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Have a dream, then it comes true the next day?

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posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 04:53 PM
I've had this sentiment throughout my life about dejavu. Every now and then I'll have an especially vivid dream that isn't full of fantastic stuff that shouldn't happen normally (like landing an airplane and subsequently driving it through a Taco Bell drive through, don't laugh this was a real dream I had a few weeks ago). For instance this very morning I had a dream where I was singing the song Brokedown Palace by the Grateful Dead word for word. Even crazier was the fact that the instrumental part of the song was also playing in my head.

What makes this weird for me is that I never have dreams about listening to songs. This brings me to the point of my post. I'll have dreams similar to what I just described. I'll wake up after it is finished and think to myself how vivid the dream is. Other times it has happened was while I was in high school and I'll have dreams where I'm attending class and then suddenly wakeup and I'm like, "How did I get here?" Only to have dejavu of that event some weeks or months later. I should definitely start writing these dreams down because after the dream is over I will soon forget about it until months later (usually by the time I'm done my morning shower despite trying to keep it in my head and think about it while showering) when the exact scenario in my dream will play out in real life and I will experience intense dejavu.

One time while I was a young boy, I was in the car with my brother and my mom. My brother got in trouble and my mom started yelling at him. At the same time we had just entered an onramp to the highway. Around this time the dejavu kicked in and was so intense that I literally could predict the next things that were going to happen in the car including getting onto the onramp, my mom yelling at my brother, what the argument was about, etc. I even knew that I was going to be having dejavu, which was really disconcerting and made me feel like not only had I dreamed this event before, but had also experienced it before in real life. I never told my family about this because the moment was rather serious and my mom was already upset at my brother. I was also sure my mom would think I was playing around and get upset at me for making light of the situation.

Usually these events come and go and I forget about them, but this event stands out the most in my head as something just entirely bizarre. It has lead to my theory that dejavu happens because you have dreamed the event in question before, forgotten about it, and subsequently are remembering it subconsciencely while experiencing the event in real life.
edit on 17-10-2012 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2012 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 07:38 PM

I have precognitive dreams as well. They don't play out as quickly but you know when a dream is precognitive. Mine are often with a degree of symbolism which I have learned to interpret, altho the interpretation has gotten lost in my wishful thinking at times and not until it played out did I understand.

One dream did have a time line, a pregnancy dream which was highly symbolic and began to come to fruition 9 months to the day.

I had another pregnancy dream March 7, so I am patiently awaiting Dec 7. In the dream I was giving birth to myself. The head was very large. At some point, I think not in the dream, the thought came to me that I/it was long overdue.

Will give an explanation in post to redrose123

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by redrose123

They are like warnings to me but there has never been anything I can do to change the outcome.

I have had several dreams about the same subject for years and the close I got to events the more intense. The dreams at first explained the staircase and how the last step is as hard as the first. Later dreams told me I would lose my way, return to normal. Even had an incident happen in life and my immediate thought was that I had fallen in love and or gone of my path. Turned out both were true. (And these are the way god speaks to me, in dreams and every day life).

I tried to prevent or avoid the outcome, the last thing I wanted was to go off my path. But circumstance of my decision caused a downhill spiral that has lasted 8 years.

So yeah, there seems to be nothing we can do. I often wonder if our path is preplanned to help us learn a lesson or somewhere we took the same turn instead of a different on so it has to play out. Or vice versa, we took a different turn and we are being clued into the results.

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 09:55 PM
I have had psychic dreams and have known others who also have. In my case, I would experience extraordinarily powerful déjà vu: where I am, exactly where I sit/stand in juxtaposition to everyone/everything around me, how everyone is dressed, all words and their tones all feel extremely, specifically familiar. Sometimes during these déjà vu experiences, I would suddenly remember when I foresaw this event: during a dream state. I would remember (vaguely) being asleep and seeing this, as if it was shown this almost like watching a movie, and sometimes I would try to couch myself to remember what I’d foreseen. Of course, I never would (I’d wake up and completely forget about it until it happened.)

I can never remember anything more than this. I have no memory of how I’d foresee this events, just that it was during a sleep state and I’d consciously couch myself to remember.

As for whether or not these events were fated, that gets very interesting. If we foresaw them, then it would seem self-apparent that it had (in a sense) already happened and therefore was fated. However, we do not experience constant déjà vu, meaning that we certainly don’t foresee all that happens. Also, in theory, I might foresee an event which never happens, and therefore I would not experience déjà vu. So, it is possible that I am seeing many possible future outcomes at night, only remembering the ones that actually unfold. It is difficult to say.

And even stranger, perhaps while in a deep state of sleep, time may not exist in the same way. Maybe I never remember the future visions because they do not even occur until the event happens (the actual occurrence creating the ‘vision’ for some reason (which sounds like a paradox.)

Of course this last possibility wouldn’t match with what you seem to be saying, as it sounds like you do remember your psychic dream before the actual events carry out. I have heard of this happening to others. This implies that the psychic aspect is happening in a linear fashion. This absolutely indicates fate, which means that the future has, in some sense, already happened (or was preordained.) It is also possible that we are actually writing our own futures while in this unconscious state, and perhaps our collective unconsciousness is writing world future events! This theory would fit better with New Age theories, although in my memory of foreseeing events, they seem to be shown to me (as if they will happen to me, whether I like it or not (which again, points to fate.)

My question to you, jhill76, is: do you feel that you are in any way creating or attributing to these psychic visions, or are they merely be shown to you?

posted on Oct, 20 2012 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

Thank you for your post and contribution.

My question to you, jhill76, is: do you feel that you are in any way creating or attributing to these psychic visions, or are they merely be shown to you?

To be honest, I wrote the thread in a way to elicit others experiences. But, I read my book at end of light each light, and I am shown what will take place next, thus the seeing it before it happen scenarios.

I also plan my own steps.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 12:50 PM
In a strange kind of way this did happen to me. My dream: I was driving in my truck with a co-worker in town when we came up to a cow in the street that was blocking our way. I said to my co-worker, "do you think we should try and help that cow back to where it came from, but I wonder what farm it's from?"

The next morning I started out in my truck on my way to work, [we live outside of town in a farming area] when coming up the road I see two calves running along with a farmer on an ATV trying to chase them back home. I had to stop to let them by. While I was sitting there waiting for the calves to get out of the way, I said to myself, "I wonder which farm they are from?" Then it hit me, the dream from the night before, although different in details was so similar that I felt stunned.

Then years ago, I had a very short dream of walking over the lamp I always use, turning it on, only to see and hear the bulb blow out. The next morning I walked over to that lamp, turned it on and the bulb blew out. The dream and the event were exactly the same, but such an insignificant event, is there any reason for such dreams?

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by jhill76
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

Thank you for your post and contribution.

My question to you, jhill76, is: do you feel that you are in any way creating or attributing to these psychic visions, or are they merely be shown to you?

To be honest, I wrote the thread in a way to elicit others experiences. But, I read my book at end of light each light, and I am shown what will take place next, thus the seeing it before it happen scenarios.

I also plan my own steps.

Are you saying that you always know ahead of time what will happen in your life? If so, it seems like you would be constantly feeling a sense of deja vu. Do you also see what will happen to other people?

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by LoneCloudHopper2

I have had this feeling for some time, that the future has already happened. It is just our consciousness that is incapable of 'remembering' it like it remembers the past.

How can it not be? Imagine the big bang, with particles flying in every direction. If you had a powerful enough computer you could plot all those particles and predict where they will be, what they'll collide with and with what they will fuse. If this supercomputer knew all the variables the universe started with it could calculate the exact future, right to the end.

As a side note: this rules out the existence of anything truly random or forces that act and decide on its own, like free will. You would need God (i.e. a force from outside this universe) to give birth to free will in my opinion. Ockhams Razor then suggests that free will is an illusion, a byproduct of the development of language. This being the simpler explanation.

When our mental barriers are being recharged and down, we could occasionally remember events from the future. Accept this however, and we also must accept that no action we take has any meaning as the future is already set in stone. This makes life pointless and nothing more than a long movie.

Please challenge these ideas. It is no fun entertaining the philosophy of determinism

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by tattooedlunchlady

Are you saying that you always know ahead of time what will happen in your life? If so, it seems like you would be constantly feeling a sense of deja vu.

Yes. About 3-4% is surprises.

Do you also see what will happen to other people?

Yes. I can just look at their book.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Symer

Yeah, it is a downer indeed. I feel perfectly in charge of my own life (as I'm sure you do.) I can contemplate on such experiences, and change due to them. Is deja vu itself determined? If everything is fated, it would have to be, right? So, it would be fated that everything is set in stone and therefore we would 'recall' what has already, and will soon, happen sometimes, at certain times. And since these experiences change me, then that would mean that I was also meant—fated—to be changed in experiencing déjà vu. But what would be the purpose in realizing that my life is fated and I therefore have no free will? What kind of growth is that? Unless there is no God, no intelligence behind this, just randomness, pre-determined by its own making (somehow.)

But then you have the same problem I always had with God...I always asked: "Well, if God created the Universe then what created God?" If the world was fated due to science and not God, then the question arises: "If everything in existence is naturally fated (from the Big Bang) then was the creation of fate fated?" Did some random event set fate in motion, like knocking over a pile of dominos? If so, will everything be carried out by fate forever, or will it eventually 'wear itself out' or 'spoil itself' through too many people experiencing déjà vu (or psychic dreams) and altering the future? Or, is the future being constantly re-written by a Higher Power (or collective consciousness?) Perhaps we are each playing a part in the telling of this story before it happens, and maybe sometimes during (perhaps explaining why we only experience déjà vu/physic dreams on occasion?)

Trying to figure this stuff out is how religions are born, and why they can sound so crazy lol life is truly bizarre!

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