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How the insects (3 & 6) mark a target, and where to find them...

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posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:26 AM
So this is how they "bug" you, the best way I understand it.

Ok, so as ive said before, teh animal herders use animals to do various things (surveillance, attack, tasks/errands, etc). This same method is used by 3 & 6 (BLACK 3 and BLACK 6, not WHITE 3 and WHITE 6) with the insects. Say that (3/6) have a person that they are targeting. They will "pull" bugs/insects (not completely sure how they do it, but its possibly by sub sonic means-think about those plug-in sonic things that keep bugs away, just the technology reversed so it pulls the bug in) in the summertime (because once it gets cold the insect population is killed off) in northern regions and full time (all seasons) in the southwest, due to bugs being around all the time due to the environment being more sustainable. So say you are the target and you are staying at a hotel and they want to attack you. They (3/6) can watch the target through the eyes of the insect.

What they will do is once the target has gone to sleep, the bugs will center/amasse themselves on the targets door. Also when walking around outside, the target will unusually attract swarms of flies/insects, like in that Sam Rami/Justin Long movie "Drag Me to Hell"-the insect welcomes the devils dead). This identifies the target to the ones who drain people/give the heart attacks. Its some sort of internal process that uses vibrations-they start it by banging on your door, causig a dog to bark, or have a person speak or scream loudly (a few examples-basically make noise but giving real world examples). A loud laugh is typical as blind onlookers cant tell whats going on if they arent "in on it", and it makes it easily concealable to the blind eye. Basically its anything that will cause sound vibrations, some more examples: loud car motorcycle exhaust (revving it), turning music up loudly in the car, banging on the walls of an adjacent hotel room. From those vibrations that are created and with the technology projected onto the target, it somehow gives the person heart arrythmia.

When they do this, other people (the spiders, 4 & 8) are usually present and are able to target them this way, using the original target as bait. The best way for the target to ID the attacker is by taking a visual inventory of the cars in the parking lot, makes/models/yeas, and VIN # (vehicle identification number-located on the drivers side dash area generally), as the insects get wise to the plate recording and put fake plates (a crime if pulled over by police) on their cars when doing target attacks to avoid detection-as VINS are permanetly mounted. Also hotel cameras/recording devices are handy as once the target becomes aware of the attacks, (3 & 6) counters the vehicle ID'ing by using a rental car, or just dropping people off to do the dirty work, or park their car in an overnight lot and walk to the hotel, or take a cab to the target's hotel, things like that. So they cannot always be identified by vehicle-although if you have access to the records you can just go back to who its registered to and investigate through them.

Once a target becomes aware of whats going on around them, they can begin to "sense" when attackers are in the area, kind of like spiderman's "spider sense". The target will attract bugs like I mentioned before, but will also have strange dreams/nightmares, and a variety of other things while awake. A prime example is that thought suddenly becomes illogical-for example, my slut ex gf cheated on me with 2 of my "friends" and when they are "pushing" on me, I will start to think up excuses/fake reasons to evidence that she did not, even though I physically verified that she had been "stretched out" if you know what I mean-not trying to be graphic or expand on that-but you should know what I mean, this is just a real world example of how the physical wont match the thought, and how the illogical "mind pushing" identifies them.

Other things that are more common but people may not be aware of is compressed breathing, a small increased heartbeat (but not full arrythmia), the target yawn or feel tired when being "fed off of", the target will start to forget things (wiping) and be unable to recall facts and past experiences (usually temporary unless they put you fully "asleep" as oce the pusher is gone the targets polarity field usually recovers), feel anger or rage unnecissarily (like getting mad at a fire hydrant or something dumb lol), and other things. The reason I say a camera/recording is affective is that it will help to later identify the attacker, which will lead the spider to other attackers that they can consume. They will also try to break your train of thought by focusing your perception on distractions-I am a target and I guess they dont want me writing this out, but the Lord is telling me to do so and I keep regaining my focus because they keep trying to do this to me as I write this thread out. Also if you speak to them and confront them, by the target speaking they can "garble" the words that come out, so that what is being said is unrecognizable (like when Don Vito gets angry on the Jackass series and you cant understand what hes saying because he raging out, but to a lesser effect-when its applied, just talking quietly can do it without the excitability).

I dont really know what happens to the attackers once theyve been revealed to the spider, (4 & 8) other than they are somehow "marked" by 8, as ive had people attack me and I know who they are, and they seem to be walking around fine as if justice was never brought -so I hope someone really is defending us out there-as I dont know how many more EM heart attacks I can take before I end up like Andrew Breitbart. They also gave me cancer too, and sadly it appears as though I go unavenged , and I feel that they should be brought to justice but also that I should not have been harmed in the first place, as it is pointless if I end up sick or dead from all of this. Its very frustrating, I can not even begin to describe it in words, but I do my best.

They will also pay masons (masons are commonly contracted to bounty hunt) to ID targets and a common "fishing" ground is Wal Mart stores. I finally figured out why all these people die in Wal Mart parking lots all the time, and why they present more lights as a solution-because it prevents the darkness. Wal Mart is open to everyone (all polarities from RED to BLUE), even predators, and thats why small towns are strictly against them being put in-it makes people and their children targets-ever notice the missing kid boards standard at all Wal Marts?


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:51 AM


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:52 AM

Also another way the target can feel that they are being trageted is that they get unusually hot internally, even if its cold outside similar to after eating, but the target hasnt eaten.

Another way they do targeting is by radio and live TV like ive said before in other posts. An agreement will be made with the news anchor or radio DJ (who can see through the cattle humans eyes) and they will call out small facts during the times that they speak. Examples: the weather man will be doing the weather (since its live feed), an in describing the forecast, he will mention that he just bought a new car (which is actually a lie-thou shalt not bear false witness) thats RED, to center the "fishers" in on the car the target is driving (if they have a RED car, basically they call out the color or make of the vehicle, identifiers). The fishers then move in and follow/attack the target, then even up with the weatherman by paying him/her in money, sex, or other resources (not to pick on all the weather people out there, I have many friends that have that job and are meteorologists , just using that as an example that everyone would recognize; Id assume that DJs are cheaper to contract out since radio advertising is always less expensive than TV, but thats just an assumption, I dont know).

But yea just to say it again, Wal Marts are dangerous. The poor/homeless sleep in their cars in their lots and they have the cheapest goods, and since no one cares about those levels of people in society, if they are killed or disappear, no one cares or notices. They also fish at hospitals, as if someone has an ailment and they attack/drain the persons life force via EM, no one even realizes that it wasnt the disease/ailment that killed them, and business continues as usual. This is why its popular in minority cultures to have births and medical procedures done in their homes (as in the days of old). Id recommend staying away from Wal Marts ifyou dont have adequate protection. Also, sadly, churches have become the new (or maybe always, I dont know) big fishing grounds. Ever notice people falling asleep at church? (an easy way to conceal as masses are usually early on Sundays) or how some people just seem unable to remain attentive to the sermon? The real world (what you see) explanation is "Clergy Response Teams" like Alex Jones talks about. Its basically a group of religious leaders that collaborate together to mind control the church members.

African American churches are generally much, much safer because they are generally more honest and have great blocking abilities, as teh African American (and Asian) races generally have a higher incidence of consciousness blindness, and their cultures have adapted to it through decades of practice, in order to keep their families and children safe. This is why priests and ministers will be brought to hell too (not just the regular people) as illustrated in Jean Columbe's "Office of the Dead" seen here:

Also an excerpt from another thread ive posted in, explaining the painting:

Originally posted by strangedays
bonus pic of the angels carrying the souls that have completed their penance (great trials and tribulations, as the other good souls are already up there doin their thing), while the sinners and such (people you are talking about) getting burned up by the fire (devil) and killing each other

river for the people that die in the floods, fire for the people that die in the fire/valcano/river of fire/etc, animals eating the people on the land (animal herders) that abused them, the black dead for the ones killing each other and taken by disease, and 6 angels to rescue the last of the sinners that have repented and begged for forgiveness (notice a priest and bishop in the picture- they represent the clergy response teams)


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:54 AM


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:54 AM
Op, uhm....your posts are driving me crazy trying to figure out what youre saying. Whats the deal with the colors? Before it was red and blue, now theres more? is there something i missed? Id love to have a clue what ypu are talking about lol....

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Strange Days Indeed.

Ok so you start your post with "So this is how they "bug" you, the best way I understand it. "

How did you get this info to understand it. Is this all from your perspective or are you a part of something that is the likes of your post. Is this something you did to others or is this just your take on how "they" do it?

edit on 24-9-2012 by BlastedCaddy because: Red

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by strangedays

Your posts read as my aunt used to speak. She used to know my uncle put spiders all over the house and could make them mass against her while he made "bombs"...

And then...

She got medication and now she talks about baking cookies or playing cards.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Also, another identifier for attackers (the masons finds the target, IDs them, then turns them over to the attacker who do the "dirty work" so that the original target-er, top of the chain guy/gal, experiences "disconnect" from the crime thats taking place, so it can never be tried in a court of law and totally side steps the Constitution) is to put things on or around the target's car. Chicken and rib bones are popular as they are a common universal identifier for targets and will go unnoticed or regarded as trash when other people walk by and notice them. They may put something specific (custom for certain specific targets) on a target's car or hotel door, such as a piece of tape or trash as previously mentioned, or in a specific place so that the targets car can specifically be identified (if they are aware that the spiders are watching them and waiting to consume them, they may do it to track the target once they are unprotected, as there are certain rules to travel-cant leave an area code for example).

Windshield flyers are are a good one as it just appears to the regular world as an advertisement for a company, when it actually has a completely different purpose to a fisher. This is also why police recommend against putting bumper stickers on your car, having a vanity plate, or having an unclean car interior (info-addresses on bills and items strewn about the car, for example). Anything that will make a target "stand out" basically. Other examples: white out dabbed onto a specific rim of the targets car (this is why you always look your car over when coming out of the store, and many other reasons like if someone hit it, there might be cameras in the lot to identify the hit and run person, my friend Joe C taught me that), having an unwashed car (a common thing to do is to write "wash me" on a dirty cars window as people that arent in the know will do that too just as a "fun" thing, and it helps to anonymize the people using it for nefarious purposes), dent a persons car, many things-basically anything that someone could speak simply in a conversation to keep it to a few words, so that the collaborating attackers (aka the walking dead) can remain anonymous if discovered, so that they can escape the spiders. Thats all I got for now, ill put more up as its canneled to me.

If you dont understand what im talking about, id suggest reading ALL OF MY OTHER POSTS TO EDUCATE YOURSELF instead of mocking me like an idiot. In fact, if you are doing that, you dont deserve to understand what im talking about. The world needs plenty of ignorant victims lol.

EDIT: God bless everyone 2x, and heres a quick list of the ten commandments for the heck of it:

1.Thou shalt not steal
2.Thou shalt not kill
3. Thou shalt not have any other gods before me (GOD-big G not little g's)
4. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vein
5. Thou shalt not bear false witness
6. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife/husband
7. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house/goods
8. Thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father
9. Thou shalt labor 6 days, and rest on the 7th as the Lord did
10 Thou shalt not make any graven image onto thee (this means dont worship false idols, like animals or totems-the snake, the bull, the dog, the horse, the spider, the insect, etc)
edit on 24-9-2012 by strangedays because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:11 PM
this makes no sense, and you know it.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:22 PM
Hmm. Maybe thats why someone does something to every freakin car ive ever owned, up to the point that i felt a need to drive a car that weighed 5000 pounds...

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by strangedays

I did notice an unusual amount of flies/flying insects trying to fly up my nose this summer!!

Are these the 3 & 6? (the black ones)

Strange thing is, they are not hiding it anymore. I'm serious!! During daylight hours, while being awake and aware.

I did a 7 & 4 (grey scale) but to no avail.

Do you think they are on to me? I need to destroy this hideout and go deep under....



posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:05 PM


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:20 PM
Just a reminder about this forum:

ATS Skunk Works: This forum is dedicated to the all-important highly speculative topics that may not be substantiated by many, if any facts and span the spectrum of topics discussed on ATS. Readers and users should be aware that extreme theories without corroboration are embraced in this forum. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of's tradition of focusing on conspiracy theory, cover-ups, and scandals.

If you do not want to discuss the OP seriously or ask genuine questions - there are other ATS forums for you to peruse.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

I agree with you completely. For those of us who are clearly confused by this post can you explain it to us. I'd like to comment on it if I could understand it. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 04:20 PM
I believe what you're saying. Hang in there and steer your mind towards god always. Then it doesn't matter what happens to your body. When the time comes that's exactly where you'll go. I know I probably can't fully understand what your going through but I still think its good advice. I mean I'm talking about an image or a word or a thought that symbolizes god to you. Use it continually and he will reach you through it. You're the one going through the bull# so I hope you don't mind me throwing in my 2 cents

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 07:55 PM
1. What technology do they use to control the bugs?
2. Have you witnessed this firsthand? If so, please describe what you saw.
3. If not, how did you come across this information?
4. Do you have any sources that collaborate any part of your theory?

5. Are you just making this all up off the top of your head?..

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by clay2 baraka
1. What technology do they use to control the bugs?
2. Have you witnessed this firsthand? If so, please describe what you saw.
3. If not, how did you come across this information?
4. Do you have any sources that collaborate any part of your theory?

5. Are you just making this all up off the top of your head?..

Everyone who is in "the consciousness" can see it if they just watch me through my eyes. Im not sure if its man made or spirit made. I believe that even if the tech were man made, the person "pushing the button" to do it may not realize they themselves are being controlled by spirits. Cryptology (which is what it centers around) has been around long before the time of our or anyone elses current military. They used to do this "summoning" in the days of the Egyptians and such long before any of us were around. The reason I would explain it as current tech is they may be able to to do it electronically, but the "gift" they were given (figuring out how to engineer it) came from the spirit world. If you look at the US Military, its fundamentals are based on the ten commandments. For instance, at West Point, officers swear an oath that "Cadets will never lie, cheat or steal" (thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors house, thou shalt not steal) it just all how its interpreted. But id venture to say our military has a lot more God in it than it appears to the public.

It tends to happen more when im using my cell phone, and it could be for 2 reasons. The cell waves could be sonically attracting them, but also the persons voice im talking to could also be pulling them to me. Like I said im not sure how it works, I just know that they swarm onto me on certain days (especially when its the 6th day of something).

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 07:23 AM
Just a short bit more on this. The cell weapons appear to be weaker in low cell phone coverage areas and areas of no service, although I think you still can generate a field to use a weapon from a portable means/antenna, such as the cb radio field from a semi truck as explained in my other threads. Also, if you use one of those commercial grade "cell tower blocker" boxes (started appearing at CES in 2005, so its old tech now) you can interrupt and block that field, which will weaken or eliminate the cell weapons effectiveness.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by strangedays
Just a short bit more on this. The cell weapons appear to be weaker in low cell phone coverage areas and areas of no service, although I think you still can generate a field to use a weapon from a portable means/antenna, such as the cb radio field from a semi truck as explained in my other threads. Also, if you use one of those commercial grade "cell tower blocker" boxes (started appearing at CES in 2005, so its old tech now) you can interrupt and block that field, which will weaken or eliminate the cell weapons effectiveness.

Then it operates within the mobile network or in similar fashion.

makes sense

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:10 AM
Just a tip, if you really are living through what I think you are...

Their actions are just a reflection of what you think you understand about them. They build their "show" based on your internal verbalization of your thought processes. What if they just call off their games when you call to "St. Michael" as a way to deceive you?

Who knows, you might know more about this than me, but just give it some thought.

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