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A question about lucid dreaming?

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:16 PM
I've read a few comments on here regarding lucid dreaming which seem to suggest that people believe theres more to it than simply being able to control your dreams. I just wanted to get peoples opinions on this?

I have experienced this once years ago and it was fantastic. Would love to be able to do it at will, although id probably spend half my life asleep lol.

Mods, if this threads in the wrong place just stick it anywhere. My ex used to say that, man i miss her

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by BlueNose
I've read a few comments on here regarding lucid dreaming which seem to suggest that people believe theres more to it than simply being able to control your dreams. I just wanted to get peoples opinions on this?

It can be fun, but exhausting. It takes a lot of mental effort to keep it going, and if you can manage it, then you wake up feeling like you haven't slept at all. Also, my baser instincts have a tendency to take over, so rather than experimenting with communicating with other sleepers telepathically or something cool like that, I tend to head right to the women's locker room.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Would be a tough place to avoid right enough lol. I just went for a fly the one time it happened to me.

But connecting with other sleepers? That does sound cool, if a little unbelievable. How would you go about that?

Love the name by the way!

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by BlueNose
I've read a few comments on here regarding lucid dreaming which seem to suggest that people believe theres more to it than simply being able to control your dreams. I just wanted to get peoples opinions on this?

I have experienced this once years ago and it was fantastic. Would love to be able to do it at will, although id probably spend half my life asleep lol.

Mods, if this threads in the wrong place just stick it anywhere. My ex used to say that, man i miss her

Dream programming has been taught in different ways. For me, these steps are essential to remembering your dreams:

Drink an 8 ounce glass of water 20 minutes before dream time.

You have to tell yourself you want to remember.

Lay in a position flat on your back with your hands to your side palms down or palms up whichever is more comfortable. A pillow to support your head is okay. Try not to elevate yourself to high though and make sure it is a relaxing position.

Breathing is crucial to relax through your nose from your diaphragm (positive in), out through your mouth completely (negative). This helps clear your mind...a blank slate so to speak.

Tell yourself to focus on the dream and what it is you want the answer to. Repeat this out loud (if you are able to) 11 times. Tell your higher power/spirit guide/source to give you the answers.

When you wake up have a piece of paper and pen handy to write down the things you do remember.

This takes practice to achieve results, but it works very well for me. It may even work the first time for some.

This is a book that I have that explains more than just dream programming, I have read it for over 20 years now.

Even if you've never had an ESP occurrence, you can learn to tap into your hidden power with Psychic. Carole Kennedy has helped hundreds of people learn to be their own psychics. In this exciting book she reveals the secrets of professional psychics, outlining techniques that will enable you to send signals to a potential lover, work an everyday playing-card deck to make decisions about your career, use palmistry to assess a relative's health, even predict future events. The author walks you through the world of ESP, explaining what it is, where it comes from, and how you can integrate it into your life without changing any of your beliefs. Kennedy demystifies ESP by demonstrating that cards, numbers, and palmistry are just tools you can use to coax your conscious mind into picking up signals from your subconscious mind; then she provides step-by-step instructions for using these vehicles to open yourself up to the exhilarating world of psychic flow.

Take care and much love.


posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:12 PM
I have always felt that my after life will be very similar to Lucid Dreaming...

All of these experiences and emotions and memories will most likely continue on with our subconscious

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by ascension211

Im not really a believer of psychic stuff to be honest, which is kinda why i started this thread lol. If theres anything supernatural involved i want nothing to do with it. I kinda see dreams as tv for when your asleep, itd just be nice to have the remote control

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:28 PM
I use the wake induced method to Lucid Dream, and it works well generally speaking, i wake up just after 4 hours of sleep drink some water and tell myself out loud " i am lucid dreaming " about 20 times, then lay down and then keep saying it until i go to bed, the reason at 4 hours is because thats right before you hit REM sleep. now also some ther tools you can do while you are awake is to constantly look at your hand and see that you have 5 fingers, id say every hour and keep telling your self you have 5 fingers, and then when your dreaming if your lucky youll realize you have more than 5 fingers and youll be like woah this isnt right im dreaming and then realize you are dreaming and you can begin lucid dreaming that way, just some simple tools like that.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by BlueNose
reply to post by ascension211

Im not really a believer of psychic stuff to be honest, which is kinda why i started this thread lol. If theres anything supernatural involved i want nothing to do with it. I kinda see dreams as tv for when your asleep, itd just be nice to have the remote control

I see so you are a troll starting a thread you are not serious about, okay, no problem...fact is I had a feeling from the tone of your thread, so I decided to make sure and call your's your loss...doesn't hurt me, your credibility is shot...not exactly the way for you to endear yourself to people...

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by ascension211

Im sorry you see it like that but i strongly disagree. I wanted to find something out, i did and will now act accordingly. No insult or wind up was intended and im sorry you feel insulted

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