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A Question to Rosicrucians

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posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:04 PM

I have been a student of the mysteries for a while now and really feel drawn to the certain teachings, in particular the Gnostic, Hermetic and Rosicrucian texts that I have read.

I looked into the Rosicrucian Order where I live and only found AMORC. I have searched this site and the web and it seems there is a disagreement between people saying AMORC is not the real deal and its teachings are not based on the original fundamental Rosicrucian teachings and practices from old.

Just wondering if there are any members here who can speak to this, or if anyone else has any information in this regard to please let me know.

Also, other than the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, are there any other Hermetic Organizations out there?

Thanks and Peace!

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 01:57 PM
I can't really answer your main question -- sorry. To say which had more "authentic" teachings, one would have to talk to someone who had seen both the original, and the one in question, I suppose... or otherwise had some exposure to both...

To my understanding, there are also several orders claiming descent from the original Golden Dawn.

I don't know if the OTO or AA have modern branches.

The Temple Of Set gets into hermetic thought. As the name would imply, the ToS leans more toward the egyptian pantheon in some of their imagery, but they really do study worldwide occultism (through a western slant, IMO). It may be fair to "warn" that the temple was created by Michael Aquino as a tangential organization when Aquino left the Church of Satan. As such, certain elements of the temple have a "left hand" flavor, exploration of the LHP is not discouraged, and some even accuse the inner priesthood of being "Setian" "satanists..."

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by wrdwzrd

What have you found in the Rosicrucian Order that's worthwhile? I've been seeking more light for several years now and all I've found was less than I sought.

posted on Sep, 18 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by wrdwzrd

I looked into the Rosicrucian Order where I live and only found AMORC. I have searched this site and the web and it seems there is a disagreement between people saying AMORC is not the real deal and its teachings are not based on the original fundamental Rosicrucian teachings and practices from old.

Without going into a whole bunch of details. Rosicrucian as philosophic ideal is a concept of thinking, and the AMORC are to different groups.

The AMORC was started by a guy named Max H. (sorry I can't remember his last name) after having some sort of angelic vision. It's called "Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis" but really it was founded in the early 1900's (so much for ancient)

The Rosicrucian Order was founded somewhere in the 1600's. The core value of this group was to spread enlightenment to the world (though as a secret society I'm not sure how they were going to do that)

The AMORC is purely about spritualty, while the Rosicrucian Order was about bridging a gap between classical sciences, and the modern movement that was taking the world at the time.

As for your other questions, I believe there is a group called Alchemy Guild (or IAG) that may be of help to you.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 03:42 AM
A couple of guys in my Lodge belong to AMORC. They all say that the things they learn could be quite easily learned through self study, as the material is readily available, but they do remain in the Order - firstly, so that they can discuss and share what they have learned with like-minded people, and secondly, because being part of the Order motivates them to actually do the study, which they may otherwise have been too lazy to do.

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 11:15 AM
Thanks for your replies everyone, much appreciated!


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