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Stop the excuses, and stop the U.S. political madness!

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:10 PM
Romney lost because he was socially unacceptable to the public. There is nothing the established powers would have liked more than the populace embracing the Romney campaigns big business philosophy. The gap between the Obama campaign and the Romney campaign, in regards to public sentiment, was just too large to fake without raising eyebrows. It was a concession the establishment had to make to the populace in order to ensure that they still felt they had control over the democratic processes of this empire. Might I remind you that this concession is rather small in the scheme of things. The rich will continue to get richer, while the poor will continue to get poorer. Nothing has changed and nothing will change until the populace realizes (hopefully) that their system of governance has been infiltrated and subjected to the will of the most wealthy on this planet. I find it absolutely absurd that we have people demoralized by the defeat of Romney as if his ideologies actually benefited anyone but the most wealthy, or the people who are ecstatic over the victory of Obama as if he is their savior. When in fact he has maintained the same policies every other administration has maintained since at least the seventies.In the same way it's absurd it is also truly saddening to see people manipulated in such a way as to not see what is right in front of their faces. Rooting for "their" guy as if this system has any democratic semblance. I honestly hope that someday a larger part of the population can begin to understand that they have lost control of their their country a long time ago. Not to Democrats or Republicans, not to conservatives or liberals. But to the most wealthy interests on this planet. Interests that hold no allegiance to a set of boarders or a specific population. The only allegiance these entities hold is to maintain and expand their own private interests above all else. They day this is understood is the day we can move forward as a collective. Maybe I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it.I wish everybody who reads this the best, and I hope you continue to search for the truth, no matter where it goes, no matter what it leads to.
edit on 8-11-2012 by GD21D because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:25 PM
Agreed about Romney not being acceptable is the reason why he didn't get elected. However, i would like to add without voter id laws the scrupulous could have voted god knows how many times. My wife is from a different country and when she read that their were no id laws she couldn't believe it. Its the honor system i guess, why hire cashiers and loss prevention just leave a box for customers to put their money in no one would steal or do anything scrupulous. This is America right?

its potential fraud

take me for example (i didnt vote because i liked neither canidates but lets say i was a supporter for either or
I have an address in sc and an address in nc and i live 50 miles fro the tenn line and 40 from the virginia line
what keeps me from vmailing off a vote from nc to sc and vice versa then on election day filling out a provisional ballet in tenn and virginia and voting in nc and sc thats 6 votes right?
edit on 8-11-2012 by Shaiker because: added example

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Shaiker
Agreed about Romney not being acceptable is the reason why he didn't get elected. However, i would like to add without voter id laws the scrupulous could have voted god knows how many times. My wife is from a different country and when she read that their were no id laws she couldn't believe it. Its the honor system i guess, why hire cashiers and loss prevention just leave a box for customers to put their money in no one would steal or do anything scrupulous. This is America right?
To an extent you are correct, but what about PAC's? Are Political Action Committees somehow less invasive to the democratic process than the lack of voter ID laws? Funny how there is this outrage about voter ID laws but relatively little regard paid to the impact of large financial transactions from private entities to governmental entities. As if this process could never create a conflict of interest.I would argue the dollar votes more times than the man, even with relaxed voter ID laws. Just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by GD21D

Originally posted by Shaiker
Agreed about Romney not being acceptable is the reason why he didn't get elected. However, i would like to add without voter id laws the scrupulous could have voted god knows how many times. My wife is from a different country and when she read that their were no id laws she couldn't believe it. Its the honor system i guess, why hire cashiers and loss prevention just leave a box for customers to put their money in no one would steal or do anything scrupulous. This is America right?
To an extent you are correct, but what about PAC's? Are Political Action Committees somehow less invasive to the democratic process than the lack of voter ID laws? Funny how there is this outrage about voter ID laws but relatively little regard paid to the impact of large financial transactions from private entities to governmental entities. As if this process could never create a conflict of interest.I would argue the dollar votes more times than the man, even with relaxed voter ID laws. Just my opinion.

Both are huge gaping gaps in what we call a democratic process. you would be amazed at the amount of people that i have recently encountered that had never heard of Gary Johnson or Stewart Alexander. The Media fits right in there with superpacs it seems they are participatory in biased rhetoric all the same for both candidates. More so Obama with the msm.


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