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Giza Pyramids Alignment December 3rd 2012

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posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 07:49 PM
So people claim they are being lied to by TPTB.

In the end they are lied to by the fakers and charlatans.

Hopefully people learn the lesson that they are being lied to by the fakers and charlatans.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Saint Exupery

The equinox is at 11:12 (UT) on Dec. 21st. 18 days (25920 minutes) before that, Mercury, Venus & Saturn form an angle that is 6.8 degrees from a straight line.

UT time is GMT, or the time as measured at Greenwich England.

The time element here, is "nonsense" ...because time, as we measure it, has nothing to do with distances towards stars and planets. But it measures the rotation of the earth, with the sun as a reference, and divides it into 24 hours, 60 minutes and 60 seconds. This clock has to be adjusted, more or less daily, because there are errors, and the earth rotation is not constant.

Using it as basis, for any calculations in astronomy, is just mathematical error ....

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by gnosticagnostic
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

we build skyscrapers now... but by all means if you want to go build a pyramid go do so. It has been figured out and they have proven how it was done.. i've seen the documentary lol..." oh and we are probably dumbed down"
edit on 2-12-2012 by gnosticagnostic because: (no reason given)

It has been figured out by who? When? Not modern egyptologists, that's for sure. Their theories may be somewhat sound, but they would be wrong. The pyramids were built with energy beams and levitation techniques - which are both impossible for modern egyptologists to even conceive, let alone take seriously. The truth is stranger than fiction. According to Cayce, it still took over 100 years to build.

If you really want to claim "they" have proven how it was done, you should be able to give the names of "they", and the methods of how they have PROVEN it was done. They might have proven how something SIMILAR _MIGHT_ have been done (and I am aware of some of the theories that have been presented, one sillier than the other - like 'making' the stones on the spot from sand mixed with other ingredients! Why even make them into separate stones instead of one, continuous wall, like we do with cement, if that's how they did it? Why not shape it smoothly instead of creating 'cubes'? Etc.), but they certainly haven't - and CAN NOT prove "how it was done".

All they can (and can have) do(ne) is to prove that "it's possible to do something similar in a method they can all agree with".

They haven't proven anything. But then, neither can I. What happened in history, is veiled by thousands of years.. before we get a time machine at our disposal, NOTHING is proven.

Please apologize for lying and making false claims.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
I'm not skeptical of something profound happening later this month. Heck, the evidence is everywhere. Things are changing NOW. I am, however, skeptical of this claim that some planetary alignment above the pyramids is even real, much less noteworthy. I mean, the alignment will only work from one specific spot. Move a couple hundred yards north or south and it falls apart!

I'm also skeptical of ALL numerology claims. Numbers are funny that way. Easily fooled with to appear significant.

Perhaps the whole point of putting the pyramids where they put them was because the alignment was there and only there.
If there is an alignment it may or may not mean anything but it is interesting to speculate about.

Numbers are funny. Has anyone ever divided numbers one through nine by seven? Dividing by seven results are very different than dividing by the other numbers.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 04:24 PM
ahahah battlefield released aftermath on this date.

they also released armored warfare on sept 11th

and their first one came out close quarters on another retarded date, i think it was the date of the solar eclipse

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Shoujikina

Originally posted by gnosticagnostic
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

we build skyscrapers now... but by all means if you want to go build a pyramid go do so. It has been figured out and they have proven how it was done.. i've seen the documentary lol..." oh and we are probably dumbed down"
edit on 2-12-2012 by gnosticagnostic because: (no reason given)

It has been figured out by who? When? Not modern egyptologists, that's for sure. Their theories may be somewhat sound, but they would be wrong. The pyramids were built with energy beams and levitation techniques - which are both impossible for modern egyptologists to even conceive, let alone take seriously. The truth is stranger than fiction. According to Cayce, it still took over 100 years to build.

If you really want to claim "they" have proven how it was done, you should be able to give the names of "they", and the methods of how they have PROVEN it was done. They might have proven how something SIMILAR _MIGHT_ have been done (and I am aware of some of the theories that have been presented, one sillier than the other - like 'making' the stones on the spot from sand mixed with other ingredients! Why even make them into separate stones instead of one, continuous wall, like we do with cement, if that's how they did it? Why not shape it smoothly instead of creating 'cubes'? Etc.), but they certainly haven't - and CAN NOT prove "how it was done".

All they can (and can have) do(ne) is to prove that "it's possible to do something similar in a method they can all agree with".

They haven't proven anything. But then, neither can I. What happened in history, is veiled by thousands of years.. before we get a time machine at our disposal, NOTHING is proven.

Please apologize for lying and making false claims.

considering you believe edgar cayce over egyptologist.. i see no point.. but thank you and have a nice day
I have no reason to apologize for my own opinion.. I was not rude in stating it...
edit on 6-12-2012 by gnosticagnostic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Shoujikina

It has been figured out by who? When? Not modern egyptologists, that's for sure. Their theories may be somewhat sound, but they would be wrong. The pyramids were built with energy beams and levitation techniques - which are both impossible for modern egyptologists to even conceive, let alone take seriously. The truth is stranger than fiction. According to Cayce, it still took over 100 years to build.

Such claims are made by frauds. It effectively besmirches the intelligence of the ancient Egyptians who were smart enough to build these structures using technology available to them. Just because the charlatans making these asinine claims are unable to figure out how to build the pyramids is meaningless. They did it and they did it well.

but they certainly haven't - and CAN NOT prove "how it was done".

The ideas you presented above are not from real scientists because it is obvious that the stones were quarried and the quarries have been identified. The issue is how the stones were moved and how they were raised and it certainly did not take that idiotic notion of levitation. That is a ludicrous notion claimed by frauds.

NOTHING is proven.

The remains of ramps are visible at some of the older pyramids. Take that to the liars that claim energy beams and other rubbish.

posted on Dec, 6 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by 1PLA1

Perhaps the whole point of putting the pyramids where they put them was because the alignment was there and only there.
If there is an alignment it may or may not mean anything but it is interesting to speculate about.

Pyramids were not originally built at Giza, but just south at Saqqarra. There is not alignment involved.

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by 1PLA1

Perhaps the whole point of putting the pyramids where they put them was because the alignment was there and only there.
If there is an alignment it may or may not mean anything but it is interesting to speculate about.

Pyramids were not originally built at Giza, but just south at Saqqarra. There is not alignment involved.

so they built the pyramids elsewhere then carried them to giza? shut up please

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by ShaeTheShaman

Let me make this simpler for you.

The first pyramids were not constructed at Giza. There were earlier constructions. They were built south of Giza.

Later pyramids were built at Giza.

Do you understand now?

posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by ShaeTheShaman

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by 1PLA1

Perhaps the whole point of putting the pyramids where they put them was because the alignment was there and only there.
If there is an alignment it may or may not mean anything but it is interesting to speculate about.

Pyramids were not originally built at Giza, but just south at Saqqarra. There is not alignment involved.

so they built the pyramids elsewhere then carried them to giza? shut up please

You got owned, deservedly so!


posted on Dec, 7 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by pheonix358

hahahaha.. i

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by pheonix358
You got owned, deservedly so!

Stereologist has it right.
The "famous" big three pyramids are very very late in the series.
Many many earlier pyramids, simpler and smaller had been built in other places beforehand.

posted on Dec, 8 2012 @ 11:35 AM
In fact, there are more pyramids in Sudan that in Egypt and they were built by a neighboring nation to the south.

The issue discussed in this thread was a nonevent just as all other 2012 events have been nonevents.

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