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URGENT: Tsunami Warning for Hawaii

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posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter
I seem to remember that after the alleged 9 off Japan that a tsunami was expected to affect Hawaii then, too.

You would have thought that the wave that radiated from it would have been equal in all directions.
But, Hawaii and the West Coast US might have had a foot or so wave action from that.
Which never made sense to me.

Oh, did you ever have debris from Japan wash up in Hawaii? I remember the story and "photos" of all these houses and cars and such that was headed outbound. As if.

Who else other than Hawaii was supposed to be affected by this tsunami?

News is so skewed these days by the media, we need real eyes on the ground to get any unbiased reporting of anything.

Yes, the news is a polished show. This event reeks of theatrics,timing and audacity.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by magma

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter
I seem to remember that after the alleged 9 off Japan that a tsunami was expected to affect Hawaii then, too.

You would have thought that the wave that radiated from it would have been equal in all directions.
But, Hawaii and the West Coast US might have had a foot or so wave action from that.
Which never made sense to me.

Oh, did you ever have debris from Japan wash up in Hawaii? I remember the story and "photos" of all these houses and cars and such that was headed outbound. As if.

Who else other than Hawaii was supposed to be affected by this tsunami?

News is so skewed these days by the media, we need real eyes on the ground to get any unbiased reporting of anything.

Yes, the news is a polished show. This event reeks of theatrics,timing and audacity.

As did the Japan tsunami. But, to point that out is heresy.
People saw it on TV, right?

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 08:19 AM
I just heard that the threat of Tsunami has been down graded in the last little while. Of course, that doesnt help those who have already been running about like headless chickens trying to get things battened down, and escape to higher ground.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

Its all far from over. Impact from the suns activity could be on or around the first of November also with the planetary allignments and current storms as well as earthquakes happening globally it all seems a bit ,......ah never mind.
You may want to check this video out from a youtube poster who goes into great depth on his
2Min News

Something like him that i feel is interesting is the current Buoy data of the one near Hawaii.
Event Details

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 08:41 AM
Thanks all who had prayed with this sudden nature's strike.

It seems all is clear now in Hawaii, with no lives lost.

There is still very much to learn from such potential disasters, and the authorities know now that they are not as equipped physically or mentally to deal with it as they believed. There should not have any confusion over the Tsunami warning earlier, which would have caused great amounts of deaths if the tsunami was full blown.

They had been spared, and now to set things right, study the failures and correct them, while still monitoring the seas as the continued aftershocks proved that the zone is unstable and still have massive energies left.

Equally, the citizens on the western seaboard had seen for themselves in reality how they would behave when a disaster arrives with little warning time. Some behave admirably, while some behaved unbelievably insane. May each of them do a soul search and never to behave in such manner again.

This Tsunami may had been only a warning of what is to come. We will need each other to survive, egalitarianly leaving none behind.

The eastern seaboard is not off the hook yet. May the winds and pressure dies down there, even if sea water displacement had been eased by the quake that may prevent floods from the heavy rains.

Stay safe all.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 08:43 AM
holy smokes, thoughts and prayers, I hope everyone hears the warning


CNN reporting the coast is clear, and evacuees can return to their homes

man, I hope they are right !
edit on 28-10-2012 by syrinx high priest because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:11 AM
I really want to move to the Big Island.

I suppose this is one of the draw backs :/

Glad it wasn't too severe!!

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by zanysami
Neither specifically address the fact that a Tsunami may impact Hawaii in less than fourty minutes from the outset.

That is a great heads-up to all those surfers in Hawaii....better get em boards ready! Cowabunga!

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