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Discovering your angelic wings.

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posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:33 PM
From my latest blog. Thought I'd share.
Discovering your Angelic wings


I was not always a spiritual person. My disappointment in religion and many people’s attitudes drove me away from the faith. I was what you would call, “A lost soul” searching for some purpose and meaning in his life. This was a time where my skeptic side rose to a level of mistrust towards anyone I met. I had empowered my ego to take control of my life, as I became what some would call “an agnostic”.

I did not dismiss the idea of a divine force; however, I found it difficult to believe, mostly because of how I viewed the world back then. Perhaps the fear of nothingness and death made my heart hang on to that one thin thread of faith, which seemed to fade every day for the years that followed. My heart wanted to believe, but, in my mind, I had adopted the typical phrase: “If there is no proof, then it doesn’t exist.” Nevertheless, despite how I felt, strange things did happen, as I witnessed from; visions, to odd “coincidences” that came to my awareness from time to time, perhaps as a reminder, that there is more to the world than meets the “eye”.

I have had quite a handful of spiritual experiences these past few years. A few of those experiences involved synchronicities, which made my eyes, catch glimpses of numbers such as; 11:11, 222, 333 and so on. It was not quite enough to believe through skeptics eyes; however, I did become increasingly aware of this as time passed by. (If you are curious on the meaning of these numbers, here is a link: Angelic Numbers)

Other than my usual glimpses of numbers, I would at times have what I called “Divine Interventions”, especially when I was about to make a “mistake” I would regret. To my surprise, either there would be a power outage, preventing me from sending a rude comment to someone, or the internet would lose its connection. Nevertheless, some of the events I experienced left me mind boggled as I struggled to comprehend what had happened. Slowly, but surely…I was beginning to believe once more, and this was leading to a chaotic clash between mind and my heart.

Flash forward to the present.

I know what it is like to “not believe”, I understand that it is hard to grasp that there is something divine happening inside and all around us, especially if you are an atheist. So relax, I am not here to try to convince you. I am here; however to share with you something cool that I discovered while meditating with my beloved.

You can think of this as “Angel Wings” or give it any other name at your own desire; it does not matter, since the point is to jump-start curiosity in your own power and abilities.

If you are alone in your room, make sure to turn off the fan, or any appliances that may generate any disturbance in the air (including closing any windows). Once you make sure that there will be no wind inside the room, sit comfortably in a chair or on the bed, shirtless with your back exposed to the open air. Next, do the following:

1. Close your eyes, and concentrate your attention towards your deep breath.
2. With your attention on the breath, begin relaxing your body while as you add that to your attention.
3. Your attention should now be at the breath, and relaxing your body to the point that it feels numb. You should have difficulty thinking, and this is intentional.
4. Next, begin to draw your attention towards your exposed back.
5. After, focus on your heart, and feel unconditional love for all that is and
6. At this stage, you should now be focusing on the breath, your body, your heart, and your back all at the same time. This helps open up more awareness, and it keeps thoughts at bay. (If you want to make things more interesting, you can add all five senses to the mix. You are keeping your mind busy through observation and awareness instead of thought.)
7. Stay like this until you begin feeling a wind forming around your back along with a tingling sensation. Feel this energy form increasingly profound and vivid with each moment.
8. Stay like this as long as you like. Play with the new found energy that so curiously made its way into your awareness.
9. You should begin to feel light as a feather, a drifting sensation that almost wants to take you away.
10. You should also feel a push forward, due to your wings unfolding.

If you have done it right, then congratulations. You have now become aware of your angelic wings, and if you are as surprised as I was, then you probably are asking yourself many questions. To which I have no answers to give you. Make your own conclusions, and ponder on what it was. J (Hint, ask your heart).

When I discovered this the first time, I was mind-boggled because I felt something push me forward in a profound way. I looked behind me to see if there was something there, but there was not. I had a single thought enter my mind, and quickly dismissed it as “rubbish”. The thought of “Angel Wings”, did not appeal well with what remained of my ego. Shortly after, I logged unto Facebook where I noticed that I had received a new inbox from a friend, sending me a YouTube video called “Awakening Angelic Humans: Holy Grails”.

After I taught this meditation to my beloved, a few friends, and my nephew, I knew I had to share this after witnessing their shocked reactions.


Ultimately, you decide.

You do create your own reality after all.

Namaste "

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 12:34 AM
I taught this to several people including a few skeptics. And their reactions is what prompted me to write this. I know it seems "crazy", but unless you try the meditation yourselves, you can't really judge the book by its cover alone.

So come on ATS, I want to see results/comments from other people trying this out.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

Imagine you're living in the down town district, its night time.

You leave the front door wide open, lights on and go to bed.

Either something bad will drift into your life or not.

You are tempting fate here.

Meditation is like advertising. There is whats called the 'alpha' level. It is when the mind is open to suggestion.

Things can turn ugly very quickly if a negative entity drifts into your body and gets its pleasure by making the host inflict pain in some way onto innocent victims.

As for the numbers. Simply demand (think) to yourself that you want to start seeing codes in dreams. In 2-3 days you will start seeing codes in dreams as well. However, look at the source of the codes. Oh and when the dream codes begin, is the sky black with no stars or clouds ?

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Rapha
reply to post by RisenAngel77

As for the numbers. Simply demand (think) to yourself that you want to start seeing codes in dreams. In 2-3 days you will start seeing codes in dreams as well. However, look at the source of the codes. Oh and when the dream codes begin, is the sky black with no stars or clouds ?

Can you tell me more what the difference of no stars and no clouds are? This comment highlighted to me for some reason, and I am curious to read more of your thoughts.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:22 AM

reply to post by RisenAngel77
Can you tell me more what the difference of no stars and no clouds are? This comment highlighted to me for some reason, and I am curious to read more of your thoughts.

There are a finite number of worlds running parallel to this one. Each of these worlds is accessable during dream time. Some are dark and miserable. Others are pleasant and joyful.

Before Jesus Christ came, Sheol was the resting place for all spirits awaiting Judgement Day.

Sheol was once a paradise. Now its not. Only non-christian spirits exist there now.

After Jesus rose from his tomb, all christian spirits are in another paradise with him.

Sheol is now a replica of this world where the land is mounds and hills of brown and grey dust. Both sky and ocean are black. The air is sparse and lifeless. Only man-made objects occupy the desolate landscape.

When the codes occur in dreams, look at who you are with. They will probably be witches dressed in black.

Maybe ask them, 'are they happy where they are?' They will probably say 'oh don't worry. Its fine down here'.
edit on 6-10-2012 by Rapha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Rapha

Wow thats some scarey Fiction there, are you writing a book ?

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:55 AM

1. Close your eyes, and concentrate your attention towards your deep breath.
2. With your attention on the breath, begin relaxing your body while as you add that to your attention.
3. Your attention should now be at the breath, and relaxing your body to the point that it feels numb. You should have difficulty thinking, and this is intentional.
4. Next, begin to draw your attention towards your exposed back.
5. After, focus on your heart, and feel unconditional love for all that is and
6. At this stage, you should now be focusing on the breath, your body, your heart, and your back all at the same time. This helps open up more awareness, and it keeps thoughts at bay. (If you want to make things more interesting, you can add all five senses to the mix. You are keeping your mind busy through observation and awareness instead of thought.)
7. Stay like this until you begin feeling a wind forming around your back along with a tingling sensation. Feel this energy form increasingly profound and vivid with each moment.
8. Stay like this as long as you like. Play with the new found energy that so curiously made its way into your awareness.
9. You should begin to feel light as a feather, a drifting sensation that almost wants to take you away.
10. You should also feel a push forward, due to your wings unfolding.

The wings are dreaming wings. If you have someone in room doing this with you, you can do collective dream. Two people in same dream world. Try it.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 03:59 AM
what if you cant feel unconditional love

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:03 AM

reply to post by mazzroth
Wow thats some scarey Fiction there, are you writing a book ?

i will assume that statement has the word 'sarcasm' in it somewhere.

If you have witnessed multiple hells and paradise you will know its not fiction.

If you ever have a NDE, post it on the internet. If its valid and YHWH wants you to learn more concerning the spiritual world around us, then He will probably order one of His angels to contact you via email and verify that what you witnessed is correct.

No sarcasm here. Just plain reality.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by dayve
what if you cant feel unconditional love

get out of your mind and get into the heart. The average human being wastes too much time inside the mind and so little within the heart.

You find unconditional love when you love that one person that hurt you, and yet you desire nothing but the best for them despite the hurt. But also, you find unconditional love by accepting that you are where you are meant to be and that you should take a look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are worth something, You find unconditional love by loving yourself, others without judgement because they are all you.

What you feel inside is what you project unto the world.

You can achieve this by facing your shadow self and healing the past. Learn to forgive, others but most importantly yourself.

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