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If Storm Hovers Over NYC Will There Be Massive Destruction As Predicted In the Cathedral of St John

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posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 06:45 PM
the big's a church why do we see that excuse for art at a church.
oh, we're being made victims by some undereducated, non-thinking ahead entity.....let's see now.....could his name be-----S A T A N ....??
get me the phone number of who allowed that to be constructed.....

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by GBP/JPY
the big's a church why do we see that excuse for art at a church.
oh, we're being made victims by some undereducated, non-thinking ahead entity.....let's see now.....could his name be-----S A T A N ....??
get me the phone number of who allowed that to be constructed.....

You are correct - St. John the Divine Anglican Church seems to be under the direct guidance of malevolent forces - if not by Satan himself...........See here for the demonic extravaganza held at this Church every Halloween - each year it gets worse.........I am trying to locate a recent youtube video of the latest demon fest from this past Halloween.

This is somewhat bizarre as well - kinda New Age occultic.

edit on 29-10-2012 by Vitruvian because: txt vid

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 07:43 PM
I am posting this additional video for information's sake inasmuch as it seems to base its assumptions - in part at least - on the the article mentioned in the OP. Its quite worth the viewing.

Prophetic Pillars on St. John The Divine Cathedral Warns of Coming Disaster & Deception

AND this is the link to the Original Article that was mentioned in the OP which explores the Masonic connections to the Cathedral among other things equally as sinister - the article that this thread refers to is actually a REPRISE (of sorts) of that first article................
Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral

Opening paragraph(s)

Sinister Sites – St. John The Divine Cathedral
By VC | February 13th, 2009 | Category: Sinister Sites | 262 comments

The destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers) sculpted right on the building… Strange occult symbols on the floor… Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary… Home of the Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a new world religion… This cathedral is definitively “different”, as some people might say. But the “difference” lies in the fact that the cathedral is in fact a temple of Neo-Pagan-Bordeline-Satanic-the-Environment-is-more-important-than-human-life beliefs. I personally couldn’t care less about each individual’s beliefs, but to trick unsuspecting church goers into an occult house of worship is nothing less than Evil.

Background and History of the Cathedral

This unfinished building has been claimed as being the world’s largest cathedral. It is realistic to maintain such high aspirations when your sources of funding include tycoons like JP Morgan and prominent figures like the Grand Master of the Masons of the state of New York. The completion of the cathedral was such a prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was featured on the front page of “Masonic World” of March 1925.

The article states:

“It is particularly fitting that the Masons, who were the principal builders of cathedrals and churches during the greatest cathedral-building period, should now have a prominent part in the movement to build America’s greatest cathedral (…) Little need be added to the story of Freemasonry during the cathedral-building period; its monuments are its best history, alike of its genius, its faith and its symbols.”

edit on 29-10-2012 by Vitruvian because: txt

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 08:56 PM
Interesting to focus upon the masonic compass/all seeing eye beneath the city. It seems to be breaking a plane of some sort, and it is difficult to see: there is (smoke?) coming from the top of the pyramid/compass. Seems to be pointing at the destruction above. Is this symbology of the destructive force of the builders themselves?

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:19 PM
Ha ha ha. We'll if it's that prophetic it shows NYC being destroyed by waves while the twin towers still stood.

man, I can't believe the stupidity of some predictions on ATS... (well all of them actually)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 11:39 PM
HMM op that is quite something, good recall!!

Aug 25th 2011 image uploaded

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Vitruvian

ah man I thought I was going to get to post this info. Oh well at least someone put it up here. They also have a strange way of celebrating the feast of St. Francis with a "Musical Mass" called "Missa Gaia" which is almost ridiculously pagan for a supposed Christian church.

Also there's the Peace Fountain on the grounds of the church which requires a good bit of shoehorning to fit into the average persons views of Christianity.

Look at some of the guys who have been the deans of the cathedral: The dean right now James Kowalski paraded peacocks down the aisle during that "Missa Gaia" I mentioned. Then there was James Morton who was dean for 25 years who made news most recently for working with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf to build what was then to be called Cordoba House but now is referred to as Park 51 and though depicted as a collective and interfaith project they certainly showed their hand by calling it Cordoba house after the name of a former capital of an Islamic Caliphate.

Then a little farther back you've got James Pike who takes the cake as far as people whom you would ask "So you became a reverend because....?" He believed neither in the virgin Mary, the existence of Hell, nor the Trinity, After the death of his son he even participated in a televised seance in an effort to reconcile with his son whom Pike believed was the source of ongoing poltergeist like activity in his life. Heresy charges were raised several times against the reverend but they were never pursued due to Pike popularity with the Episcopal congregation and the public in general.

It's certainly a strange place.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Josephus

YES: I was going to post on the Peace Fountain (photo below) as well. It seems that everything happening at that place is - as I stated earlier - is being guided by forces inimical to faith generally, and to Christianity in particular.

Even their mission "Trinity Wall Street," an Episcopal church located in lower Manhattan was involved in 9/11, via 9/11 photographer/videographer Evan Fairbanks, which is another story in itself.

edit on 30-10-2012 by Vitruvian because: PIC

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 02:03 PM

edit on 30-10-2012 by Vitruvian because: txt

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Vitruvian

This thread may have died now that Sandy has passed, but it still served to make me aware of those two pillars. Leisurely research will ensue.

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