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Calling All Psychics

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posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 10:18 AM
Yesterday I was driving down the road and saw an Obama sign in a neighbors yard. It was the first election sign that I noticed this whole entire election (Well the yard had about 20 plastered all over it so that may be why.) It creeped me out something fierce. Something happened the second I looked at that sign. And I was overwhelmed by feelings of overt government control in a major sense.

All along, I have had my feelings about Obama and things to come. Especially with some bad events associated with ineptitude and some other bad acts. But this is the first time that I have had any feelings that his logo was associated with extreme control over the American populace. And this concerns me enough to not only mention it, but to ask for your input. Do you feel anything?

edit on 5-11-2012 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 12:28 PM
I think that he is just another puppet in a long line of them.

I had a dream when I was 18 years old (1979). In this dream, I got on a train to see America. Everybody was relaxed, having fun, and enjoying the view. I fell asleep in my seat, and when I woke up, there were booted cops all over the train, yelling, guns drawn, and scaring everybody to death. They were ripping through everybody's luggage. Kids and women were crying, and I was freaked out.

In this dream, I thought that the USSR had invaded the US.

Now I realize that my interpretation was slightly off. We weren't invaded, we have turned into the USSR.

I started to see this as a prophetic dream during Dubya's administration, and it gets worse every year. In 2008, I voted for Obama, thinking this would stop the nightmare, not knowing that it doesn't matter which fool gets to be POTUS, the end result is the same.

We fell asleep in the US, and woke up in the USSR. We slumbered during our slide into fascism.

You are picking up on the inevitable, horrible conclusion to our noble experiment. Anybody who doesn't, is still asleep.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by elouina

You're getting some psi and energy recognition, and if you look at some other pics of a few of them you will be incredibly creeped out by the energy and info. You may soon be more aware of watching someones ufo video, and say to yourself, well thats odd, it moved down slowly instead of oscillating and leaping around magically, so perhaps its a descending balloon? and instead get a greeting, frequency change, see a whole group of people and instant connection to a system or homebase/planet. Thats the start of how it goes, and more and more will be doing this, with the CMEs, and Flares, and Gamma Rays and Xrays bombarding this planet.

Yes he is connected to the very group of Murder Incorporated that runs the black ops, such as Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bush SR. Soros, Rothchild's, DuPonts, etc etc, and many many others who are really intending on harming billions if they can and are behind BP and Fukushima and Sandy, and who have no congressional oversight or line of command and are not under the constitutions umbrella.

Benjamin Fulford named alot of names and asked for us to arrest them to save the world in August.

But no citizen or even police force could do that.

We need to seek, meditate, pray, ask under the stars, for HELP, either direct intervention from only those who Serve Love and Goodness, and Equality, and God by anyones definition of the real God/Goodness/Energy.

And if they expect us to do this alone, then ask for HOW, answers, solutions because this is beyond anyones scope but they must be brought to justice.
edit on 5-11-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:34 PM
Just another two candidates with no backbone. If they did have one, they would see that there is something wrong and show that they are doing something about it.

When I mean something, I mean if they say they will do it, they will do it.

Wouldn't it be nice if all politicians were cursed to never lie ever again in their lifetime? Then we would finally have some honesty here.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:40 PM
What concerns me most, is that I have not had these particular feelings until now. Something has changed just recently.. Our future has suddenly shifted. And I have to ask why? Does anyone have any clues as to why things have unexpectedly shifted all of a sudden?

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by elouina

Who ever in power, the ones in the shadows, are prepping for someone to come. Who? Don't know and don't want to know, because I believe it's enough to make them tremble.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Benjamin Fulford named alot of names and asked for us to arrest them to save the world in August.

So you expect police to arrest people all because some nutter tells them to, without any evidence at all... and Fulford is a nutter, remember when he "predicted'

The earthquake and the tsunami was March 11th, 2011, 03.11.11. The Mt. Fuji Eruption they are planning is for April 11th, 2011

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by elouina
What concerns me most, is that I have not had these particular feelings until now. Something has changed just recently.. Our future has suddenly shifted. And I have to ask why? Does anyone have any clues as to why things have unexpectedly shifted all of a sudden?

No it didn't shift. Murder Incorporated is the same, but energies are coming in that are awakening people Also those that are awake are sharing all they know basically with the Source Field and we're all getting updated on a soul level without knowing.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by elouina

The only thing I really "felt" was a calming "vibration" or vibe. More than likely because the excess color BLUE on the signs. The majority I see have RED more of an exciting "angry" color. If you pay attention to even just colors companies use to influence our reactions to things it is quite interesting. The Romney/Ryan sign that was BLUE does seem odd though.

Did you know restaurants often use the color orange to induce hunger in their guests. Other colors have different type of "reactions" on us. So they say..
I do not claim to be a psychic just crazy

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 06:21 PM

instead get a greeting, frequency change, see a whole group of people and instant connection to a system or homebase/planet. Thats the start of how it goes
reply to post by Unity_99

That part was the most fun for me

However "getting" to that point was no fun! I always thought the idea of "contact" would be awesome I guess you could say. I was also a very "logical" minded person.The hardest part initially (and still now) is trying to recalibrate what you call "reality".

Plus it is embarrassing to talk about.. At least for me. You end up keeping a lot inside. You learn to only talk with certain people in person about things Unless you don't mind being the local nutcase.

Even talking on the internet gives off a very strong feeling of "persecution" That is the first time I have used that word to describe the feeling but that is closer than saying "fear" now that I think about it.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Want to get creeped out and good without even using our psychic abilities? Here give this pic a try, remind you of anyone?

edit on 5-11-2012 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

I found your tale exceptionally interesting. Thank you for sharing. Like I said, all along I have known and felt much. But I feel something has changed in the last few days. Anyways, I would love to hear more if you ever want to share anything.

Still looking for more imput from other psychics.

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 03:36 PM
This is the sadest day of my life. Before the elections, I didn't want to admit to myself that the inevitable was going to happen. It did, and the America we have known will be forever lost. I gave it a good college try to sway the elections any way I could, and kept morale high every chance I got. But what is one womans voice in a country of millions.

Just so you understand how serious I am, I likely only voted in a few elections in my 49 years. I voted yesterday. No one understands the gravity. As for the details? It is best that I alone carry this weight. And me? I must just try to put this out of my mind and live my happy life the best that I can knowing what lies ahead. I will manage quite well, but it is my fellow americans that concern me. I feel great sorrow for you and this once great country. Sometimes being a psychic sux, but repression is tops in this case. And I will be happy again tomorrow.

So fellow psychics, how do you feel now? Do you feel it? You should.

edit on 7-11-2012 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 07:50 PM
For a man who won the Nobel peace prize there sure is tons of anger, hate and violent energy around him. I see a hand gun being fired but I am not sure if he is firing it or or he is being fired at.I see the hand gun it being fired and then the image of Obama. It could be control? I also saw a lot of men marching. I am empathic so I usually deal with people and their energies but as for future events I haven't any experience in doing it. I just read his picture and that is what I picked up so yea negative energy for sure

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by elouina
Does anyone have any clues as to why things have unexpectedly shifted all of a sudden?

Because Obama got re-elected, things are looking up for the USA.

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