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My FEMALE Friend Appeared Before Me As Her HUSBAND what the heck happend spooky?

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posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 05:18 AM
This has really freaked me out and i cannot get it out of my mind, on 11th December my husband was 60, so I'm sitting on the terrace chatting to my sister on the phone, when a car pulled up and at the top of my steps i saw a friend called John, he left a card and a bottle of wine for my husband and blew me 3 kisses, so i blew one back, I said to my sister a man has just called with a gift and i know that i know him but i can't remember who he is.

So yesterday his wife sent me a xmas card via email, so I replied back and mentioned that i had seen John deliver the gift, so she wrote back and told me it was her and that John was sitting in the car, I could not get my head around this so I wrote back again asking for proof as in what happened and what was i wearing, well she described that she saw me on the phone the dog greeted her so she blew kisses to me and that I was wearing a pretty dressing gown.

Now that is exactly what happened and what i was wearing was in fact my dressing gown, so what the hell happened has anyone else experienced this before I know I haven't and it's really spooked me out what can cause this does anyone know? MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AT ATS

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 05:28 AM
You was drinking right?

Alcohol can do this.

You probably went up to the side john was sitting on and didn't realize.

simple explanation and logical that you was distracted by phone call.

plus being old no offense sorry.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 06:21 AM
nope it was first thing in the morning I was still in my night clothes and did not have a drink only coffee, and I maybe 62 but I DON'T SUFFER WITH DEMENTIA, I am hoping for real answers not trolls thank you.

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 06:22 AM
It could be similar to a phenomenon I've read about in military textbook type books that deal with areas of perception and manipulating it. In your case... it's just the reality that makes the rule true. That being, people see what they expect to see and/or want to see. If what that is and what is actually seen is close enough, the mind fills in the blanks to make it so.....especially if importance isn't all that high anyway.

To read texts on it, it's how people that you'd think would stand out like...well...Jessie Ventura... manage to move effortlessly through the airports and streets of the world doing the things they do.

It doesn't have to mean you're going crazy at all.

edit on 22-12-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: typo

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 06:32 AM
Gosh that is spooky, I got goosebumps reading your post.
A glitch in the matrix perhaps ...

Although it is possible that your memory of the actual event was altered by a dream post the event. When you look back you remember the changed detail, rather than the original detail.

I tend to have a lot of dreams that are identical to regular everyday happenings, so it can be confusing trying to work out what 'memories' are of occurrences in the real world and what I experienced in the dream state.
edit on 22/12/12 by Davo163 because:

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by PlanetxIsComing

Neo.. it's a glitch in the matrix....

honestly unless you just don't remember correctly because you were distracted on the phone and you saw john in the car and just confused the situation.. I dunno.. there is no rational explanation for that

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Different timelines.

It happened to me a few weeks back.

I was on the middle landing on my stairs and my youngest was in her bedroom. I could see her in the bedroom and I could see our cat on the rug in front but to the side of her.
Suddenly the cat ran towards me, so I moved sideways so she wouldn't bump me.
I heard the cat thumping down a few stairs, then it went silent.

My youngest said to the cat, 'Get off my bed'
Surprised I said to my DD, 'I've just seen the cat go past me'
DD scared, 'So who is that on my bed?' She moved away horrified.

The cat jumped off the bed, on to the same rug and rolled over being a softy and purring.

I explained to her, it was just a different timeline; I was in one and my DD was in another.
No biggie.
You could pray you stay with your family on the quantum level, so you don't lose anyone in other timelines.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by PlanetxIsComing
nope it was first thing in the morning I was still in my night clothes and did not have a drink only coffee, and I maybe 62 but I DON'T SUFFER WITH DEMENTIA, I am hoping for real answers not trolls thank you.

was not trolling was trying to give you logical answers.

Because this stuff just don't magically happen. something logical has to happen for this to be true.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by AriesJedi
Different timelines.

It happened to me a few weeks back.

I was on the middle landing on my stairs and my youngest was in her bedroom. I could see her in the bedroom and I could see our cat on the rug in front but to the side of her.
Suddenly the cat ran towards me, so I moved sideways so she wouldn't bump me.
I heard the cat thumping down a few stairs, then it went silent.

My youngest said to the cat, 'Get off my bed'
Surprised I said to my DD, 'I've just seen the cat go past me'
DD scared, 'So who is that on my bed?' She moved away horrified.

The cat jumped off the bed, on to the same rug and rolled over being a softy and purring.

I explained to her, it was just a different timeline; I was in one and my DD was in another.
No biggie.
You could pray you stay with your family on the quantum level, so you don't lose anyone in other timelines.

Cats are good at this timeline stuff, I have read a few posts like this.

But you shouldn't be so quick to fill your daughters head with this stuff. Give her more than a few options with your time line theory, not telling you what to do but I would of gave my off spring a choice.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by amraks
You was drinking right?

Alcohol can do this.

You probably went up to the side john was sitting on and didn't realize.

simple explanation and logical that you was distracted by phone call.

plus being old no offense sorry.


You invented that whole thing right out of absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Simple and logical? Really?

I got one.

You read her account and you had a mini-stroke. The damage to your brain caused you to suddenly hallucinate that you had been standing in her driveway when her friend and her husband drove up to her house, and you had seen her drinking booze and wandering up to the car - in an alcoholic blackout - and looking in the car window at her friend's husband. Then, after recovering from your stroke enough to type up your reply, you did not realize that your brain damage had installed that illusion as a real and factual memory, that then morphed into both a virtual certainty and an irresistible compulsion to insist that this is what she'd actually done to ultimately become confused and post her rubbish, as if you're actually doing her a favor by dismissing her account as a drunken stumbling, that's been misunderstood by an aging, failing mind.

See. I can do that bullsh*t too. And even better than you can, since I take the time to use full sentences.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by PlanetxIsComing

Did you watch the movie Freaky Friday and then have a weird pseudo-sexual dream about your friends hubby?

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 07:50 PM
I love these kind of stories. It always makes me wonder if perception really is the decider on a certain "Reality" Than how does one choose the true reality, since your friend says she was the one who came to the door I believe the deciding factor on the true reality was the husband because he also saw the same perception that your friend did, so that outweighed your perception to narrow the observer (you) to this particular reality. I wonder?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 10:12 AM
In reference to cats and timelines..I'm becoming convinced one of my cats has mastered time manipulation. My husband is even getting in on the idea.

In reality, I think we just have the sneakiest cat ever.

He will be dead asleep, clear across the room. We will comment about him sleeping. A minute later we will look down and he is in our lap dead asleep. Never even felt his fat self get on us.

The other day he was sleeping on the couch to my right. I commented about him sleeping on a coat on the couch that I had just washed. Not even a minute later he came walking out of the kitchen from my left. We never saw him get up or make a noise or anything. I told him he really needed to stop jumping through time.

Anyway, I think sometimes things happen and you may be busy with something else and you miss what has taken place. Perhaps when you glanced up, while on the phone, you expected to see the husband so that is what you saw in your mind. Or, perhaps, the couple actually forgot who it was that got out of the car. I've done that before haha!

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:59 PM
Maybe she is having mental issues?

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