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Young Illegal Immigrants, Driver Licenses, and SSNs...

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posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by wingsfan

I'm sorry, I never used the orange analogy. You're thinking of someone else.

Great countries were not built on these ideals.

What great countries? This country was built on the white man coming over and getting rid of every native he could and stealing the entire continent from them. Then we had that whole slavery thing. Oh, but that was all legal like when we did it right? So, it was okay!

At least the illegals just want to live with us and not entirely wipe our race out. At least give them credit for that.

And further more, what's illegal we can make legal anytime we want. So, you can't just say, oh it's illegal! So what, give them amnesty and make it legal if you have to. Would that all of a sudden make it right?
edit on 20-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by tinfoilman

Sorry bout that, meant to direct that to the other person but was taking the trash out and just hit reply.

Yes, I agree about amnesty, but then another group will displace them. Their illegal status makes them attractive to employment sectors. I think better living standards for everyone is good policy, selling some out and others under the bus just will never sit well with me.

I don't know, it just seems the world is changing a bit to fast and I've yet to see how anyone other then elite benefit from it.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by wingsfan

Their illegal status makes them attractive to employment sectors.

Well if that's really true, then at least that problem might go away if their status became legal. Or perhaps "more legal" if you will like conditional amnesty or something like that.

I don't know, it just seems the world is changing a bit to fast and I've yet to see how anyone other then elite benefit from it.

Yup. we're all getting screwed by them one way or another right now.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by tinfoilman

so, if you're not a super genius dictator that knows all the answers,
who do you suppose is ??

kinda difficult to work together under a super genius that knows all the answers but isn't sharing.

i'm not against deporting the illegals, especially the adults.
been through 2 amnesties and they certainly didn't work.

deporting isn't even comparable to the genocide of Hitler.
[unless you are suggesting we utilize the method of transport as practice targets]
why would you even consider comparing the two ??

there aren't any similarities to recognize.
what similarities aren't working since none exist ?

what does the citizen status have to do with being treated as human beings ?
criminals seem to be treated better here than in any other country in the world, so, what's the complaint regarding treatment ??

no offense intended here but why are you suggesting what Obama has already done ??
i thought we were searching for "new thinking" ?

i have yet to meet an "illegal" that started a legal business, do you know some ?
don't get me wrong, i know many illegals who operate illegal businesses but that's not what you suggested [thank goodness]

here's the question for your suggestion.
how does an illegal start a legal small business ??
would a lemonade stand qualify ??

here's a thought ... for those illegals who are "worthy" of citizenship, perhaps they should be tasked with acquiring a "citizen sponsor" to financially ease and expedite the current process rather subverting it.

perhaps something like extended community service would provide leads to citizen sponsors willing to participate.
it is possible that in communities where their presence is considered valuable, those community members would assist in the process of naturalization.
why should everyone be required to concede ??
especially those who can prove the illegal presence in their community is detrimental ??

edit on 20-9-2012 by Honor93 because: typos

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by Honor93

deporting isn't even comparable to the genocide of Hitler.
why would you even consider comparing the two ??

Because the genocide didn't start as a genocide. It started as a mass deportation program.

First it actually started with the country printing far too much money and then hyper inflating its currency which led to economic collapse. Exactly the same thing we're currently doing now in this country with the US Dollar. Printing it up like crazy to pay our debts. Except our situation is a little different and I'm not sure we'll get the hyper inflation or not. But that's another story. We'll still get the crash either way.

And we're all waiting for said collapse. We all know something bad like it is probably coming. Exactly the same as pre-WW2.

But when Hitler came to power, he didn't blame the country's problems on the printing presses or the previous wars that caused the hyper inflation to begin with. He blamed it on the Jews and used people's racism as his stepping stone to fanaticism. Everything was the Jew's fault.

The original solution was not to kill the Jews. It was to deport them all and get rid of them. Hence the trains. But as the war got going they realized it was impossible to deport them all. So they came up with the final solution instead. Use them as slaves and kill them all.

Other events going on in the world such as with Syria, Iran, Libya has many people convinced we're on the verge of WW3 as well. That's another topic.

However, it's the exact same pattern. We're over printing our money, heading into economic collapse and then that's probably followed up by WW3 all the while blaming the illegals for taking our jobs.

All I'm saying is, since I'm seeing the same pattern, it wouldn't surprise me that after the collapse, as we head into WW3, in a panic a dictator figure might come to power using the exact same line. Just like Hitler used.

Instead of telling people what really caused the problem, he could turn around and blame all the problems on the "illegals"! They took our jobs! And he'll get rid of them for good! And he's got the final solution! And use people's racism to again commit another holocaust type situation.

Hopefully, and I believe, that people are too smart to fall for that last step again. But it should be even easier to avoid if they see the pattern right in front of them.
edit on 20-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Honor93

i have yet to meet an "illegal" that started a legal business, do you know some ?

Actually I do, but that's not really the point. The point was to change the laws and create an environment where illegals could create businesses and therefore jobs instead of taking jobs. Most jobs come from small business which is vanishing in this country.

One of the problems with the economy is that nobody is borrowing to invest in new/old businesses which creates jobs. One of the scary parts about starting a small business is taking out the loans and getting yourself into debt which we're having a hard time convincing people to do.

But If we change the laws to create an environment where they can borrow to start businesses, and we offer them citizenship if they do and create jobs for citizens, it might encourage more small business and therefore more jobs.

This might not work at all, or if it does, it might be an idea that has to wait until after the collapse though when we go to build back up again, but it's an idea.
edit on 20-9-2012 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by tinfoilman

Thanks for your mature thoughts rather than creating enemies out of fellow men. People such as yourself give me some hope for humanity.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 10:58 AM
I have a compromise that may satisfy everyone.

Give the kids theis SSN's, so long as their parents agree to return to their country.

Then we can see just how many of them sincerely wanted a better life for their children [who they couldn't seem to stop themselves from making by the time the third poverty-stricken child was born], and how many wanted a better life for themselves.

Kind of a moment of reckoning for the people who allow emotions to make all of their decisions, at the behest of logic and reason.

posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by chasingbrahman
I have a compromise that may satisfy everyone.

Give the kids theis SSN's, so long as their parents agree to return to their country.

Then we can see just how many of them sincerely wanted a better life for their children [who they couldn't seem to stop themselves from making by the time the third poverty-stricken child was born], and how many wanted a better life for themselves.

Kind of a moment of reckoning for the people who allow emotions to make all of their decisions, at the behest of logic and reason.

That would certainly be an eye opener. Good one!

Most of the illegals I have known over many years had no desire whatsoever of becoming legal. Many stayed illegal because they said they 'got more' by being illegal. Many saved their money so they could return to their own country. Our money is worth a lot more in their country. There has been billions of dollars in fraud by illegals, so I believe that many use the excuse that they want a better life for their 'children'.

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