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'Fear-Monger' is a Word Turd.

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posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 04:58 PM
Why is this in RANT? Because it's a topic that Pi$$es me off as well as many other people I've noticed.

'Fear-Monger' is the new label for what people used to call 'Conspiracy Theorists.' Except now this new term is used to accuse people of spreading fear rather than theories.

I love how this guy explains people using the 'Fear-Monger' label as an easy way out of a real debate about an issue of which you have no knowledge.
Just throw in the 'Fear Monger' label to the thread and watch the stars pile up and the followers 'Ditto' the post.

It's a short vid but so correct IMO.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:01 PM
To Me there is a difference. Fear Mongers are uneducated in what they are preaching about, While Conspiracy Theorists, some anyway are looking for facts that have been covered up, Swept under the rug so to speak. In the end with it becoming Conspiracy Fact.

Also those are fit into the description of Conspiracy theorists also have an opener Mind to things outside of our known science and daily lives. Thinking outside the box so to speak.

And its thinking outside the Box that can be ground breaking in new area's of Science and Technology.

edit on 2-9-2012 by Pegasus2000 because: Added content

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:06 PM
Tell you what is annoying, I checked into the Secret Society forum today, to have a *real* good look around...

You literally get *jumped* on by a whole gang of members in there, like your a leg of lamb and they're rabid dogs.

My next step is assessing other forums to see if the trend continues..

In regard to fear mongering, have you seen the thread on the news feed board that's entitled "Attention ATS, this is important" and the simple message relayed is... "We're all screwed!"

Like LOL, really, its gained 10 flags thus far!!

edit on 2-9-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Pegasus2000
To Me there is a difference. Fear Mongers are uneducated in what they are preaching about, While Conspiracy Theorists, some anyway are looking for facts that have been covered up, Swept under the rug so to speak.


But unfortunately the person doing the labeling has no idea which is which and it suits the naysayers to have them all in the same Nut Basket.

If 'Fear-Monger' is the new crazy label then it serves a purpose to have all alternative thinkers under this umbrella. Takes away any credibility.


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
Tell you what is annoying, I checked into the Secret Society forum today, to have a *real* good look around...

You literally get *jumped* on by a whole gang of members in there, like your a leg of lamb and they're rabid dogs.

My next step is assessing other forums to see if the trend continues..

In regard to fear mongering, have you seen the thread on the news feed board that's entitled "Attention ATS, this is important" and the simple message relayed is... "We're all screwed!"

Like LOL, really, its gained 10 flags thus far!!

edit on 2-9-2012 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

Yeah I seen the thread. Although I do agree with the sentiment, it's either a sudden awakening or...?

Can't speak as to the intention of the thread but it'll soon be on the front page I believe.

And also, Stay away from those SS Forums!


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:22 PM
Oh that's just great!
Now I am fearful of people that use the term "Fear Monger"!

Thanks Jude!

edit on 2-9-2012 by tvtexan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by jude11

I've always equated the term "Fear Monger" to mean those who knowingly spread falsehoods to spread fear. What should those people be called? "Frauds" perhaps? There are folks who enjoy spreading falsehoods to scare sensitive people.

I'd agree though that it is used wrongly at times. It should not be directed towards a person who is just presenting a theory based on some kind of real evidence. That is wrong IMO. In that case I'd agree.

Fear mongering (or scaremongering or scare tactics) is the use of fear to influence the opinions and actions of others towards some specific end. The feared object or subject is sometimes exaggerated, and the pattern of fear mongering is usually one of repetition, in order to continuously reinforce the intended effects of this tactic, sometimes in the form of a vicious circle.


If a person were to knowingly post a picture of a sun-dog claiming it is a giant planet about to destroy Earth; That would qualify as "fear mongering".

Now if they honestly, but wrongly thought the photo of a sun-dog was a planet about to destroy the Earth, it would make them simply mistaken but honest.

There are legitimate uses of that term.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:44 PM
The fear mongers are the liberal politicians who cry racist at everything that isn't liberal.

As well as the other politicians who support Obamney.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by jude11

I love how this guy explains people using the 'Fear-Monger' label as an easy way out of a real debate about an issue of which you have no knowledge.


A while ago my girlfriends little brother proposed a new career in a company that sold licenses and then products through normal/personal networking while providing residuals if they recruited other people to work for the company. Otherwise known as mid-level marketing, or from a realistic point of view, a pyramid scheme. Done in a way that is legal of course...

There were 5 different companies that were mentioned over a period of time while he contemplated working for each one. Each one, I told him, was a pointless endeavour. It didn't matter the industry, or what I knew about it, I was quite familiar with these schemes. And it did not fit his objectives, nor would it provide for him adequately, the truth was that he needed traditional employment.

Because of his wish to work flexible hours he overlooked most employment opportunities hoping that one would pan out.

Do we need to know everything about a "theory" to catch that it is fear mongering.... No.

Just as we know when our government tells us something without adequate evidence to back it up that it is the same thing. During the build up of the Iraq war I could see public opinion being swayed by fear. There wasn't even adequate information out at the time to look at the situation objectively. Which pushed me further towards the conclusion that it was fear mongering.

The CT crowd shouldn't be held to the same standard? Hmmm....



posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
The fear mongers are the liberal politicians who cry racist at everything that isn't liberal.

As well as the other politicians who support Obamney.

Any biased rhetoric is fear mongering. So you must put yourself in that category as well now. Congratulations. Both parties have strengths and weaknesses but it is the two party system that is the real root of problems in government as it lets people be manipulated just because there is an "enemy" out there.

And you are a prime case of the effects of such a system....

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 05:50 PM
Alex Jones is an example of a fear mongering imbecile. He can be talking about isolated events of corruption but will quickly say "they" are our to get you or "they" want to take ______ away from you. Implying that everyone in government is complicit in all its actions.

That is an example of, as every case is different and "they", "them" and other generic lumping in of different peoples creates a boogeyman in the back of people's minds.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by boncho
Alex Jones is an example of a fear mongering imbecile. He can be talking about isolated events of corruption but will quickly say "they" are our to get you or "they" want to take ______ away from you. Implying that everyone in government is complicit in all its actions.

That is an example of, as every case is different and "they", "them" and other generic lumping in of different peoples creates a boogeyman in the back of people's minds.

Now how did I know that the almighty Boncho would find this thread?
Nice to have you drop by brother.

Quite agree with your statement on AJ. When I first started to explore my waking state I was of course introduced to his channel. Watched it, learned a little and then some more. After awhile tho, it started to sound the same with everything he said.

He is a true Fear Monger IMO. I say that because he just seems to lump everything into the same pot and blames the same people each and every single time without even sourcing his info at best. And then to turn around every time with a "They're coming to get you" message at the end.

Thanks Boncho...


posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 09:17 PM
Why don't we call fear mongering what is-- lying.

Fear mongering is using an exaggerated claim to instill fear in the hopes of swaying another person's opinion. The dictionary defines exaggerate as "to magnify beyond the limits of truth" and lying as "the telling of lies, or false statements; untruthfulness". So, exaggerating is just lying about the truth of the matter. In other words, the only real difference between exaggeration and lying is semantics. Fear mongering = exaggeration = lying.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 05:57 AM
conspiracies are all the rage now a days and there is a medical term now associated with conspiracy theorist - "paranoid schizophrenic" it's all explained here: - just a mental health issue

i've been called a fear monger together with freedom radio and alex jones:

JBurns: You sent them to "Freedom Radio." They are fear mongers, exactly like Alex Jones. [edit on 12/17/2008 by JBurns]

why, the government has even been called a fear monger:

Jinni: I thought the US government were fear mongers - WMD weapons in Iraq!? The truth is VERY ugly and people shouldn't 'fear' seeking the truth.

i liked what Jinni said......."the truth is VERY ugly and people shouldn't 'fear' seeking the truth - but, in actuality, imho, should anyone touch on the truth here there are hoards of magicians with excellent deflection techniques!

thousands of conspiracy sites and a lot of them are regurgitated, spoon fed BS (been there done that) - lots to sift through - it's a real s h i t storm - this is where common sense should kick in because sometimes we can find nuggets, another piece to the puzzle and a better understanding and a much clearer picture - after all knowledge is the beginning of understanding and together we might just be able to act with more wisdom -

we just can't look on the surface of things....we have to dig deep - like in chest.......go 20 deep! hopefully, the BS can be filtered out!

Occam's Razor

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