
Haters gonna hate

Well, that about sums the whole thing up.

edit on 31-12-2012 by antonia because: opps

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by thudpuddy

Socialism and Fascism the same thing? Really? Are you serious; right?

Okay. I will take on this one because I have dealt with this many times before in my life as a Marxist.

One of the smartest things the fascist Hilter did was include the word socialist in this NAZI political and social system. It is also clear, by way of close study of Hilter`s Germany, that Nazism was anything but socialist. I could go on a rant within a rant explain about Nazism but that I will avoid it for the time being.

The single biggest point which explains why Nazism was not socialist was the idea of moral absolutism and racial nationalism. Both of those things negates socialism big time.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 01:38 PM
I don't know about a socialist, but I know he's an idiot.

He attacked the coal industry and killed thousands of jobs. He had no safety net for all the coal miners who lost their jobs because of him and his go green extremist friends. Instead, he pretty much left them all to die. You honestly think Obama cares about people? Before all this, in Pa. during a speech, and I quote loosely, he said all rural people can think about is clinging on to their guns and religion. What does that say? If that isn't racist then I don't know what is.

So now, all these coal miners, some who have mined all their life, who have houses, vehicles, bills, bills, bills--have been abandoned-left out in the cold. I see that as an attack on the livelyhood of a people.

Next, as he cries alligator tears at the Newtown massacre, he sends drones to attack and kill innocent women and children. What's more disturbing is the Obama mouthed off about Justin Bieber hanging around with his daughters, jokingly saying that Justin better watch or he'll send the drones after him. Isn't that a little insight into the mind of an arrogant killer? People can defend Obama all they want, but the proof is in the pudding.

He was a member of an anti-white/anti-American church for over 20 years, as well as many other black celebrities, like Oprah. His friends were all known extremists. If all of my friends were Ku Klux Klan members, wouldn't you be suspicious of me? Why does it seem America is getting worse? It's because Obama and his masters want it that way. It's all planned. There is no ther explanation as to why everything is wrong with America. They have destroyed the American way of life to keep us under pressure and squeeze out every last bit of humanity from us all.

It's time for Americans to march and restore our once great country and take it from the claws of these evil beings who have taken control of it. On a lighter note, I just won ten bucks on a lottery ticket!! Gonna live the good life now!! woo hoo

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
He's a fascist. He wants everyone under the umbrella of government. He wants to redistribute wealth.

He wants to fundamentally transform America.

He's overseen the largest amount of people on food stamps.

He's been president when the US credit rating was downgraded.

He's never submitted a budget.

He wants to constantly raise the debt ceiling.

He has advanced NDAA, DHS, DHHS, TSA.

He has thrown a government umbrella over student loans.

He is a divider. He plays on class warfare.

But you're quite correct.

He is no socialist.

OP: This is the kind of melodramatic bs that people eat up like hotcakes and if the talking heads wanted us to believe Obama was a towel, I'm sure that would also be on this list.

"Your a towel" - man

"Your a towel" - Towelee

Courtesy of Southpark

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 08:17 PM
Obama is 100% all about Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism and wants as little as possible to do with any opposition.

He refuses to compromise and by-passes Congress when ever possible.

All his ideals are collective in nature.

He emphasizes state controlled policies.

His staff micro-manages everything.

In many ways, Obama applies the Marx 10-Plank system.

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