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Disgraceful - Fed Agents Acquire Fake ID’s With Ease - So much for Security and Free Elections

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posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:28 AM
In 2005, Bush signed into law the Real ID Act which was supposed to make it more difficult for people to obtain fraudulent driver licenses. Apparently this law has done little to prevent anyone from obtaining a fake ID. Federal investigators were able to consistently cheat the system.

Federal investigators were able to get fraudulent driver’s licenses in all three states where they tried, according to a report released Friday that shows continued problems with states’ ID programs more than 11 years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks highlighted the problem.

The investigators used forged birth certificates purportedly issued by Ohio and New York, and successfully submitted them in three other states.

“In most of these five attempts across the three states, we were issued permanent or temporary licenses in about 1 hour or less,” the audit says. “In only one case did a front-counter clerk appear to question the validity of one of the counterfeit documents, but this clerk did not stop the issuance process.”
Washington Times

At a minimum, States are required to verify all of the following:

1. A photo identity document (except that a non-photo identity document is acceptable if it includes both the person’s full legal name and date of birth)

2. Documentation showing the person’s date of birth

3. Proof of the person’s social security account number (SSN) or verification that the person is not eligible for an SSN

4. Documentation showing the person’s name and address of principal residence

Before issuing an ID, the state is required to verify, with the issuing agency, the validity of each document presented. Apparently the states are having a hard time distinguishing fake birth certificates and fake SSN’s and they’re not completely verifying the validity of the documents they’re presented.

What does this say about the probability of rampant election fraud this coming November. What does it say about our general safety and security today? If we shared any illusions that we were safe and that we still have free and open elections I think we can put that notion to rest now.

edit on 24-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by seabag

You're not jumping on the birther wagon are you?

Seriously though this only proves to a higher degree that Voter ID laws will only cause harm and not improve a damn thing. And do try to remember the issue has been blown way out of proportion, preying on the portion of the population that tends to be xenophobic.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:08 AM
I dont know why this is up because voter fraud is just a myth and really non-existent. I believe that because i read two threads that say so.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Kali74

You're not jumping on the birther wagon are you?

Jumping on? I’ve never left!

You must admit this revelation makes the accusations against Obama more believable; it’s not as hard to pull off as some people would like us to believe. However, that's not the point of this thread. That ship has sailed....I'm more worried about the safety and security of this country and our voting rights.

Seriously though this only proves to a higher degree that Voter ID laws will only cause harm and not improve a damn thing. And do try to remember the issue has been blown way out of proportion, preying on the portion of the population that tends to be xenophobic.

I no longer think the voter ID laws would be as effective as I once thought since acquiring a fake ID is so easy. I still support it though simply because anything that makes election fraud more difficult is a good thing IMO.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by eazyriderl_l

I dont know why this is up because voter fraud is just a myth and really non-existent. I believe that because i read two threads that say so.


The reason voter fraud isn’t a big issue is because the people perpetrating the fraud control the MSM and don’t want it to be an issue.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it…..did it really fall?

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:16 AM
Yes...cuz people obtain fake IDs, commit a felony...and also create fake addresses..risk jail time and thousands of dolalrs in fines...all in a criminal conspiracy where their ONE VOTE in 65 MILLION is THE SINGLE VOTE TO DECIDE THE ELECTION..

Why wouldn't someon take THAT risk?

As opposed to the nearly 100 different voter suppression laws the GOP has proposed across the country which are estimated to effect up to 6 Million people...

THAT is a risk worth taking and one that the GOP will be remembered for.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Yes...cuz people obtain fake IDs, commit a felony...and also create fake addresses..risk jail time and thousands of dolalrs in fines...all in a criminal conspiracy where their ONE VOTE in 65 MILLION is THE SINGLE VOTE TO DECIDE THE ELECTION..

Why wouldn't someon take THAT risk?

There’s no penalty if you don’t get caught.

If I use the name of a dead person or someone who has yet to vote (maybe a neighbor) and I'm questioned about it I'll just walk out! Who is going to stop me? It's not hard to walk in and vote as someone else. I've never seen police at a polling station....never! And if there is no voter ID law, how the hell would you know I'm not that person?

As opposed to the nearly 100 different voter suppression laws the GOP has proposed across the country which are estimated to effect up to 6 Million people...

THAT is a risk worth taking and one that the GOP will be remembered for.

GOP voter suppression?

Is that what you call trying to maintain a free and fair election process; suppression?

edit on 24-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:26 AM
As I've said in another thread, TPTB are just trying to drive discussion about voter ID, so that they can persuade the masses that a free Federally issued national ID card is a good idea.

Of course, you'll need to carry your national ID card at all times, and will require it for things like voting, and it will probably have an RFID chip and biometric data incorporated into it, but hey, it makes it easy to vote!

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by babybunnies

As I've said in another thread, TPTB are just trying to drive discussion about voter ID, so that they can persuade the masses that a free Federally issued national ID card is a good idea.

Of course, you'll need to carry your national ID card at all times, and will require it for things like voting, and it will probably have an RFID chip and biometric data incorporated into it, but hey, it makes it easy to vote!

Well the voter ID law here in Texas requires a state ID or driver license. The states conduct the elections and the states should verify the identity of voters IMO; it's not a federal issue.

I don’t support a federal ID either….there is no need for it. That’s a little too close to Nazi Germany for me!

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Yes...cuz people obtain fake IDs, commit a felony...and also create fake addresses..risk jail time and thousands of dolalrs in fines...all in a criminal conspiracy where their ONE VOTE in 65 MILLION is THE SINGLE VOTE TO DECIDE THE ELECTION..

I understand your distain for the voter ID laws but what about the other issues I raised?

If anyone can bring in some forged documents and get an ID (basically assume a fraudulent identity) then doesn’t that means we’re likely living amongst many foreign people with nefarious intentions (terrorists if you will)? Does this bother you? It certainly bothers me...

edit on 24-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Risk what? There have been only a handful of convictions in court about this, regardless of how rampant or not these videos and post prove it to be. Seabag is right. The media is paid for so until it really servers their purpose there will be no mentions of it.

So with no mention in the media, no one to enforce or catch one doing this, then the absolute blackout on the back end, where is the real risk?

*the media does talk about it, they just all lie to support their views of the voter laws

IE. R= rampant voter fraud and we need tons of laws
D= voter fraud never happens and we should just let any vote like *undocumented workers*
edit on 24-9-2012 by eazyriderl_l because: accuracy

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Indigo5

Yes...cuz people obtain fake IDs, commit a felony...and also create fake addresses..risk jail time and thousands of dolalrs in fines...all in a criminal conspiracy where their ONE VOTE in 65 MILLION is THE SINGLE VOTE TO DECIDE THE ELECTION..

I understand your distain for the voter ID laws but what about the other issues I raised?

If anyone can bring in some forged documents and get an ID (basically assume a fraudulent identity) then doesn’t that means we’re likely living amongst many foreign people with nefarious intentions (terrorists if you will)? Does this bother you? It certainly bothers me...

edit on 24-9-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

Interesting story on this. I hadn't realized fail came in such capital letters on this issue. WOW... The Real ID act has been nothing but a REAL pain in my butt since, as a CDL license holder, they DO tend to follow the rules and they do check everything when I go. Ever try getting a replacement Birth Cert from a place like California because the License you've had all your life doesn't stand for saying who you are to renew the very same license? It's just stupid how it's set up.

That rings home especially hard when your article demonstrates the apparent ease by which the system is being cheated. Now that is just outright wrong and no two ways about it. In this day and age of high tech goodness, you'd think they'd carve out a little space for things like certain ID of a person to an activity ID is important for. ...Voting comes to mind.. but heck, one can buy a gun with a drivers license. no problem.

Fakes need to be near impossible to ACTUALLY HAVE ISSUED by the agency handling it. It's never going to be impossible to duplicate by someone with skill....but to have the state hand over the golden ticket, outright, is something that should take extreme difficulty to manage. Not half efforts for testing offices on political grounds.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

That rings home especially hard when your article demonstrates the apparent ease by which the system is being cheated. Now that is just outright wrong and no two ways about it. In this day and age of high tech goodness, you'd think they'd carve out a little space for things like certain ID of a person to an activity ID is important for. ...Voting comes to mind.. but heck, one can buy a gun with a drivers license.

Thanks for the input!

Yes, there are many things that cannot (or should not) be done without a valid ID (flying on a plane is another example). One thing that came to mind immediately were the Iranian’s and terrorists organizations operating in South America. Talk about negative implications!! This failure by some states to properly identify people could lead to a whole bunch of serious issues.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by eazyriderl_l

I dont know why this is up because voter fraud is just a myth and really non-existent. I believe that because i read two threads that say so.


The reason voter fraud isn’t a big issue is because the people perpetrating the fraud control the MSM and don’t want it to be an issue.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it…..did it really fall?


eazyriderl_l: either naive or forgot the/sarc tag

voter fraud is a reality
the repubs do it with electronic voting machines, and the dems do it [nowadays] by claiming that having to prove your identity, so as to insure you're not voting twice or more is "discriminating against the poor" and "racist"".

then there's the folks who sell their votes,

but don't get me started on that one [very sore point in my family]

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:57 PM

The investigators used forged birth certificates purportedly issued by Ohio and New York, and successfully submitted them in three other states. “In most of these five attempts across the three states, we were issued permanent or temporary licenses in about 1 hour or less,” the audit says. “In only one case did a front-counter clerk appear to question the validity of one of the counterfeit documents, but this clerk did not stop the issuance process.”

Lemme guess? heavily democratic states fraud is easy.

Had my license renews last earlier this year and had to wait a week to get here in Indiana,

They want fraud and isn't it the job of the department of injustice enforce that law?

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 12:57 PM

edit on 24-9-2012 by neo96 because: double post sorry

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 01:08 PM
I'm sure it was pretty universal... but a few months back, at least here in Atlanta, we has about a month straight of news coverage about how the lines at the DMV went absolutely insane - and wait times were outrageous, all due to the new conditions for obtaining ID.

I never saw a news report on this specific aspect of THIS story, but once in awhile our local news will also cover stories of a local area, where many Mexican immigrants come to, where one can purchase all the necessary legal documentation for a few hundred bucks. And, if you pay extra - the documents will actually check out.

So it's not surprise to me that this is happening. Although voter fraud seems less likely to me than it being more of illegal aliens / fugitives / credit scammers-evaders issue.


posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by seabag

Jumping on? I’ve never left!

Seriously? I think I have given you some seriously undue credit.

Back to topic...
So a heavily Right leaning publication is claiming that federal investigators were able to obtain legal IDs with fraudulently obtained documents... personally I think they are only praying on xenophobia (there's help for that dontcha know). There's not one link to a single thing that can back up these claims. All the links in the article lead exactly no where.

The transparency of pushing this non issue is abundantly clear and it was seen for the nonsense it is, so they're going to what push for birth certificate purges now?

I can't believe anyone with halfway decent logic would go for restricticion/suppression/authoritarian 'fixes' to a problem that barely exists over some common sense overhaul within city/state departments that deal with birth records and identification.
edit on 24-9-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

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