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If this is all happening, WHY do you go on with things?

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posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:23 PM
First and foremost I was not sure where to put this but I figured this forum was as good-a-place, as any.

Now I'm pretty sure this question has been asked on ATS before (both sarcastically and seriously I'd presume) and I want to make it clear the question is NOT a dig at anybody at all, I am genuinely curious...

Assuming there is more life out there, than we know (Aliens so to speak) Assuming Angels, Demons, 'God' etc exists... Assuming Time Travel, Shifting, slipping etc exists... Assuming there is a group of "Elitists" out there, wanting to take over and control everything from Education to Finance. In other words let's for one minute ASSUME that there is so much more to our existence than we could ever have thought possible...

And let us, for one small moment assume that we believe the above, I know there's a lot of people out there who believe in one or more of these scenarios. So my question is this...

Why do you go on with what would evidently be "mundane" existences? Why do you go on with your day jobs, your night shifts, buying games for your XBox360/PS3? Worrying about Christmas and whatnot? Why do you worry about where your arsehole of a next door neighbour parks his car at two in the morning? What the stupid kid on the bus said to you, on the way to your mundane job this morning?

I think you're getting the picture here, right?

Now again I want to SERIOUSLY reiterate, I'm not digging at anybody whatsoever... I'm not saying I am better than any of you because I was including myself, in the questions when saying 'you' and 'your' I just don't know the answer myself so I am trying to get some perspective and feedback from members of the ATS community...

It's something that seriously struck me this morning whilst sitting in my very boring, mundane "temping" job, doing Data-Entry...

So... Any responses (that aren't taking the piss/mocking the question) are welcome....

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:29 PM
Because I don't have any experience of what the other side is like, I have no innate desire to end what I have now. Besides, there's a reason my spirit decided to be here.
If you're referring to why we do not follow the path of ending our ego and transcending suffering, I'm not sure what to say.
edit on 19-11-2012 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by A55A551N

That is way too many a55umption5.

Now to answer the question: I don't. Seriously, I don't. I gave up long ago.
Nothing matters, and I don't mind.


Originally posted by A55A551N

Now again I want to SERIOUSLY reiterate, I'm not digging at anybody whatsoever... I'm not saying I am better than any of you because I was including myself, in the questions when saying 'you' and 'your' I just don't know the answer myself so I am trying to get some perspective and feedback from members of the ATS community...
It would've been simpler to just say 'We' instead of 'You'. If you had, you would not have felt the need to explain it.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:40 PM
I have no doubt that the Rockefeller family owns the education system, and its sole purpose is to breed slaves. As George Carlin said, "They want obedient workers!" not people who are capable of critical thinking so they can sit down and figure out how badly they've been screwed over by the system. Yes, everything is a setup.

And it's funny, I watched a video last night about a supposed interview with an alien (yeah, I know). It describes earth as a "prison planet" from which there is no escape. Every time we die, we just get put right back here, with amnesia. Maybe this planet is just an insane asylum for the undesirables. I'm not the first to wonder that, I'm sure.

Have you ever read "Journey of Souls"? Michael Newton, some psychologist who used hypnosis to get people's story in between lives. It sounds like the afterlife is run pretty much like this one. Some people say we choose this life? I don't think so. I think we're forced to be here, against our will. I think I had cancer at birth because I fought against my incarnation here. I would have died if doctors hadn't interfered and "saved" me. And I will continue to fight against this. Forever.

What you're asking is, "Why play this game, that cannot be won?" You're right! Why? Because most people don't know that's what it is. We only know what we're told, and they don't tell us the truth. That's what I believe. This is hell, that's what it is.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 12:49 PM
For me it is just how I have always been. Constantly asking questions, diving deeper into the rabbit hole.

I think this is just a basic human trait, to never be completely satisfied and to continue asking questions.

Just because I research just about everything the OP stated, does not mean I believe them to be the "true gospel".

I guess I am what you could call a fence rider. I stay in the middle and watch what all the sides are doing.

Never stop learning. Never stop asking questions.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:01 PM
I am just here to learn and question things while seeking answers.
I enjoy sharing my newfound info and uplifting the intellects of those around me. In reality it will slowly raise the living standards.

Witty rule of thumb:

It is safe to assume one doesnt know something because that is almost certainly true.
It is however dangerous to assume we do know, because that is almost certainly untrue.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:04 PM
Wow... Good variation of responses there guys and girls and every one of them as good as the next!

Upon reading all of these answers I'm kind of beginning to see why "I" do it... It's about playing the long game, "keeping your friends close but your enemies closer" as it were.

And I won't lie, the "taboo" side of me finds it kind of fun... Delving into the Rabbit hole as has been mentioned, "people" watching wondering what I'd do if I did come across one of "them" (them standing for someone involved in any scenario mentioned above) and how I'd react/counter/fight.

But then again I am beginning to believe that all the "Heroes" in these action/alien/conspiracy films are put there in order to give us ("Humanity") a small sense of false hope for when one of/all these incidents come to pass.

But that's for another discussion, I suppose?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by A55A551N

I definitely get what you're saying, but the idea is, we chose to be here to have this experience. We can choose to focus on mundane everyday stuff like acquiring things and entertainment, but we should really be focused on activity that raises love vibrations, helping others, etc.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:08 PM
Because the object of the game,is figuring out,the object of the game.(yes i did pinch it from a film)

But you can start to have more fun if you see it as a game..

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:10 PM
Hmmm... Here's another thought.

What if it IS, all a game? Yes, I understand War, Famine, Death aren't funny... None of it is.

But what if this is all some kind of intergalactic 'game' and the Elite have been cheating or saw the loopholes in the rule-book?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by A55A551N
Hmmm... Here's another thought.

What if it IS, all a game? Yes, I understand War, Famine, Death aren't funny... None of it is.

But what if this is all some kind of intergalactic 'game' and the Elite have been cheating or saw the loopholes in the rule-book?

Going with that one i'd say the 'elite' are an example of how not to play the game.

the meak shall inherit the earth (pops to mind)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by A55A551N
Hmmm... Here's another thought.

What if it IS, all a game? Yes, I understand War, Famine, Death aren't funny... None of it is.

But what if this is all some kind of intergalactic 'game' and the Elite have been cheating or saw the loopholes in the rule-book?

Reminds me of my favorite meme! :

Good stuff!

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:24 PM
To quote Shirley MacLain: "It's all in the playing."

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by queenofswords
To quote Shirley MacLain: "It's all in the playing."

To quote Shakespeare "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:40 PM
I enjoy learning or relearning the magic that is in all of us. Examining myself at every turn to see what I'm doing wrong/right. Accepting my higher power/intuition as my guide and following it My life is far from mundane - quit the rat race a long time ago. Now I just AM. I see the game, I don't participate very often. I see the chaos, love it and move on. It's wonderful, very peaceful.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by A55A551N
Why do you go on with what would evidently be "mundane" existences?

I like food and water. Shelter is nice, too, and I actually prefer bathing every day in hot water.

There is a very succinct koan that I occasionally post that addresses this -

Before enlightenment, chop wood, draw water.
After enlightenment, chop wood, draw water.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by A55A551N

Why do you go on with what would evidently be "mundane" existences?

Well, suppose we could talk to angels, demons, ghosts or aliens... what is there to ask them?
Would we ask them, "Is it better to be an angel, demon, ghost or alien than it is to be a human?"

Suppose we could time travel... is it better to exist back in time, or in the future, than to exist now?

Is there any experience or phenomena greater than the spinning atom or the traveling photon?

Which modes of existence matter, and which do not?
What if playing an X-BOX game is way cooler than being a ghost or angel?

Aren't all these value judgements really in the eye of the perceiver?

posted on Dec, 3 2012 @ 05:35 AM
Interesting but not very well thought out post.

You really answered your question yourself without realizing it.

When you said such things like "ASSUMING these things are real" and insinuating that you indeed did not know whether these things are real. Now, stop a moment. Maybe none of these folks know whether these things are real or not, just like you do not?

It really seems like you are suggesting that people kill themselves. Do you really find this an appropriate thread, at least one to post without really thinking first? I'll say I don't trust the poster myself.

If I had to guess, I'd say you ARE an alien, a suicide thought inducing alien. Oh yes, I've encountered them. This seems maybe to be one ; )

Again, I ask, if YOU do not know whether aliens and such are real, how would we... any of us?

Therefore, your question answers itself. And who are you to call people's existences meaningless? This thread just reeks of... thoughtlessness... think before posting. In your case, I specifically recommend that you think HARD before posting. Remember that someone told you this. I mean YOU, op, you specifically. From now on, think things through a lot before posting. This is your prescription from me given to you. Take it.

posted on Dec, 25 2012 @ 12:11 AM
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I, myself, think of all the infinite possibilities of non/existence and still love my life. Yeah, I will never be able to teleport, or to go through a wormhole/loophole, and I might not even find a so-called "Heaven." I know my tiny short life is what to us would be as mundane as a gnats' life but, it's still life. To me I am able to experience existence in a physical (whatever that really means) world. I live at the edge of a spiral galaxy on a beautiful planet and I get to see one moon. I would love to be able to see other places but there is so much already here to occupy my brain and my imagination. I love to paint, so in that I am able to create my own world. Who is to say that we, ourselves, are not "gods"? Or that our imagination and dreams aren't some sort or reality. It would be quite fascinating to me to finally realize that the world we see and feel isn't at all what we can observe or understand. And for these reasons I appreciate the time I have here. I don't entirely love my job, or the fact I am forced to join in society and make money to pay bills etc. But, to me working in a sports bar could be a whole lot worse. The rest of life you should fill with things which are valuable to you and not worry about "what-if's" because if you worry too much you won't have a whole lot of life left to live. I hope this makes sense. I always kinda trail off.:/

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