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Sup ATS, and oh yeah... i need a lil advice on stopping my bro from joining the armed forces.

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posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six
Well you asked for opinions so I will give my "well respected" opinion as blunt as always.

Why stop your brother joining the armed forces. He seems to have absolutely sod all going for him and has a poor job record (being fired, for stealing no doubt but we will stick with your "misunderstanding" explanation). He has very little hope of securing a decent living apart from maybe being in charge of fries at Mcdonalds so life for him is expected to be a dry and monotonous adventure from here onwards.

Joining the armed forces can give him that sense of being lied to professionally you just cant get in other industries. The promise of brotherhood (overrated unless you are the needy kind or insecure), the promise of a healthy but megre pay check each week and some rather stylish clothes. You have the joy of possibly being deployed to some turd box you have no business being in for the extraction of that particular countries resource all under the guise of the current in word whatever it may be. Right now its Terrorism but tomorrow it could well be traitorism with the current plans the US has to retrieve all guns from its weak and tired population. IF your brother happens to be deployed to one of the many crap-spots around the world and he suffer the indignity of some form of maiming he will be welcomed back to home turf with the promise of rehabilitation and ongoing support - which happens to encompass basically fu** all but a punch in the face from the very country you lost your dignity for.

Oh and the cream on the cake - he will hear a lot about the "support our troops" crap when in fact 99% of the population are just fu**ing cowards and do not support the troops as they don't have a god damn clue what that really mean but they spout the same "I don't support the war(s) but I do support the troops" crap because they are so afraid of being outcasted by their fellow losers in society. Aks him to go round his neighbourhood and ask each family what exactly support the troops means!! I bet he gets a lot of BS answers. Then ask them to honestly tell him how much they have supported the troops and how have they supported the troops.

This will entail a lot of people pulling out bumper stickers and tie pins but not one will actually be able to say with any proof and certainty that they have in some way actively helped the troops with some show of support that invloved them sacrificing something of major value or importance. You see your bro should know that "support the troops" is mainly just a slogan for members of the public to throw about so they can be "in" with society.

I would rather have a honey enema and sit atop a ants nest than be as superficial as the 99% of people who claim to support the troops. (in the 1% it is mainly people who have actually served in the armed forces - those who have not are about as knowledgeable and clued up about what it encompasses as obama is about doing the correct thing by the people).


Alright, don't know why why you came up with theft here; he worked for a web design company and his boss spotted him speaking with an owner of another web design company at some convention that they were required to represent at. Bro said the conversation was about the most mundane of #, but boss man didn't like the interaction either way.

Despite the our waning economic and social environment being engineered to become ever more worse, he is still able to sustain something better than fries overwatch at Mcd's, butt only if he puts that effort in, just the same as i see other people his age and younger pull in a job and go to school. Community college ain't the best, but financial aid can pay for it, and if he does well enough, he can apply to go most schools he wants.

These "turd boxes" you mention here are turd boxes in the first place because of our and other NATO governments that, as you said, extract resources, among other things. You seem to have a grasp on our reality here but retain a seemingly apathetic, "oh well" nature to thing's. Not sure what you are trying to tell em here.

And with the support the troops, you are partly right there. Like many of the bull# lines that are flashed across billboards, television screens, newspapers and everywhere, it is a slogan; a well managed and selected set pf words designed to elicit a quick, simple and thoughtless emotional response. Once that is finished, everyone goes back to their lives; bills, T.V., BBQ's, shopping, all that. But thee are some who are at least half awake who realize that these guys are fighting for bullshtit, so when they, like me, say they support the troops but dotn support the war, they mean that they realize that the soldier goes through deadly and hazardous bull# to keep us safe and preserve the liberties of this country. but then they realize this is not the case, but the complete opposite. So they keep the troops in mind, but say # this war.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
Your brother is an adult, a grown-up. He doesn't need your advice on how to live his life and he need not buy off on your view of reality. Leave him alone.

I agree. As much as you may not want him to join, the decision is his, not yours. He has a direction he wants to take with his life and you have a direction that you want to take yours. As he is an adult, the best you can really do is tell him that you really don't want him to go and you love him.

And the rest is up to him.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by bigman88

I have a big problem. My little brother of 20 years old up and decided he wants to join the marines

Your brother is an adult, whether you like it or not. Let him make his own decisions, trying to make them for him is only going to alienate you from him. If you value your relationship with your brother you'll let him make his own decisions.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by bigman88

I have a big problem. My little brother of 20 years old up and decided he wants to join the marines

Double post.
edit on 25-9-2012 by Monger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:24 AM
Everyone, i realize he is an adult, in know this. But wouldn't you do anything you can to enlighten a friend or family member on making a hasty, ill conceived and poorly thought decision? Especially if that friend or family member has made these kinds of decisions before. I guess the only way foe people to not look at this as me simply controlling my grown brother is to look into the context of his character.

He is very intelligent. Wit like a whip. But that does not counteract his carelessness and lack of motivation to put in extra effort to initiate/complete things. It's always the bare minimum with him. And since he stopped taking the meds for his "ADHD" at about 13yrs, he has become somewhat to very anti-empathetic towards anything not concerning himself or things he likes. He reacts on emotion alone sometimes without thought; he get's mad even when he is in the wrong or has do simple # like a few chores or offended when he hears thing's he doesn't like even though it may be the damn truth.

Now i joined ATS to discuss with other people the affairs that the media straight up lies to us about, those zany "conspiracy theories" that happen to have mountains of suppressed and omitted evidence that happens to not make it conspiracy theories. I didn't think that everyone on this site might be in tune to whats really happening world wide, but my time on this site has showed me that many are not buying it at all, so i assume some come for the sole purpose to disprove or question things here (which is fine). But me coming into knowledge of our true political situation, is ti really control when i try to dissuade my bro form joining an institution that is utilized for oppression and invasion world wide? Yes the commercial has epic glory music, soldiers helping poor brown people and posing arm in arm smiling, but don't we all really know it reeks of bull#?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:27 AM
If your brother wants to be a Marine, get him to read about Marine Corps Lieutenant James "Bing" Popkowski.

He developed CANCER eating his bones. To get controlled substances (narcotics) from Veterans Affairs you have to physically get in to see one of their doctors EVERY 30 days to get your medication.

Since all the VA's were closed, doctors fired....and they only have contracted doctors now its IMPOSSIBLE to routinely get narcotics refilled every 30 days by them. You can't get in every 30 days to actually SEE A DOCTOR to get your medications refilled monthly from the VA. Sure they are good with their mail order refills, but anything you need that's a controlled substance....your as good as DEAD if you have to rely on the VA.

This poor MARINE had CANCER EATING HIM ALIVE....and he couldn't even get his country to give him pain meds to deal with it.

Get your brother to read ALL the stories online as well as the VA IG report. They not only screwed over that Marine and made him suffer a painful life as his body rotted away....they SHOT HIM. 8 bullets I think it was....

Poor Marine....Semper Fi.....we treat our dogs better.
edit on 26-9-2012 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:34 AM
his choice. It is like telling him to not study law because it is bad, or be a doctor because the industry is bad.

The trade of arms is older than prostitution. If that is what he is at heart, accept that you have a warrior for a brother. A man first, yes, but a warrior man.

I find myself in a similar situation. I think it is best to accept people for what they are, rather than try and change them to fit your own standards.

Even in a perfect world, you will need soldiers.

edit on 26-9-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

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