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Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after study revealed cancer risk

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posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:22 AM
Hi all, thought i'd start the day with some good news...!

Russia has suspended the import and use of an American GM corn following a study suggesting a link to breast cancer and organ damage.

Historically, biotech companies have proved the safety of GM crops based on trials involving feeding rats for a period of 90 days.
However, experts at the University of Caen conducted an experiment running for the full lives of rats - two years.

The findings, which were peer reviewed by independent experts before being published in a respected scientific journal, found raised levels of breast cancer, liver and kidney damage.

So... Its safe to say that GMO is a high risk to our health - from given findings by different countries and scientists.
Maybe, just maybe the fact that Russia is now banning the import and use of American GM corn and France is conducting its own study on GMO food which will apparently take 2-3 years to find a definitive answer. Then hopefully the rest of Europe will take heed and ban GMO also... However, as the article said;

The decision by the Russians to suspend authorisation for the American GM corn threatens to trigger a transatlantic commercial and diplomatic row.

It may open a big can of worms... But does it really matter..? There's already many cans that have been blown wide open. But maybe the US will sit up and take note that GMO is a danger and production should be stopped world wide, unless they want a steep rise in the rate of cancer amongst people and possible death..?

Or maybe thats exactly what they're planning.....

Who knows.....!

edit on 26-9-2012 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:27 AM
They think that testing for 90 days shows something is safe or not? Going by that reasoning coc aine is safe because you can snort it for 90 days and not drop dead.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by buster2010

However, he said that it is now important to ensure they are repeated with more animals by independent laboratories to confirm the outcome.

‘We are not scaremongering here. More research, including a repetition of this particular study are warranted,’ he said. The professor said it will take two to three years to get a definitive answer

The French are undertaking a prim and proper study of GMO... which if its going to take 2-3 years will clearly be a thorough study...

a number of independent academics have praised the French team’s work, describing it as the most thorough and extensive feeding trials involving GM to date.

So you think that after 90 days of being fed a 100% GMO, which in that short period of time causes cancer and organ damage - that even if you continue to consume it after that period, the cancer and organ damage will just go away...?

Logically, when the 'definitive answer' is published it will no doubt contain things like; after X number of days/months/years, X amount of rats died due to Y. And probably things like; also prolonged consumption of GMO can cause X, X and X. And also increases your risk of this, this and this....

Methinks you should look at your own reasoning....

Oh and also if you did snort coc aine for 90 days everyday... you would probably have a heart attack....
When i was 15 my friend died from taking coc aine - it was the 3rd time she'd ever taken it...
edit on 26-9-2012 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by buster2010
They think that testing for 90 days shows something is safe or not? Going by that reasoning coc aine is safe because you can snort it for 90 days and not drop dead.

It is the same thing with vaccine trials.. Not only are they done over such short time periods, but they also cheat by injecting control/"placebo" group with adjuvants including mercury and alluminium.
If side effects show up after this period then it is just brushed off as unrelated.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:39 AM
edit: nm...
edit on 26-9-2012 by juleol because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:41 AM
GMO is totaly and utterly about gaining ownership of the food supply.

The Royals and the elite have their own ORGANIC food supply.

get it?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by VoidHawk

Well as if gaining ownership of the food supply isn't enough...

They are going to kill and dilapidate the consumers aswell.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by fluff007

You are misunderstanding what I am saying. Just because you can use a dangerous product for 90 days and show no ill effects doesn't mean it's safe. Btw coke addicts use it everyday for years your friend just wasn't physically capable of withstanding the drug. Sorry for your loss.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by buster2010

Just because you can use a dangerous product for 90 days and show no ill effects doesn't mean it's safe.

I do understand what you're saying. But we're not talking about coc aine we are talking about GMO. And clearly even if you do consume it for 90 days, studies have shown that it causes cancer and organ damage...

Maybe thats why the French have decided to do a longer, more thorough and extensive study. We shall see what findings await us.

edit on 26-9-2012 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:02 AM
When it concerns the ENTIRE planets food supply and it involves genetics the tests shoul last for several human generations at least. Who knows what might happen to the next generation!!!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:10 AM
I see that your op is well done and it´s a good news, but you wheren´t the first...

Peace, love and light,
let u guide by higher i

Jim Irie

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by JimIrie

thanks for letting me know..!

i had already done a search but nothing came up.

i do apologise to the other member... mods please close thread. Ty

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by fluff007
reply to post by buster2010

Just because you can use a dangerous product for 90 days and show no ill effects doesn't mean it's safe.

I do understand what you're saying. But we're not talking about coc aine we are talking about GMO. And clearly even if you do consume it for 90 days, studies have shown that it causes cancer and organ damage...

Maybe thats why the French have decided to do a longer, more thorough and extensive study. We shall see what findings await us.

edit on 26-9-2012 by fluff007 because: (no reason given)

The 90days people keep mentioning is a red herring, 90days was the cut off point for monsantos own studies, the studies actually went on much longer than the 90 days but the findings they published in their own in house reports, the reports that eventually went on to persuade governments around the world that GMO's were safe, only contained three months worth of data.
The data they left out of the reports showed that illness and disease became prevalent and affected the rats in a massive way at the 4 month mark, 90days is the cut off point monsanto used on its own data to prevent the studies presenting the truth, GMO's cause ilness and disease both chronic and acute when they are a major part of the diet of the test subjects, it becomes a systemic poison, affecting not just the generation that is being fed, but, more importantly their off spring.

GMO's are being used by those in the higher seats of power to cause sickness, weakness and death, whilst having the bonus of destroying the reproduction cycle.
It is believed to happen due to the round up chealating in the mothers body to such an extent that the embryo cannot maintain healthy and proper growth in the womb due to a lack of available nutrients, the mother then spontaneously aborts.

Long term studies have been conducted by monsanto on their own products, they must know it has a propensity to cause disease, and yet, try to maintain the secrecy by only giving test materiel to scientists who will sign an NDA, if you are a scientist WILLING to sign an NDA it's obvious you cannot be very interested in ensuring the results of your studies get beyond the Monsanto ring fence.
Round-up all life and kill it slowly, whilst denying it is even happening, way to go, no wonder the governments of the world do so much to protect it.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by fluff007

Thanks for the post; S&F. Here is my question: why not simply grow "natural" corn? The answer is probably as simple as PROFIT. Okay, Monsanto/Mosaic can make more money by using GMO crops. But at what cost? Is making an additional $500,000,000.00 per year (or more; this is just a guess) really worth the unknown ramifications for the environment and people? Why risk killing-off honeybees? Why risk cancer in people? Why risk changing the environment in unseen/untold ways? Is this merely for profit? How much money is enough money? Cannot they make a good profit and farm the "right" way, with less pesticides, less bioengineering? Can't they make a profit without all the risk?

The answer would easily seem to be a resounding yes. But, for some reason, every major corporate industry (farming, pharma, energy, communications, etc.) tends to enact policies and operations that generally HARM people and the environment. This story seems to be just a facet of a broad spectrum campaign to taint the public, cause cancer, disease and death. It seems to be a concerted effort on the part of corporations to control the population --very discreetly, mind you.

If that is so, we can only hope that they are doing, ultimately, for our own, collective good. A reason to taint the population? Maybe they are spoiling the proverbial milk in an effort to keep someone from drinking it. As people we would prefer the best food we can find, food free of impurities (that's why we're upset with GMO foods to begin with). So, what if "they" knew of a race of aliens that was prone to prey on humans. What if the aliens would cut back or stop altogether preying on humans because we, ourselves, have become too toxic for their tastes?

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