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Canada leads the way for the NWO in anti-democratic rule

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posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 07:55 PM
As Canadians face an internal terrorist assault on it's democracy, Stephen and The Harper Government gave the keys to the country to the world's corporate elite. Let this article be a warning to all the nations' readers of ATS that this is what's going to happen if voters fall asleep at the switch. Some of the policies implemented by the Harper Government (It used to be called "The Government of Canada" until Stephen Harper changed the letterhead to read "The Harper Government") are going to be irreversible for years, decades like the free trade agreement with China. The harder Harper pushes to the right the more extreme Canadians will react by electing a left wing anti-business party. Causing big sways in governmental policies. Time are getting turbulent!

Canada finds itself presiding over the birth of a new Dark Age. The Age of Democracy is over. The Age of Corporate Rule is upon us.

The rest of the democratic world should pay attention to the wholesale trashing of Canada’s parliamentary democracy because Canada is the canary in the mine of a dystopian New World Order


posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:32 PM
Harper is yet another puppet. The puppets of the World don't have the power they would like to believe they do.

He has been kissing Obama's butt cheeks for so long now that he's getting chapped lips. And before that, Bush.

I can't even say that any of these guys are sell-outs because for that you have to stand for something first. The only thing these scum bags sell is their Country and its people...for a buck. say Canada leads the way for the NWO is a bit misleading I believe. The US is leading the way and the World is getting sucked in along with it.


edit on 3-11-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by jude11
Harper is yet another puppet. The puppets of the World don't have the power they would like to believe they do.

He has been kissing Obama's butt cheeks for so long now that he's getting chapped lips. And before that, Bush.

I can't even say that any of these guys are sell-outs because for that you have to stand for something first. The only thing these scum bags sell is their Country and its people...for a buck.


Don't underestimate Harper, he came to parliament with an agenda. Now that he has a majority is looking to forever change the political landscape in Canada and he's in a hurry!

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Harper is the reason, i'm working under a 65 yr olds, who has less then half of my education, weak in computer understanding, making close to 5x my salary.

RETIRE PLEASE! 85% people in my work is over 55. While fresh graduates like us running around with files and cleaning after them.

or is he going to increase the retirement at 75yrs of age?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by luciddream

As long as he can suck the people dry to keep those that have everything in their oppulant stations of wealth and power........then he won't bat an eye to increase the age of retirement whether it is age 75 or until death.

We are the commodity and serve no other purpose in his and the governments eyes.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:18 PM
harper is destroying canada without a doubt..little dictator egomaniac that likes to subvert democracy at any time he feels he might be challenged..parogues parliment..pushes massive bills through that there is no possibility to review, has the rcmp as his private goon squad, his crime bill which texas republicans have said has been tried and a massive failure..good for the private prison system i guess ..he is selling us out at every opportunity..i knew a conservative majority was gonna be a huge mistake, he only got 39% of the vote..too bad the liberals messed around too much..harper winning was as much a rejection of the liberals scam filled govt..a minority govt would of been far better
edit on 3-11-2012 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by vonclod

Ferrets running the country would be a better alternative.

Desperate times ahead. I fear everything Canada stood for will be utterly demolished beneath harper's fist and the government that hides behind him.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

i share your fears he really is bad news..being canadian doesnt have quite the same ring too it..still proud but maybee a bit embarrased

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by vonclod
harper is destroying canada without a doubt..little dictator egomaniac that likes to subvert democracy at any time he feels he might be challenged..parogues parliment..pushes massive bills through that there is no possibility to review, has the rcmp as his private goon squad, his crime bill which texas republicans have said has been tried and a massive failure..good for the private prison system i guess ..he is selling us out at every opportunity..i knew a conservative majority was gonna be a huge mistake, he only got 39% of the vote..too bad the liberals messed around too much..harper winning was as much a rejection of the liberals scam filled govt..a minority govt would of been far better
edit on 3-11-2012 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

Minority governments are always best federally. And that means more should be voting NDP.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Last election people in Canada showed a 3rd pt like NDP can really rise up, and the numbers were pretty high.

In my 26 yrs, out of 8 chances to vote, i only voted 3 times... but this time i will see how can i help to make this country move ahead and bring in more jobs.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
Harper is the reason, i'm working under a 65 yr olds, who has less then half of my education, weak in computer understanding, making close to 5x my salary.

RETIRE PLEASE! 85% people in my work is over 55. While fresh graduates like us running around with files and cleaning after them.

or is he going to increase the retirement at 75yrs of age?

Better hope he does not
or else you will have to wait for a another 10 year. You maybe smarter
But you do not have commond sence. until then good luck

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:15 PM
yes the ndp did well..libeals lost to ndp..ndp in quebec did extremely well which was a bit of a shock..harper promised change and thats what we got for sure..i will do my part next election time..alot of us stayed home last election as its was hard to stomach any of them this time..ndp are more the peoples party but might bankrupt tough call..i wont make that mistake again

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:25 PM
As you can see, Quebec is one of the most "waked up" province in this country ! !

The Quebec's post election map is FULL of NDP persons elected ! !
and the others are the "block quebecois" .

WE KNEW we HAD to NOT elect that twitt, who wants the queen's face on
the money, and put back the R in RCAF (royal canadian air force) ! ! !

WE ARE NOT ROYAL ! ! WHEN will they understand that ???

Blue skies.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by vonclod

Have to say I am well over 26 years of age and have never squandered my obligation to vote......only cause I like to complain. I am a dyed in the wool Liberal, you know the party that respects gays, pro choice, race tolerant, religon tolerant, rehabilitation vs. incarceration, environmentally aware, Pro business but cares about the people. That describes my beliefs. I carry a Liberal Party card in my pocket and donate regularly.
This time I may vote the NDP because Harper has moved the pendulum so far to the right that we have become a facist state almost overnight. I think during the next election the left leaning conservatives, like The Honourable Joe Clark, will abandon the conservatives en-mass and will vote Liberal, which if elected would make it very difficult for the leadership of the Liberals to move the pendulum back to where it was. So the only way to fix what is broken and give the power back to the people is to elect an anti business pro labour party that the NDP will bring. This may bring Canadians a world of hurt but should bring democracy back to Canada.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:13 AM
yes i think its going to have to be ndp..bit of a scary thought when it comes time to pay the bill.. i really have my doubts about any political party these days i should add..too many shenanigens by the liberals..its hard to have faith in politics as money seems to what its all about and i think all the major parties serve their masters..but anything and i mean anything is better than the sob we have now
edit on 4-11-2012 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by C-JEAN

You speak for small portion of Canada. The rest of the country outside of French Quenec do not deny our history and connection to the Commonwealth. Quebec only exists as a French speaking Province because the Brittish felt it strategic at the time to not expel the French after decisively beating them on the Plains of Abraham leading to winning the Seven Years War. If you do not acknowledge Canada's history and formation do not speak for those who do.
Harper is an idiot, no denying it, but your provincial issues are still there regardless who is the Prime Minister of Canada. (an English majority country)

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:41 PM
I can't stand Harper and his policies, I could sit here and bad mouth that spoiled brat all day but I rather not get a t & c violation.

I can't stand Peter Mackay either, both these puppets are nothing but US/Zionist stooges who carry out the agenda of the NWO in the hopes to one day be in the cool people club but little do they know that they are expendable and these two annoying twits will no longer be needed once they serve their purpose.

Here is a picture of Harper raging, I mean look at this guy!

And here is Mackay having a temper tantrum...LOL

Shame on those who voted for these clowns!

And here is Harper saying he will protect Israel "Whatever the Cost".

What ever happened to protecting Canada Stevie?

These people definitely do not have Canadians and their well being on their list of priorities and to agree with the OP, Canada is a major part of the NWO but as Jude pointed out the USA is the ring leader.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 02:59 PM
I think the focus of a few thread topics on ATS should include modes of "The Exclusioned Paradises" that Harper bought for himself and his lobbyist beneficieries when he went according to plans, and included the means for the ratification of NAFTA, Fortress North America, and our furtherance into this solid deal they tie at the top with the often hailed, but rarely acclaimed NWO. I think they would sell truth that some of us really are buying!

What it means for us as citizens is what's driving everyone telepathic and half-mental up here. Society in general has a very "on-camera" feel to it, which is more oppressive in smaller towns and open country than it is in larger cities I've noticed. Very oppressive at times; it's good to have friends that think alike.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 03:06 PM
Another thing really dark is the 3 elections that were back to back so he finally forced a majority. The NDP took many seats, and Layton died suddenly of a fast aggressive prostate cancer????? Well, that is very interesting. I consider this GOV a part of Murder Incororated, ie. Kissinger, Bush Sr., Rockefellers, Rothchild's, Soros, and all the most dangerous Nazi's and black ops on the planet who hold the entire human race hostage and plan on depopulating.

Corporate Law is illegal and fascism, so I hope there will be a movement to arrest him.

posted on Nov, 5 2012 @ 05:01 PM
Too many people in Canada are brainwashed into believing only in what a party stands for and not what the person representing the party might have in mind.

Stephen Harper is a perfect example of this. People voted the conservitave party. What they got was not a conservitave government at all.

To be a conservative means litterally that. That you are happy with the way things are running and you don't want many changes made in the gov't. Harper is a conservative who is litterally changing every law that Canada has, From omnibus crime to foriegn relations, this guys stuck his dick in it all. Least conservetive conservetive ever....

Now lots of people are going on about how the NDP would have broke Canada. I understand this might have been true in the past, but I don't think that would have been the case with Layton. He was level headed and logical. I think he would have trully known what was good for the country in the long term.

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