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Visitation by my spirit animal?

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posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 06:56 PM
The dream begins with me sitting on top of a cliff watching the sky.
Under the cliff there is a forest like area with trees about 3/4th the size of the cliff I am sitting on.
A small plume of smoke forms above the tree tops and a large bat about the size of a basketball emerges.
I hear a name. I feel like I have seen this bat before. He is a familar presence to me.
Not by memory but from the feeling I had.

The bat then begins to fly around above the tree tops and every 5 seconds or so there would be another small plume of smoke appearing on top of the bat and he would vanish.
He would then reappear in another location possibly 15-20 feet from his previous location.
This bat could teleport!

I hear a name again. It's being repeated to me.
I continue to watch this bat in awe and I look to my left and see a random couple watching the bat aswell from my location on top of the cliff.
I hear the name again! The bat then vanishes again, and just like before, another plume of smoke rises
(Like a ninja using a smoke bomb and then vanishing into the night.)

I hear it's name a final time before waking up with no memory of the bat's name but a vivid memory of his/her visit. I look online and have been searching for this bats name all day. It was repeated to me in my dream about 5 or 6 times. I read up on the spiritual meaning of the bat and it was like I was reading who I am as a person.

Does anybody have any clue to what this bats name could possibly be?! Has anybody ever encountered him/her? What does this dream / visit mean for me?

Thanks for your time for reading my dream . Please help

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by prodftw

it's your [one of possibly many more] Totem trying to get your attention
also i strongly advise you to NOT post or share it's name
for all sorts of reasons
just don't.

Good for you!
are you into shamanism then?
if not this constitutes your calling.

in the anime Bleach a Shinigami [death-god] goes through a similar experience as this one
upon 1st learning his or her Zanpakuto's [soul-slayer] name

so do watch the viddy please as i'm trying to be of some assistance here

edit on 24-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: added edit and comment

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:19 PM
Fascinating dream !!

Definitely a message from your spirit animal. As noted by another in the first reply, I would agree- do NOT post the name if you do remember it. It's for you and you alone. It may also be that the name was not the spirit's name but a secret name for you. This could be your "true name" in which case you should not tell it to anyone.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:34 PM
Thank you. Both of you. Soon after posting this thread I had a feeling that forgetting his name was for a reason. It was for my subconcious to know and for nobody else. Although I really wish I conciously knew but knowing myself I would probably go off telling everybody.

Great insight the first post had about that name being my real name. That is probably why I had thought of it familar.
It may sound weird but I always felt restrained in my body - like in another life I had the ability to fly and now in this life it is what I am lacking. I am very fond of the darkness and the calmness that it brings to the every day hussle and bussle. Looking back on it now the bat is a very fitting animal to describe my personality and who I am.

I did not watch you video for the reason being that I love bleach and have already seen it.
And yes I am very much into finding my spiritual calling although I am not very familiar with the term Shamanism. I have heard about it through threads I had found when searching upon my spirit guide, or as they call it, a spirit totem.

My question now is... how do I get into contact with him again... with myself.
He came to me in a dream and I have a feeling I must persue him. He is here to help me, my intuition tells me.

edit on 24-9-2012 by prodftw because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by prodftw

Originally posted by prodftw
1- I had a feeling that forgetting his name was for a reason. It was for my subconcious to know and for nobody else. 2-Although I really wish I conciously knew but knowing myself I would probably go off telling everybody.

3-Great insight the first post had about that name being my real name.

4-I did not watch you video for the reason being that I love bleach and have already seen it.
5-And yes I am very much into finding my spiritual calling although I am not very familiar with the term Shamanism. I have heard about it through threads I had found when searching upon my spirit guide, or as they call it, a spirit totem.

6-My question now is... how do I get into contact with him again... with myself.
He came to me in a dream and I have a feeling I must pursue him. He is here to help me, my intuition tells me.

edit on 24-9-2012 by prodftw because: (no reason given)

1-ahem no, you are supposed to know consciously
how else are you going to call upon your totem/spirit animal and/or access its knowledge/power?
2- well don't dude[ette]
names have power, sharing/blabbing will dilute that power,[to the point of illness] you may even "lose" it and chances like these are uncommon, "loose lips sink ships"

3-that was the 2nd poster actually

ou should watch it anyway for a possible reason why you are not hearing/registering the name
be advised that this is only ethnographic; as wiki has a positivist-materialist bias

the following is quoted from Peter Carrolls "Liber Null& Psychonaut" [no copyright infringement intended

SHAMANISM IS OUR oldest magical and mystical tradition.
It is from shamanism that all religious arts and magical
sciences originate. The shamanic traditions are still practiced
on all the southern continents — Australia, Africa, and
South America. It is primarily found in hunting societies but
survives also in semi-settled village life where it takes on more of
the character of witch-doctoring. The encroachments of modern
civilization have almost destroyed shamanism in North America,
Oceania, Northern Asia, and within the Arctic Circle. Some
shamanic knowledge survived in European witchcraft, while in
the Middle East shamanism became swallowed up in the priestly
cults of classical civilizations.
Two conclusions can be drawn from an examination of
remaining shamanic cultures and from records of those now extinct.
Firstly, despite the enormous geographical separation between
shamanic cultures, they share almost identical methods.
Secondly, it is shamanic knowledge and power that contemporary
magicians seek to rediscover. The basic principles of magic, like
the basic principles of science, do not change, but they can
become lost. Shamanism presents a very full magical technology
which resumes all occult themes. Mankind now stands in greater
need of these abilities than at any time since the first aeon, if he is to understand rather than destroy himself. Shamanism once
guided all human societies and kept them in equilibrium with their
environment for thousands of years. All occultism is an attempt to
win back that awesome lost wisdom. Let us look then, at what the
traditions of shamanism hold.
Shamanic power cannot be progressively accumulated like
other technology. A shaman will be lucky if his own apprentices
make any advance beyond his own achievements.
Shamanic powers are so difficult to master that a tradition requires a continual influx of talent just to prevent itself from degenerating. For this reason shamans usually describe their tradition as having declined from past glories. Only an occasional, exceptional practitioner can win back some of the more legendary powers.
Central to shamanism is the perception of an otherworld or
series of otherworlds. This type of astral or aetheric dimension
containing various powers entities and forces allows real effects to
be created in this world. The shaman's soul journeys through this
dimension while in ecstatic or drug-induced state of trance. The
journey may be undertaken for divinatory knowledge, to cure
sickness, to deliver a blow to enemies, or to find game animals.
Prospective shamans are usually selected from those with a
nervous disposition. They may either be assigned to shamanic
instruction or are driven to it by a power present in the shamanic
culture. Initiation invokes a journey into the otherworld, a meeting
with spirits and a death-rebirth experience. In the deathrebirth
experience, the candidate has a vision of his body being
dismembered, often by fantastic beings or animal spirits, and then
reassembled from the wreckage. The new body invariably contains
an extra part often described as an additional bone or an inclusion
of magical quartz stones or sometimes an animal spirit. This
experience graphically symbolizes the location of the aetheric
force field within the body or the addition of various extra powers
to it.
In most shamanic systems this aetheric force is exuded
through the naval region for short range magics, although it can be
sent through the eyes or hands instead. It is the same as the Chi or
Ki or Kundalini or aura.
The shamanic tradition exhibits a full range of magical
themes. Exorcism and curing are the main skills shared with the
community, and these are usually undertaken in trance and ecstatic
states during which an otherworld journey is made to seek a
cure. Magical attack and protection may be performed for clients,
and shamans themselves will frequently fight each other for supremacy,
often assuming their otherworld animal shapes for this
Some shamanists cultivate enormous physiological control
with which to resist extremes of heat, cold, and pain. Firewalking
Shamanism in which fierce heat is magically prevented from scorching flesh is a very common feature of this tradition and occurs worldwide.
Congress with the spirit world is extensive and includes
various nature spirits, animal and plant entities and servitors, the
shades of the dead, sexual entities like incubi and succubi and
usually a horned god, even in lands with no horned animals.
Egress into the otherworld is made through perilous clashing gates,
comparable to the modern conception of the Abyss. Dream as well
as trance is an important method of obtaining access to the
Shamanic tools are highly varied but usually include a noise
making device, such as a drum or snake bone rattle, to call spirits
and induce trance, as well as various power objects, most commonly
quartz crystals. The extraordinary traditions of shamanism
are the fountainhead of all occult systems, and it is to shamanism
that we must look if we wish to pick up the pieces of magic, man's
oldest science, and use them again.

Michael Harner's'"The Way of the Shaman" is also an excellent book

6-you can start by learning to meditate, and meet your spirit animal halfway so to speak.

edit on 24-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:33 PM
I have a thread on Spirit animal guides here:

Spirit Animal Guides, Mine is Raven, What is yours?

I was surprised at the amount of people who have had contacts like yours and mine.

There were a few bats on that thread, check out the links.

I had an interesting encounter with a bat at work one day right after a guy died who lived in the building I work in. A bat flew into the main hallway and I had to catch it and let it free outside. Touched it, and knew it was the old man trying to return home.

I let him go outside and told him he no longer lived in the building

Check that thread out, you might find something useful in it

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

greetings fellow shamanist!
though i've always felt a very strong identification/affinity for Raven

the Spirit Animal vouchsafed me in a Vision, just before my ongoing dark night of the soul began is the The Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

i've bookmarked your thread for later tonight
[have to download ios 6 for a neighbor whose OTA update has gotten stuck]
edit on 24-9-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by prodftw
My question now is... how do I get into contact with him again... with myself.
He came to me in a dream and I have a feeling I must persue him. He is here to help me, my intuition tells me.

edit on 24-9-2012 by prodftw because: (no reason given)

Simply by wanting it to happen again will make it so. These things cannot really be forced, they have to be allowed to happen in their own timing. Spirit will see to it you get the information, but it will be on spirits time table.

Dreams are only the beginning. I would imagine you will start to have actual animals come to you in various ways.
Your own intuition will tell you when it is a sign. For now, start to look up what it means to have an animal guide and make sure you read several different sites versions. It is important to find which one speaks to YOU, you will know when you find it.

Best of luck!

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Thanks much for the reply! I will just try and let it come to me as it did last night.

In reply to your statement about contact with animals well, it's funny you should say that.. I had just gotten back from a friends house literally 30 minutes ago and a bat had flew into the garage and flyed around for a good ten seconds above us.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by prodftw

Well there you go!

2nd line

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Haha I found a place in my town that does has an introduction to shamanism class would you recommend a class like this? Also, where abouts in minnesota do you live if you don't mind me asking. Im a minnesotan aswell.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by prodftw

I would check out the class. Even if it is not totally right (no one thing is for everyone in my experience) you could get a lot out of it. If I had a chance to take one, I would.

I'm in Hibbing MN.
Grew up in Duluth (teenage years)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Alright awesome I might check it out then. And cool im from Rochester

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