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Supressed & Lost Knowledge

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posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:31 PM
This thread is a personal inquiry of mine. I wanted to ask some questions to the board members -- your opinions & views.

Firstly: How much knowledge & information do you suppose is being suppressed/hidden from the masses? Enough to change the course of humanity?

Do you believe it's archeological, historical, technological, spiritual?

What are your views on ancient civilizations & lands, whether legend or not -- ranging from Egypt & Sumer to Atlantis, Lemuria & Mu. Do you think our official account of history is valid or distorted?

What role do you think religion has in all this?


posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
This thread is a personal inquiry of mine. I wanted to ask some questions to the board members -- your opinions & views.

Firstly: How much knowledge & information do you suppose is being suppressed/hidden from the masses? Enough to change the course of humanity?

Do you believe it's archeological, historical, technological, spiritual?

What are your views on ancient civilizations & lands, whether legend or not -- ranging from Egypt & Sumer to Atlantis, Lemuria & Mu. Do you think our official account of history is valid or distorted?

What role do you think religion has in all this?

Dear Raelsatu,

Recently it was proposed that the giant statues on Easter Island were moved by balancing and rocking them and it was demonstrated how well the process worked. The knowledge that we had of moving and shaping large rocks lost it's relevance. As for religion, yeah, occult groups believe they have hidden knowledge. In fact, if you put in a minimal effort you will find that their great truths are pretty simple and nothing special. Wikileaks has posted things from the Masons and the Rosicrucians, nothing very amazing to find. Peace. S&F.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:45 PM
Lots of the knowledge of our ancestors, the personal knowledge that is genetic specific, is lost. They have been teaching kids that the system we have is better than our parents for many generations in school. I remember this when I was growing up back in gradeschool and high school. Take the three generations and figure that it has been the same, now the knowledge is gone for most people. This will eliminate the middle to upper middle class and less of the lower class and elite. We will be left with only the strongest shortly, the people who learned from their grandparents or who's kids have always paid attention to their elders. What better way to trim the population, get rid of the ones who were gullible enough to believe a lie. I guess the Amish people will still be around to go visit anyway but their diets are not acceptable to all. I'm saying genetic specific diet will form the survivors.

Nobody pays attention to history, none of this is new. They have caused things to kill off people many times in the past. Gullible is not the same as nice, gullible is when people do things with the intention of getting ahead, they then lose everything because of their greed. Doesn't happen to the elite usually, they are more receptive to their parents and ancestors. At least they used to be. Easy come easy go, at least we didn't have to work ourselves to the bone this time to get where we are.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

There's certainly technological suppression in some sectors as it applies to gadgetry that could be cheap and effective as means for large scale destruction.
State secrets and all as well.

All the others you list regarding Archaeology, History, Spirituality?
You're only as blind as you allow yourself to be.

History is recorded everywhere. If you've any doubts about what you were taught, hit the primary unfiltered source material and have at your own interpretation. This applies to Archaeology as well.
There's plenty primary source material documenting excavation sites with photos, sketches, measurements, detailed descriptions, itemized listings of all items found with details or in situ orientation, etc to pour over.
Read those old Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Aztec Chinese, Proto-Indus, Proto-Indo-European, and other such scrolls, stones, tablets, monuments, or whatever in the original unfiltered original language.
You'll have to learn the language of course, but, hey, even so called ignorant immigrants that have jobs cleaning toilets can learn a second language in their new home, so, in the search for knowledge, you certainly must be smarter than those immigrant toilet cleaners, so, learn a dead language.

Spirituality? eh. Go hug a crystal, meditate on a mandala, open your 14th eyeball, shoot rainbow lasers out your nose, dance around with snakes, or magnets, and/or drink/inhale/abstain from/feast on any number of sorts of unordinary substances that are suppose to do something jiggy with your spirituality.
You won't know unless you try.
You can also study Psychology and Social Anthropology for another angle of understanding.

Either trust what your told, or, go out and get your answers yourself.
If you go out and get your answers yourself, unless you have a Doctorate in what you're looking for answers for, prepare to be laughed at by people that already have thoroughly studied, absorbed, and possibly know much more about whatever it was you went seeking answers to.

edit on 19-11-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu

Do you believe it's archeological, historical, technological, spiritual?

Yes, all of the above.

Here is a start
Google and or Youtube search

Graham Hancock
David Icke
Movement of the north pole
12 Gods - Greece, Rome and Egypt
Angkor, Giza, Easter Island, all on the former equator.

Here are a couple of links to start you off.

Graham Hancock's "Quest For The Lost Civilization" **FULL MOVIE**

Banned Episode: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Police State

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 08:59 PM
Oh there is plenty of knowledge of all types being suppressed.

Take the Vatican Secret Archives for example. Founded in 1610, they contain over 52 shelf miles of suppressed knowledge.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

That's intriguing. I read that you're able to request most of what's down there, but not allowed to actually enter the archives. Apparently there's a select category of secret books/manuscripts that nobody is allowed to see apart from the pope? Sounds very cryptic & esoteric..

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by RedmoonMWC

Thank you for the links. I actually know a little about Graham Hancock & his work, from listening to a podcast with him as the guest. I haven't seen that movie though, so I'll be listening/watching tonight. Can never get enough of ancient architecture documentaries & research.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
reply to post by Osiris1953

That's intriguing. I read that you're able to request most of what's down there, but not allowed to actually enter the archives. Apparently there's a select category of secret books/manuscripts that nobody is allowed to see apart from the pope? Sounds very cryptic & esoteric..

Probably just texts outlining what kind of sham religion really is...

In my best uneducated guess.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Raelsatu

I do believe many different things are being hidden from us. Well maybe not hidden really, just not discussed, pushed at the bottom of the pile if you will. Why? Also for many different reasons.

Lets take archeological findings such as the 1.5 million year old foot print. Why would that be suppressed? Well, first it would contradict every religion on this planet. And we can't have that now can we?

An other example would be the Puma Punku site. It's getting more and more attention lately which is awesome, but still a bit difficult to get good info on the archeological site itself. Don't you find it bizarre that 10 000 years ago Man was coming out of an ice age, they apparently didn't have the wheel but still managed to build Puma Punku? Even for today's standards there would be Technological hurdles to overcome. I should know, I work with granite every day. IMHO I believe it was there before the last ice age. Which would corroborate the million year old foot print story.


As for modern technology. I have one word...Tesla. We are now seeing the fruits of his labor being applied by the military. One such project is HAARP, High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. If you think there are no military applications for this, think again. If the Navy and the Air Force are involved then it is being used as a weapon. That's what they do.

But aside from Military applications are the energy applications. Tesla was able to create energy out of thin air in 1902 and use it. Imagine what we can accomplish today with all the technological advancements we have made since then. We don't need fossil fuels, we don't need solar panels, we don't need wind turbines or even hydro electric power plants such as dams. Think about this. The sun charges our atmosphere 24/7, 365 days a year. An enormous amount of energy for us to use free of pun intended. Plus at any given time we have 760 thunderstorms per hour globally. Now that's power. We can harness all the excess energy from those, again, free of charge. This is most definitely something worth for "them" to suppress.


Now medicine. I hate to say it but do people really think after decades and billions of dollars spent, they haven't found the cure for cancer? C'mon now. Just look at Dr. Burzynski's research and applications. This VIDEO says a lot about his competence. There are even certain cases of tetra hydro cannabinol oil being applied directly to skin cancer and curing it with out any side effects what so ever.

Let's talk about the FDA for a second. Where do they get there funding? From pharmaceutical companies right?...right. Ok, What would make a person think with those conflict of interest they would want to stop diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, so on and so forth? They approve the foods that create the problems. Example; High concentrations of corn syrup in food is known to contribute to diabetes. Then why use it when we have safe alternatives such as Truvia? They use it because pharmaceutical companies will pull the funding if they put sanctions on unhealthy foods that sell their products. Some will say "That's unthinkable!" Well, think about it. Others have done worst for oil. Others killed millions for an obsolete energy source like fossil fuels because it rakes in the money. What makes you think pharmaceutical companies are any different.

edit on 20-11-2012 by XLR8R because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by XLR8R

Good Rant ... I mean post, I had not heard about Dr. Burzynski's research, thank you for that.
Star for you.

posted on Nov, 20 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by RedmoonMWC

Haha @ rant. If it came off as a rant, it wasn't my intention
. No problem at all. Dr. Burzynski has had many arduous legal battles against the FDA spanning 4 decades and won every time. Now the FDA has called a truce and trying to get Burzynski on their side. The only reason I would see him go to the FDA is funding for his research. But we all know what happens to good people funded by those with controlling interest. They have their funding pulled and smear campaigns taken up against them. It has happens time and again. One great example of this is Tesla.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by Raelsatu

They may tell you that you are able to request much of what's in the archives, but more than likely they are not being very honest about the sheer amount. I would give anything to browse the Vatican archives... even if there isn't anything mind blowing it would certainly be an interesting experience.

posted on Nov, 21 2012 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by boncho

Originally posted by Raelsatu
reply to post by Osiris1953

That's intriguing. I read that you're able to request most of what's down there, but not allowed to actually enter the archives. Apparently there's a select category of secret books/manuscripts that nobody is allowed to see apart from the pope? Sounds very cryptic & esoteric..

Probably just texts outlining what kind of sham religion really is...

In my best uneducated guess.

That's sure is a possibility, but I would find original biblical scrolls and texts to be so very fascinating. Perhaps the actual Book of Judas is in the archives.


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