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Demonic Possesions and its symptoms?

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 08:43 PM
How can one tell if his body is a host of a demon?

I am inquiring because i suspect that i am a host. The reasons behind my suspicion is my uncontrollable fits of rage and my inclination to suspect everyone and trust no one. I am a believer in God and have asked for forgiveness through Christ. However, it seems i still need to take a step in order for him to take part in my life.

As a child i played in magic and once or twice as an adult.

Other symptoms in my life is my mood swings and my sexuality changes almost daily, but i remain loyal to my wife.

Are there other symptoms to look for and is there somewhere to go for help that i would not be laughed at?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Shaiker

Think you just might be really unhappy in your current life situation? I used to get mood swings really bad when I was having to fake a smile everyday and live with someone I didn't realize was over controlling. What a difference a change of scenery can make

edit on 5-11-2012 by Thescripter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by Shaiker
How can one tell if his body is a host of a demon?

I am inquiring because i suspect that i am a host. The reasons behind my suspicion is my uncontrollable fits of rage and my inclination to suspect everyone and trust no one. I am a believer in God and have asked for forgiveness through Christ. However, it seems i still need to take a step in order for him to take part in my life.

As a child i played in magic and once or twice as an adult.

Other symptoms in my life is my mood swings and my sexuality changes almost daily, but i remain loyal to my wife.

Are there other symptoms to look for and is there somewhere to go for help that i would not be laughed at?

I would suggest going to your Doctor for a complete physical first. It may be an imbalance in your body that can be helped with diet, or other means. At least rule that out first....


posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Hmmm if it's demonic possession I've heard calling on the name Jesus Jehovah or YAHWEH can help.

If it's mood/psychologically related I take some herbal supplements that have helped me with my 'demons.' I don't like debating the validity of supplements because all I have is personal experience but if you're interested feel free to PM me.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Shaiker

An inability to trust people is usually based on experience and gut. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you don't trust, and go with it, without projection. Then, if someone does come through for you, you can experience pleasant surprise. If they fail you, no surprise, right?

As far as fits of rage, that is something that you CAN control. It's kinda immature to rush to blame an outside force for your own shortcomings, don't you think? You may benefit from an "anger management" course.

Perhaps your fits of rage come from trying to control others, so that they don't fail to live up to your expectations. Maybe you should take a look at yourself first. Are your expectations really that much more important than the happiness and feelings of others?

Are you behaving like a selfish child or are you being inhabited by foreigners?

edit on 5-11-2012 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:49 PM
Thanks everyone for your insight and advice i am taking my time maybe i need to check myself.It be so much easier to blame it on a possession....

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 09:52 PM
Have to agree with the above posters on this. Seek a more orthodox approach to issues such as mood-swings and feelings of discord. Diet and social environment can have significant effects on overall psychological well-being.
edit on 5-11-2012 by Tidnabnilims because: typos

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 10:03 PM
demonic possession???

#, you'll know..

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:23 AM
I think the real problem; is being able to accept responsibility for your own actions, and choices. Instead you have to personify it outside of yourself. To me it sounds like you've never actually lived the life you wanted to live; now unhappy with those choices, the real self is lashing out from being suppressed. How about taking some responsibility? Stop lashing out and trying to blame the do's, or not do's, you have chosen throughout your life; on anything besides yourself.

You are choosing a poor mechanism to cope; called denial of responsibility and the delusion you have no free will. Get a councilor.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Shaiker
As a child i played in magic and once or twice as an adult.

What sort of majik did you partake in?
Are you resistant to the thought of turning away from majik now seeing that you have played with majik as an adult?
If yes, then the negative entity is angry at this thought.

Are there other symptoms to look for ?

Do you suffer from epilepsy or black-outs that can last up to 1 hour.

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Rapha

Congratulations on your 666th post and on a religious topic at that. It's interesting that you suggest pissing off entities then ask if the op if they have a medical condition...unless of course you feel that condition is actually possession instead of an electrical storm inside of the brain; that is well understood at this point.

I think it best the op wrangle in the delusions, and tackle their rage issues; before it it gets out of hand and becomes too far gone to come back from...

posted on Nov, 6 2012 @ 03:22 AM

reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Congratulations on your 666th post and on a religious topic at that.

Phew, i am past the post from hell now with post 667.

It's interesting that you suggest pissing off entities then ask if the op if they have a medical condition

Deny everything spiritual as much as you want. Demons a.k.a spirits, ghosts exist or are you stating that every single person on this entire planet is nothing more than a piece of electrically charged rotting meat?

From experience, its possible to see shadow (black mist) spirits 1-2 seconds before collapsing to the ground in a seizure.

Doctors always ask 'what does it feel like' before a seizure starts because it is a unique feeling.

Also if you ever see a person wired up having a petty mall, notice how they can see spirits move around them while the lines on the graph turn into white rectangles due to the massive rise in brain activity.
Yes, its possible to see spirits. Conversation with them is impossible and memory loss is definate.

i have seen it happen, with my own freeking scans so don't tell me that this is all bull.

unless of course you feel that condition is actually possession instead of an electrical storm inside of the brain; that is well understood at this point.

Scientists once thought the world was flat because they hadn't discovered boats.
Scientists are so spiritually nieve.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 01:11 PM
You are asking for the input of others in a public forum. Therefore, I would like to precede my answer with the fact that this is my opinion, based on my personal experience and faith. I'm making no claim that it is right or wrong, it is simply Truth for me.
Hopefully that little disclaimer will save me some grief from the roaming tribe of ATS religion forum trolls.

Having said that, I give you this encouragement: I think that you have been given discernment in regard to how you allowed any potential negative entity access into your life. Which would have been through any participation-- regardless of it being infrequent, indirect, or otherwise-- in occult activities.

You have been given discernment, which means He is speaking to you. Be encouraged by that tangible sign of His presence in your life.

From what I understand about how the unseen realm works-- especially in regard to those seeking the Kingdom of Almighty God, rather than conceding subservience to the Enemy--, you are most likely and almost certainly not possessed.
What you are experiencing is called 'oppression'. When you have these feelings that are contrary to your nature as a follower of Christ, you are literally being bombarded by negative spiritual entities. All of which, with one single, collective intent: for you to fail and fall into wrongdoing. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I liken it to this:

You are literally one person against a line of negative spiritual linebackers, for lack of a more eloquent analogy.
One of the things you need to know, is that you have been forgiven. God heard you before you even asked, as He is the Alpha and Omega, knowing the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.
Whatever entities have been wreaking havoc in your life and creating discord in your relationships, including and especially your relationship with Christ, are frantically trying to gain an additional foothold in your life. Your salvation and faith makes for them a very slippery grip, and they are desperately trying to beat you down emotionally and spiritually to gain traction.

From what you've shared in your OP, I would call a few of these out in certainty: Shame and Rage. I sense your trust issues are based on simple life experiences of your past, which are being exponentially magnified by these entities to keep you isolated.
I also have a fleeting sense that these trust issues may also include not trusting yourself, insomuch as living up to the assumed expectations of others. This is somehow related to the issue of shame. Your mistrust of others in this regard, is based more so on your assumed expectations of how they perceive you and your suspicion of being judged. The Enemy is using subtle insecurity to sow self-doubt and unjustified condemnation.

Once again, you have been forgiven.
Each morning before you even open your eyes, the righteousness we have adopted through Christ is upon you.
Each morning before you even open your eyes, the Enemy has already begun an all-out effort against it.
Our advantage is knowing that they are deceivers, and no Truth is found in them.

You have already chosen salvation. Now it's time to own it.

Vaya Con Dios, Muchacho

edit on 7-11-2012 by stupid girl because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 02:04 PM
I've made a list of things needed in order to convince the average person, and/or the average ATS member, that you and your life have been, or are presently being, directly affected by malevolent spirits or entities:

1. A complete physical by your medical doctor that indicates you are physically healthy.
2. A complete psychiatric evaluation by a psychiatrist that indicates you are psychologically healthy.
3. A complete list of any and all mental illnesses that have ever been present in your family, on both sides.
4. Video evidence of you levitating, speaking in unknown tongues, bench-pressing a tank, shape-shifting into stay-puft marshmallow man, attempting to have sex with a crucifix, losing control of their bodily functions; and vomiting a green, soupy, disgusting substance all over a priest.
5. A signed, notarized statement, written by the demon or demons that are influencing you and your life, which states that they are, in fact, screwing with you.

Failure to meet all of the preceding criteria will result in the unanimous judgment by the majority of society that you are just an idiot.

Seriously? I find it absolutely revolting how most people respond to anyone who believes there may be forces at work in their life which aren't easily explained away. Absolutely revolting.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 09:25 PM
You probably are affected by malign influences. They are out there, but they can only affect people who share a resonance with them at some level.

Just keep in mind that you are vastly more powerful than these entities, and you have an army of allies on whom you can call at any time. As for help-- call on your savior or prophet or spirit guide. They are all there waiting to help.

Do the same thing on the physical plane. Work on your mind. Try meditation and mindfulness. Be aware of the thoughts and be aware that you do not own your thoughts and the thoughts are not you. You can reject any thought that comes to mind and take up a better thought. Just think again!

Our minds are like radio antennas-- they are mostly tuned to your own soul, but they can also pick up signals from other entities. That is usually called telepathy, but when you don't have it under control, it feels like demonic possession.

Take care & good luck!

posted on Nov, 11 2012 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by stupid girl

Thank you for your insight. it has been helpful to me. To the others i have sought psychiatric help in the past and nothing has come to fruition with them.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Shaiker
How can one tell if his body is a host of a demon?

I am inquiring because i suspect that i am a host. The reasons behind my suspicion is my uncontrollable fits of rage and my inclination to suspect everyone and trust no one. I am a believer in God and have asked for forgiveness through Christ. However, it seems i still need to take a step in order for him to take part in my life.

As a child i played in magic and once or twice as an adult.

Other symptoms in my life is my mood swings and my sexuality changes almost daily, but i remain loyal to my wife.

Are there other symptoms to look for and is there somewhere to go for help that i would not be laughed at?

Well, if you believe in God, and have asked for forgiveness through Christ, that's the BEST first step. Accepting Him as Savior means you are His. Now, that done, the next step takes faith, but can be done. Order any evil things in your life, whether in you or simply close and influencing you, OUT. You can do this through the name of Jesus. If you feel you need support, have some other believer(s) that you know and trust there, to back you up. Don't be afraid, because He is greater than they are. They are nothing but created beings, that messed up. More powerful than us, but not than Him. Through His Name, His strength, we can order them away.

For the rest, prayer, and time reading the Bible can only help. Try and avoid anything that makes you tempted, whether that is some movies or TV, books, even people and places. Any place that brings a temptation can be avoided. 1 Corinthians 10:13 states, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." So, sure, you will experience temptations (we ALL do), but you can resist, with His help, and overcome them. If you fail (and we all occasionally do that, too), He still loves and forgives you.

Well, that isn't exactly signs of a possession, but I think those could vary, and influence can happen without actual possession, so the same steps will still help. For actual symptoms, well, do you ever feel you aren't in real control? Not just temper, but as though someone else really is controlling you? Anyway, try the above, and you should see some real resolution. Be aware, though, that our enemy doesn't like it when we are doing what God wants us to do, and can still cause problems in various ways. Just stay faithful, and God will get you through whatever He allows. Once you fully accept Him as Savior, you never walk alone.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Shaiker
How can one tell if his body is a host of a demon?

I am inquiring because i suspect that i am a host. The reasons behind my suspicion is my uncontrollable fits of rage and my inclination to suspect everyone and trust no one. I am a believer in God and have asked for forgiveness through Christ. However, it seems i still need to take a step in order for him to take part in my life.

As a child i played in magic and once or twice as an adult.

Other symptoms in my life is my mood swings and my sexuality changes almost daily, but i remain loyal to my wife.

Are there other symptoms to look for and is there somewhere to go for help that i would not be laughed at?

By the admission of the above statement, the answer is specifically no. The problems with rage and trust are a side effect of the magic use and has caused one of the body's bio-electrical energy centers (aka chakras) to function improperly. I suggest a reiki practitioner to resolve the problem. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes.

Specifically your heart chakra is completely closed.

The reason why I say this, is because I've been there. I grew up in a conservative protestant church and while I didn't feel any kind of outside influence, I had the rage, mistrust, depression and even got fired from a good job. I was on depression medication for two years and quit the medicine because it just didn't help. I just wasn't me anymore while I was on the drug. I had a reiki healing and it popped my heart chakra open. Night and day kind of feeling.

Now the reason why it isn't demonic, is because of the beliefs already stated. You can be influenced as a believer in faith, but it would make you appear crazy and suppressed, not depressed and angry. It would also be impossible to make such a statement while under possession.

Now the shifts in sexuality are a result of the failed electrical flow. It's kind of like a car that's got a short in the electrical system. Sometimes it works great, other time's it's not working right at all.

Hope that explains it.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Shaiker

Time gap loss. - You 'wake up'.. and pieces of time are missing... 20 min... 1/2 hour... whatever.

You 'wake up' and your hair is changed.... combed differently, or your clothes are different.

You 'wake up' and find money missing.

If none of these are occurring to you... then you are not possessed.

There is a strange 'middle phase', where new Believers may have demons in their minds/bodies that they got from their old life. This is not possession, as they can't "take over"... but they must be fumigated out, in any case. See a spiritually / spiritual-warfare aware Pastor if this is you.


edit on 19/11/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/11/2012 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

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