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Sinclair Caves: Won't Air Anti-Kerry Film In Its Entirety

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posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by jrsdls
No actually the one lawsuit that has been filed was by one of the VVAW soldiers who stated that the he was libeled because the words used in the documentary said that some of the people who were not even veterans. he claims this defamed his character.

Sorry--you are right. I just read the actual suit and Carlton Sherwood just showed a picture of this Vietnam Vet at a war protest-- with a voiceover stating that many war protesters were imposters and fakes. That shows much more integrity.

Kerry's words are out there for everyone to hear. His presence at a meeting where the assissination of U.S. Senators is a fact, his meeting with the Viet Cong in Paris is a fact. His refusal to sign form 180 is a fact. What is Kerry hiding?

Kerry isn't hiding anything and he has already answered these charges. If you read 'Tour of Duty', they are discussed in depth. People are looking for a scandal--there is nothing there.

Why doesn't Bush goes on TV to debate his military record or the stunted SEC investigation after he sold his shares in Harken energy or his relationship with Money Manager James Bath and the bin Ladin group funding his early oil ventures (Arbusto, Spectrum 7)? What is Bush hiding?

Kerry has not made it a secret that he has a global world view. It seems that everyone except for Bush, his neoconservative puppeteers and Bush worshipers seem to understand that this is not a bad thing. For America to be going on an imperialistic binge at this stage of the game, alienating the rest of the world--for which we ARE dependent in many ways (for trade, for security, for resources), is a big mistake. If an American policy is wrong and hurting another country, shouldn't it be changed?

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:01 AM

And to be perfectly honest, who the hell wants to watch anybody bashing a combat veteran when the alternative canidate was drinking, snorting coc aine and not showing up for fortunate son guard duty while others took bullets?

This just reveals that you are a partisan democrat who has already decided that your opinion is the only one that matters. Show me the proof that Kerry took bullets, he never missed any time for his wounds recieved as a result of his combat. show me the proof that President Bush snorted coc aine, are we perhaps spreading rumors and lies just to make your guy look good. I hate to tell you this, but both are fortunate son's, while Bush was going to school here in America, Kerry preped in Switzerland. Kerry is the one whom owns 7 mansions and a very very large estate in France. You seem to think that Kerry is just one of the normal guys from around the corner. You are wrong, Kerry cares more about his comforts that he does about the american people. Why don't you ask him why he had to have his first marriage annulled, the reason, so he could upgrade to Terresa Heinz, 300 million from first wife to 1 billion for second wife. you talk about fortunate. Kerry is the fortunate son.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:11 AM
I have read "tour of duty," I came away from it and wondered how anyone could believe half the dribble that was purported to be factual. Kerry was never close to Cambodia, He claims that he had not faced any enemy fire until the 9th of December, yet he applied for a purple heart on the 2nd of December. No where in there did I read about his trip to see Daniel Ortega, Madame Bhin, and others who wanted to bring down America.

You believe in the Kerry doctrine, I don't, I don't want the French telling me when I can respond to a threat. Why did Kerry vote against the first Gulf war when the UN approved of it? it is because he is anti-military and cares more about the world and himself than he does for Americans.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Wow, Im really impressed... How far was Bush from Cambodia? Not even on the same continent. Let me familiarize you with the definition of fortunate son, it means somebody who had family with connectins or political ties sufficient to get them into the National Guard or out of the military, instead of being drafted and or assigned to an active combat unit. And yeah so Kerry has some money, so? At least his family fortune comes from an american industry, not from war profitering like Prescott Bush or the Filthy Walker family. And yes bush was snorting coc aine while others took bullets, I didn't say Kerry was taking bullets, I said others as in you know, people that actually went to war. Where's Bush's driving record from texas by the way? aine.htm aine-story-old-news.htm
If you need some more let me know, 210,000 hits one a two word query. Yes Bush was snorting coc aine while others actually went and served in combat, you guys bashing a war time combat veteran is disgusting enough without you actually trying to defend that tactic. Better yet, while was Kerry was serving, Bush's dad was well... do your own homework. Start with Prescott Bush, dig into the finances of the Walker Family and wake the hell up, you are bashing a combat veteran and praising an AWOL cokehead.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 10:50 AM
You my friend have bought the Democratic spin hook line and sinker. You obviously have a hatred for Bush. I have not seen anyone thing you stated that said Bush snorted coke. your definition of fortunate son is straight form the Democratic talking points. Where were you in 1998 when Clinton was running for President? he was a draft dodger who ran to England to get of going to Vietnam. As far as Kerry goes, He tried to get out of the draft by trying to go to
France, then when he discoverd that his number was comming up, he joined the navy. He applied for swift boats only because at the time they were being used to ferry vips back from ship to shore. It was his bad luck that they became a combat unit. He left his fellow sailors behind, he ran like a scared chicken at the first oppurtunity he could. he never finished one tour in Vietnam. 4 1/2 months. I was in Iraq more that that. get real, this guy is no leader, he is a divider.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by jrsdls
You my friend have bought the Democratic spin hook line and sinker. You obviously have a hatred for Bush. I have not seen anyone thing you stated that said Bush snorted coke.

Do some homework before you debunk anything, yes Bush was a cokehead in college. Sorry that is not even really debatable, Bush himself said "I have not done illicit drugs in 25 years..." You could use some google.

your definition of fortunate son is straight form the Democratic talking points.

Uh no, its actually from Creedance Clearwater Revival, and is alot older than recent campaign rhetoric. You think the term Fortunate Son is something the democratic party just recently dreamed up? LOL No, it comes from the draft during vietnam, and it was applied to the folks that had money or influence and were able to get their children out of the war.
While most kids were getting drafted, Bush got a squishy Reserve Duty that he couldn't even bother to show up and take his drug test for.

Where were you in 1998 when Clinton was running for President? he was a draft dodger who ran to England to get of going to Vietnam.

Back to Clinton now is it... Yeah. We aren't talking about Clinton are we? If you really want to drag Clinton into this, thats fine, lets talk about Arkansas and Barry Seal, why Bush owned Mr. Seal's plane. Let's talk about the largest drug deals in CIA history while Bush was at the helm. They didn't call his daddy Poppy Bush for nothing you know.

As far as Kerry goes, He tried to get out of the draft by trying to go to
France, then when he discoverd that his number was comming up, he joined the navy. He applied for swift boats only because at the time they were being used to ferry vips back from ship to shore. It was his bad luck that they became a combat unit. He left his fellow sailors behind, he ran like a scared chicken at the first oppurtunity he could. he never finished one tour in Vietnam. 4 1/2 months. I was in Iraq more that that. get real, this guy is no leader, he is a divider.

LOL dude, listen to yourself. Kerry Joined, that blows your whole point. 41/2 months, yet Bush doesn't even show up for guard duty, and your debating the origin of the phrase Fortunate Son lol
Try looking up Prescott Bush, Harriman Bank, Walker Family, Bush CIA, Hinkley Bush Family connections, then tell me you actually feel good about voting for that little turd. You served in Iraq? Well how would like it if you came home and found out that while you were over there, I was over here snorting coke, drinking myself into oblivion and didn't bother to show up for a medical at the National Guard station, while my daddy made you and others run drugs around over there. Then to add inusult to injury, I start bashing you for being a coward. Dude, look at who the swift boat groups lawyer is... get real.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Your points are not really worth answering because you play the same song all the time. Bush got his honorable discharge on time, Kerry didn't. Don't give me that look at his family history crap. look at Kerry's family history.

I am old enough to know that CCR used fortunate son before the democrats did.

How much drugs have you done? it's easy to find article on the internet and say, see this proves it. all it proves is that you can find someone to back your point.

If you hate Bush so much, why don't you just leave the country? I'm sure France will take you in, just tell them that you are a friend of Kerry and they will give you the keys to the kingdom.

I have shed blood in the defense of our flag. I have two sons who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, in giving their life for our flag. If Kerry has his way, we would not be under an American Flag, but the UN flag. a good exsample is Kerry's own words.

Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support. In 1994, discussing the possibility of U.S. troops being killed in Bosnia, he said, "If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no."

I hope you get what you want, the Socalist states of America. I for one will never support Kerry's attempt to give our country to France.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:25 PM
Here's a few links for you... Interesting to note is that the State of Texas has "lost" Mr. Bush's driving record. LOL I don't know i fit is common for a State to loose a man's record, but you can bet your sweet arse it doesn't happen very often. aine-and-alcohol-addiction.php
coc... aine.html article-books.aspx?ID=ST6A77872 aine/

If that isn't enough for you,

Yes the man snorted coc aine up his nose while other guys served their time in combat.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by jrsdls
Your points are not really worth answering because you play the same song all the time. Bush got his honorable discharge on time, Kerry didn't. Don't give me that look at his family history crap. look at Kerry's family history.

I am old enough to know that CCR used fortunate son before the democrats did.

How much drugs have you done? it's easy to find article on the internet and say, see this proves it. all it proves is that you can find someone to back your point.

If you hate Bush so much, why don't you just leave the country? I'm sure France will take you in, just tell them that you are a friend of Kerry and they will give you the keys to the kingdom.

I have shed blood in the defense of our flag. I have two sons who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, in giving their life for our flag. If Kerry has his way, we would not be under an American Flag, but the UN flag. a good exsample is Kerry's own words.

Kerry's belief in working with allies runs so deep that he has maintained that the loss of American life can be better justified if it occurs in the course of a mission with international support. In 1994, discussing the possibility of U.S. troops being killed in Bosnia, he said, "If you mean dying in the course of the United Nations effort, yes, it is worth that. If you mean dying American troops unilaterally going in with some false presumption that we can affect the outcome, the answer is unequivocally no."

I hope you get what you want, the Socalist states of America. I for one will never support Kerry's attempt to give our country to France.

Typical. When faced with facts, you have no choice but to launch personal attacks and accuse me of doing drugs, of being anti-American, and tell me to leave America. I merely suggest that you look online for one of the many biographies of George Day describing his GOP activites--that HE put out there himself, no less--and you accuse me of being a crackhead. How lame.

I don't know how to address the rest of your post because it seems that your rage has gotten the better of reason and I can't debate your delusions. I am sorry for your loss.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by jrsdls
How much drugs have you done?

Alot. But then I'm not promising to restore credibility to the white house and flying around in Barry Seal's plane am I?

If you hate Bush so much, why don't you just leave the country?

Yup there it is, Love It Or Leave It. Was wondering when you were going to frustrated and sling that out there. In response to this, if you hate free speech so much, why don't you move to Cuba, they love political hardliners there. I might ask you the same question eh?

I have shed blood in the defense of our flag. I have two sons who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, in giving their life for our flag.

And you have the nerve to bash a decorated combat veteran? How much more blood needs to be shed to satiate you then? You and your son's wasn't enough? Need more war do we? Did Iraq attack us? Did Afghanistan attack us? Did Vietnam attack us? A little FYI, Ho Chi Min tried to get the US involved long before we went over there, I have a copy of the letter he drafted, we didn't give a crap until that same letter went ignored and was sent to the soviet union asking for aid. Air America ring a bell? 'Poppy' Bush? Just because blood was spilt doesn't mean it was spilt in the name of good, does it? You should be old enough to know better than to try to hand me off on some Love it or leave it line. Men are dying, again, and the current administration is lying about it again. Remember Johnson?

If Kerry has his way, we would not be under an American Flag, but the UN flag. a good exsample is Kerry's own words.


I hope you get what you want, the Socalist states of America. I for one will never support Kerry's attempt to give our country to France.

Is there something wrong with being accountable in the eyes of the rest of the world? Bush could be tried for war crimes if he was answerable to international law, but we can't have that can we? Give the country to France... LOL Dude, you need to cut Rush Limbaugh off for a couple of hours and do some reading. Of course you won't respond to the Bush information I alluded to, because there is no way to defend a family that made their fortunes from selling their country out. The german bullets that ripped through americans were paid for in part by the Bush Family. And your proud of that legacy? LOL

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:47 PM
No I never said that you were a crack head. What I was trying to show was how easy it is to create a rumor on the internet. I apologize if it caused you any undue heartburn. I never said that you were un-american, again you are putting words in my mouth that I never said. you assume much, I am not enraged, I am actually quite calm. I don't get enraged over things that I can't change. Nor do I get upset over what someone who doesn't know me calls me. Yes, I am a Republican, Yes I support President Bush. I have respect for the office of the President, something you appearently don't. I was raised to respect other's opinion's, you don't. Not a personal attack, just my views. I again stand by my statement, that if you don't like where the country is, you have two choices, vote or leave. I have travelled around the world, and I would not sugguest that you leave. Here you can make all the remarks you want and are free to do so, That's not the case in many countries. I fail to see why Kerry is so in love with the French.

They are corrupt and will sell their soul for money. They are the worlds prosititute.

By the way, losing a driver's records are an easy thing to do. How many records have been lost through the ages? lots.

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