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5 Popular Zombie Survival Tactics (That Will Get You Killed)

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posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:03 PM
Article is old ( and yes i tried the ATS search )

With all the recents zombie apocalypse threads its still a good ( fun ) read.

This is so true, probably the kind of plan 90% of people think of ( including me for some ... )

Original Article

Everybody has a zombie contingency plan. A unique and ingenious stratagem they've spent hours contemplating that ensures they and their loved ones will stay alive in the event of a zombie apocalypse. The only problem? You've got the exact same essential plan as everybody else...

#5. Raiding the Gun Store

First things first: You need a firearm. The time for "common sense gun control" went out the window the second grandpa came back from the afterlife to make a sandwich out of your face

In short, you need to get to the gun store.

The only problem being: So does everybody else.

The closest gun shop to your house is also the closest gun shop to a thousand other people's houses, and at least a few dozen of them are going to get there before you. Assuming that the place isn't clean out--probably because the shop is either locked down like a fortress, or because the owners are barricaded inside

Owners of gun stores tend to like guns, and people that like guns not only generally want to keep them, but are also quite capable of using them. Not only are you probably not coming away from the gun store with a shiny new weapon; you'd be lucky to get out of there without an impromptu sunroof installed in your skull.

#2. Conserve Ammo: Use Melee Weapons When Possible

The zombie apocalypse is a rough and tumble place, and most of us manage to rack up ER-worthy papercuts even at our current passive office jobs. In short: You're going to have open wounds, and exploding heads tends to be a bloody affair. So if all body fluids infect, blood included, then bites are the least of your worries.

Bashing in a head at close range means you're going to get blood everywhere; if you had so much as a scrape, now you're a zombie. It's much better to use up a bit of your ammo supply, rather than risk taking a crimson shower in skull leavings from the infectious undead.

#1. Always Aim for the Head

Everybody knows that the only surefire way to kill a zombie is to destroy the brain, and we've already established that you want to be as far away as possible when you do that, so at some point in time you're going to be shooting zombies in the head.

headshots are awesome!
But think about that for a second: Headshots are impressive in movies and video games because they're the hardest of all possible shots.

Yes, headshots are the only way to kill the undead, but not the only way to stop them. A broken leg isn't just a figure of speech; it's a frakking leg that is broken. As in, it doesn't work anymore. A shattered femur or severed spine renders anything essentially immobile. So quickly spraying waist-level fire into an approaching onslaught is a far better idea than lining up headshots for bonus points.


Time to think about another survival strategy...


posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:08 PM
Spraying waist level doesnt work!!!

Unless we leave a few crawlers and go patch up some stuff lol

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:28 PM
i only see three

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:31 PM
just breed some flies on a massive scale.. they will land on the zombies and then larvae will begin eating the zombies, then become flies and repeat the cycle. flies don't live very long so it should work out fine

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:36 PM
Firearms period are going to get you killed unless used only as a last resort and with sound suppression.
Firearms make noise.
Sure, you might score 30 zombie head shots off a 30 round clip and want to call it a day, but, all that noise will be an open invitation to 300 more zombies zeroed in on your position and making a bee-line.

Best zombie weapon? ROPE!

Tie one end to something sturdy and immovable and then run circles around all the beef jerky on legs.
They get tangled up and immobilized SILENTLY and you can walk away (quietly) without attracting any undue attention.

All the other people that took to guns, well, those guns will be lying around everywhere; left by all the gun nuts that thought wrong about even 10,000 rounds being enough.

Guns, as noisy as they are, are however important, because zombies won't be your only worry.
OTHER PEOPLE are likely going to be just as big a threat to your safety as the zombies, and people can shoot back.
Best strategy with other people is to lure them into heavy infested areas, and let them make all the noise while you sit quiet and wait for all the zombies to do your work for you.

Use sound to your advantage. Wire car alarm horns directly to car batteries to attract zombies into areas and places away from where you want to go.

Use the zombies themselves as a weapon by luring them into areas were hostile groups of bad people have taken control.

Never have just one safe place, because there is no one safe place. Store supplies in several caches distributed over several locations so, if you ever have to run naked and screaming for your life, you've got fall back positions and you haven't lost everything.

Safe places should not be obvious safe places either, because if it LOOKS like a safe place, you will likely attract the attention of other people who might want your place for themselves, as well as your supplies.
A safe house should actually look unsafe and in actuality really only be temporary, because to feel safe is also to let your guard down.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by dashen

i only see three

Take the time to read the full article ( link provided ) and you will find the five and some more text to read instead of just quotes from the full article...


edit on 1/9/2012 by B3lz3buth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:06 PM
Do you think Mosquitos can transmit Zombie blood to the uninfected? Thats a whole other ball game. better get the DEET out!!

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Alchemst7
Do you think Mosquitos can transmit Zombie blood to the uninfected? Thats a whole other ball game. better get the DEET out!!

That would be the SCI-FI aspect of this whole thing. Mosquitoes would increase the rate at which infection would spread, assuming that it's a blood based virus.
You would need to have one of those fine nets and a nice little tent to be completely sheltered from such a thing.

I have this lingering belief that if we keep talking about zombies like this, and examining the possibilities that in time, the human race may stumble upon a way to make it really happen, and that it will, because it can.

Obviously they wouldn't be undead or whatever it is you people think zombies would be.
I think it might end up being some kind of frequency that can induce uncontrollable psychotic behaviour.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 01:39 AM
1. Raid the Gun Store - This would likely not happen. Not at first, anyway. Do you know why? Because this is America. Where 88 out of every 100 people already own a gun. So unless they are short on ammunition, they probably won't be running to the nearest gun store at the onset of a zombie outbreak.

2. Get Out of Town - This one would most likely happen. And as a result, many people would end up walking or dying. If you ever hang out on survivalist web forums, you will quickly discover that most of them have the idea of bugging out in the event of any sort of catastrophe. And the woefully unprepared will, of course, have the same idea. It's inevitable. Given a fight or flight response, far too many choose flight.

3. Fortify Your Base - I don't entirely agree that this is a bad idea.

4. Conserve Ammo. Use a Melee Weapon - Depending on the type of infection these zombies carry, it really is a horrible idea. It's a bit like unprotected sex with a hooker. You may really want to, but you are probably going to catch something.

5. Always Aim For The Head - I don't agree with the article. Waste ammo trying to slow down a shambling dead critter by spraying bullets into their spines? Bad idea. Maximum noise, minimal effect.

posted on Sep, 2 2012 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla

Firearms period are going to get you killed unless used only as a last resort and with sound suppression.
Firearms make noise.
Sure, you might score 30 zombie head shots off a 30 round clip and want to call it a day, but, all that noise will be an open invitation to 300 more zombies zeroed in on your position and making a bee-line.

Best zombie weapon? ROPE!

Tie one end to something sturdy and immovable and then run circles around all the beef jerky on legs.
They get tangled up and immobilized SILENTLY and you can walk away (quietly) without attracting any undue attention.

All the other people that took to guns, well, those guns will be lying around everywhere; left by all the gun nuts that thought wrong about even 10,000 rounds being enough.

Guns, as noisy as they are, are however important, because zombies won't be your only worry.
OTHER PEOPLE are likely going to be just as big a threat to your safety as the zombies, and people can shoot back.
Best strategy with other people is to lure them into heavy infested areas, and let them make all the noise while you sit quiet and wait for all the zombies to do your work for you.

Use sound to your advantage. Wire car alarm horns directly to car batteries to attract zombies into areas and places away from where you want to go.

Use the zombies themselves as a weapon by luring them into areas were hostile groups of bad people have taken control.

Never have just one safe place, because there is no one safe place. Store supplies in several caches distributed over several locations so, if you ever have to run naked and screaming for your life, you've got fall back positions and you haven't lost everything.

Safe places should not be obvious safe places either, because if it LOOKS like a safe place, you will likely attract the attention of other people who might want your place for themselves, as well as your supplies.
A safe house should actually look unsafe and in actuality really only be temporary, because to feel safe is also to let your guard down.

I like the way you think!! I'll try not to eat you if I become zombified....ummmm, wear something my infected brain might acknowledge, k??!

edit on 9/2/2012 by SmokeyDawn because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by B3lz3buth

5 imaginary tactics for an imaginary senario - chances of death , zero

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 04:15 AM
My survival plan includes a DIY flame thrower... I've never seen anything cooked try to bite back afterward
and i you miss with a flame thrower well... you're not far from brain dead already you might as well jump the bridge...

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 04:54 AM
I will be set with my bows. Un less zombies can track trajectories, a good compound bow would be weapon of choice. Silent and re-usable ammo.

I have a number of fall back spots already picked out and a network of underground survivalists that no one would ever pick to be organized for the end. We are always prepping for what might happen.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by B3lz3buth

With all the recents zombie apocalypse threads its still a good ( fun ) read.

man it just baffles me...

the fact that this is all going to come true. .come to fruition via the elite's plan for the most efficient form of population decimation.

Aaaand still.. there's people joking about it as if they are convinced it can't happen because of the carefully implemented Plato's Cave Hollywood conditioning since childhood. - that fiction can't happen and mundane facuality does happen... in this infinite universe.. that's the collective opinion.

but alas.. when it does occur.. via bio-warfare... those who joked about it .. will be the most dumbfounded of all...

edit on 9/3/2012 by prevenge because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by _R4t_
My survival plan includes a DIY flame thrower... I've never seen anything cooked try to bite back afterward
and i you miss with a flame thrower well... you're not far from brain dead already you might as well jump the bridge...

do NOT set zombies on fire.

they do not "know" they're "on fire".. they just keep coming.

and setting more stuff on fire...

now you've just made the situation 10x worse.

bad strategy.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:58 AM
Find your self some explosives. Lots of them.

Nothing says whoop ass like explosives. I life close to an explosives factory that supply the mines.


posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 12:36 PM
I like the flame thrower idea, if you can dig like 8 foot ditches around your house and then get some sort of boat hook to pin them in place in the ditch while they melt..... and while digging the ditches the boathook/poolhook, could help hold them back while they melt as well....

Burn the brains out while killing the infection at the same time.

kill two birds with one stone!


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