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Get Your Religion out of the Political Arena!!!

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posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 01:33 PM
I'm sorry, but come on!!

Everywhere I look, there seems to be evidence that our religious communities and organizations have taken it upon themselves to make the US a "Godly" country.....
From Tom DeLay's scandel to obtain more seats for the republicans in the Seanate to the stupid laws that have been brought up in the congress in the past four H. R. 3799....

This Act may be cited as the `Constitution Restoration Act of 2004 '.




(1) AMENDMENT TO TITLE 28- Chapter 81 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`Sec. 1260. Matters not reviewable

`Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Supreme Court shall not have jurisdiction to review, by appeal, writ of certiorari, or otherwise, any matter to the extent that relief is sought against an element of Federal, State, or local government, or against an officer of Federal, State, or local government (whether or not acting in official personal capacity), by reason of that element's or officer's acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government.'.

(2) TABLE OF SECTIONS- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 81 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`1260. Matters not reviewable.'.

(b) APPLICABILITY- Section 1260 of title 28, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall not apply to an action pending on the date of enactment of this Act , except to the extent that a party or claim is sought to be included in that action after the date of enactment of this Act .



(1) AMENDMENT TO TITLE 28- Chapter 85 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end of the following:

`Sec. 1370. Matters that the Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction to review

`Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the district court shall not have jurisdiction of a matter if the Supreme Court does not have jurisdiction to review that matter by reason of section 1260 of this title.'.

(2) TABLE OF SECTIONS- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 85 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`1370. Matters that the Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction to review.'.

(b) APPLICABILITY- Section 1370 of title 28, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall not apply to an action pending on the date of enactment of this Act , except to the extent that a party or claim is sought to be included in that action after the date of enactment of this Act .



In interpreting and applying the Constitution of the United States, a court of the United States may not rely upon any constitution , law, administrative rule, Executive order, directive, policy, judicial decision, or any other action of any foreign state or international organization or agency, other than the constitutional law and English common law.



Any decision of a Federal court which has been made prior to or after the effective date of this Act , to the extent that the decision relates to an issue removed from Federal jurisdiction under section 1260 or 1370 of title 28, United States Code, as added by this Act , is not binding precedent on any State court.


To the extent that a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States or any judge of any Federal court engages in any activity that exceeds the jurisdiction of the court of that justice or judge, as the case may be, by reason of section 1260 or 1370 of title 28, United States Code, as added by this Act , engaging in that activity shall be deemed to constitute the commission of--

(1) an offense for which the judge may be removed upon impeachment and conviction; and

(2) a breach of the standard of good behavior required by article III, section 1 of the Constitution .

I know, we've probably all seen this before....but it's still in committee, waiting.....

I found this article today, it's an old article but well a few things it said we rather new to me.

Pin Heads

According to Dominionist literature, "biblical rule" means execution -- preferably by stoning -- of homosexuals and other "revelers in licentiousness"; massive tax cuts for the rich (because "wealth is a mark of God's favor"); the elimination of government programs to alleviate poverty and sickness (because these depend on "confiscation of wealth"); and enslavement for debtors. No legal challenges to "God's order" will be allowed. And because this order is divinely ordained, the "elect" can use any means necessary to establish it, including deception, subversion, even violence. As Robertson himself adjures the faithful: "Zealous men force their way in."


I"m particularly interested in the phrase:

"enslavement for debtors"

Ya see, I've had dreams about that since I was a kind....a small girl with blank, expressionless eyes behind barbed wire.....
In one dream, I was with a friend, and we watching as they brought in all these slaves to an internment camp.....the girl was there, and well, I went in and put the chains on myself just to be near her......don't ask me why, when I woke up, I was more concerned why in heck my friend who was with me went ahead and just followed me. Surprisingly, our friendship kind of declined some after that, I think subconsciously, I was afraid that this might actually happen, and well, considering that, I chose to distance myself from her.

well, this is the reason why I get on the corporations, and those that believe that it's okay to pay the less fortunate so much less than the cost of living while enjoying those six or seven figure incomes. We are enslaving half the population of this country....
social services can easily be adapted into a slave system, and well, the idea of making slave of those who can't pay their debts seems to be the norm in the history books.....It's even involved in my family history. My ancestors migrated from Germany (and the catholic church) to England, but then after a time England decided they didn't want them, lent them the money to pay for the transportation here, where they became indentured servants to the king working in a hemp farm. Well the conditions were so bad that the servants began to protest and revolt to the point where they were more of a pain than they were they were freed.

I think it's coming back, they seem to even be setting the laws up to help it be established.

Here is the list of sponsers to this bill in the house....

Rep Bachus, Spencer [AL-6] - 2/24/2004
Rep Barrett, J. Gresham [SC-3] - 5/5/2004
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] - 6/2/2004
Rep Bishop, Rob [UT-1] - 4/27/2004
Rep Brown, Henry E., Jr. [SC-1] - 7/13/2004
Rep Cannon, Chris [UT-3] - 10/7/2004
Rep Collins, Mac [GA-8] - 5/18/2004 Rep Cramer
Robert E. (Bud), Jr. [AL-5] - 2/24/2004
Rep Davis, Jo Ann [VA-1] - 3/10/2004
Rep Deal, Nathan [GA-10] - 3/18/2004
Rep DeMint, Jim [SC-4] - 4/1/2004
Rep Everett, Terry [AL-2] - 2/24/2004
Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [VA-5] - 7/13/2004
Rep Hall, Ralph M. [TX-4] - 4/27/2004
Rep Hayworth, J. D. [AZ-5] - 9/23/2004
Rep Herger, Wally [CA-2] - 6/18/2004
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] - 4/27/2004
Rep King, Steve [IA-5] - 6/25/2004
Rep Kingston, Jack [GA-1] - 2/24/2004
Rep Lewis, Ron [KY-2] - 4/27/2004
Rep McCotter, Thaddeus G. [MI-11] - 4/27/2004
Rep McIntyre, Mike [NC-7] - 9/23/2004
Rep Miller, Jeff [FL-1] - 3/10/2004
Rep Norwood, Charlie [GA-9] - 7/19/2004
Rep Pearce, Stevan [NM-2] - 3/18/2004
Rep Pence, Mike [IN-6] - 2/11/2004
Rep Peterson, Collin C. [MN-7] - 7/15/2004
Rep Pitts, Joseph R. [PA-16] - 2/24/2004
Rep Rogers, Mike D. [AL-3] - 2/24/2004
Rep Ryun, Jim [KS-2] - 3/11/2004
Rep Souder, Mark E. [IN-3] - 3/25/2004
Rep Stearns, Cliff [FL-6] - 5/18/2004
Rep Sullivan, John [OK-1] - 6/15/2004
Rep Terry, Lee [NE-2] - 5/5/2004
Rep Vitter, David [LA-1] - 6/15/2004
Rep Wamp, Zach [TN-3] - 3/10/2004
Rep Wilson, Joe [SC-2] - 9/9/2004

and the sponsers of the sister bill in the senate:

Sen Allard, A. Wayne [CO] - 4/20/2004
Sen Brownback, Sam [KS] - 4/20/2004
Sen Bunning, Jim [KY] - 5/6/2004
Sen Graham, Lindsey O. [SC] - 4/20/2004
Sen Inhofe, Jim [OK] - 4/20/2004
Sen Lott, Trent [MS] - 4/20/2004
Sen Miller, Zell [GA] - 4/20/2004

There is a reason our constitution placed the judicial system with enough power to hold in check the executive and legislative branches of government, and well, obviously, these people with to undermine that balance.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:01 PM
So you have found proof of a "Christian Agenda" to kill all us sinners and take over the country?

Maybe I am just not up on my legal speak But I seen nothing in the bill that said anything about turning us into a Godly country and the "Moscow Times" might be the most creditable paper to read about American politics, do you have a link with a little more creditibilty than that?

I have no doubt there are a lot of people, some even on this board who would be drooling at the mouth at this chance to stone all those uppity homos and put the rest of us sinners in our place.

But all in all till I see a little more proof I think its just about as creditible as Gradys "Homosexual Manifisto" and my White/Black Agenda" in other words .....NONE

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:05 PM
I don't know, why don't you email the address given here, and ask them.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:25 PM
I went to that site and found nothing bunch of fundy fanitics. The only mention of it that I saw was a post like this one. If these two links are all you have for evidence I personally dont give it much credit.

For example, mine and Gradys threads offered more proof than this and BOTH were utter BS

Even the bill you pasted on did not mention ANY of the things you said. I have no doubt that there are a few kooks out there, again like those in the other two threads, but I dont think 1 out of a thousand Christians would vote for a Bill to kill gays or enslave anyone

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Doesn't surprise me about DeMint. He's a freaking loon. He thinks gay people and straight pregnant women should be banned from being school teachers. He's running the Bush campaign on a more local scale, drumming up discrimination to win the votes of the closed-minded in this area. It's a pretty pathetic tactic, and what's worse -- he'll probably win.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 02:38 PM
that just means the supreme court cant use its power to file lawsuits, or fire someone, or whatever against someone who give "acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty, or government." its protecting the 1st amendment.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:17 PM
The Despoiling of America

Theocratic Dominionism Gains Influence

The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
a public information project from

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
but I dont think 1 out of a thousand Christians would vote for a Bill to kill gays or enslave anyone

I believe you are spot on m8!

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Theocratic Dominionism--taking back all the ethnic cleansing and stoning to death that was practiced under the old Law Covenant--prior to Jesus--is making a comeback among people who are scared to death of God;

who picture God as a hateful old sorcerer who tortures people.

Those people truly need our pity and our prayers; they are sick sick sick.

And if you think you and I are powerless against them--

wait a minute.

Remember the scripture, "Judge not, lest ye receive back the judgment you give" ??

Well, Theocratic Dominionists are standing in line ready to judge us all.

Let's just not go there, but let Karma, circumstances, God or Nature deal with those folks.

A little Faith will go a long way.




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